
360 lines
14 KiB

local dodge_duration = pvp_revamped.config.dodge_duration
local barrel_roll_duration = pvp_revamped.config.barrel_roll_duration
local dodge_cooldown = pvp_revamped.config.dodge_cooldown
local barrel_roll_cooldown = pvp_revamped.config.barrel_roll_cooldown
local dash_cooldown = pvp_revamped.config.dash_cooldown
local dodge_aerial_cooldown = pvp_revamped.config.dodge_aerial_cooldown
local barrel_roll_aerial_cooldown = pvp_revamped.config.barrel_roll_aerial_cooldown
local dash_aerial_cooldown = pvp_revamped.config.dash_aerial_cooldown
local projectile_half_throw_mul = pvp_revamped.config.projectile_half_throw_mul
local projectile_gravity = pvp_revamped.config.projectile_gravity
local projectile_dmg_mul = pvp_revamped.config.projectile_dmg_mul
local projectile_spinning_gravity_mul = pvp_revamped.config.projectile_spinning_gravity_mul
local projectile_dip_gravity_mul = pvp_revamped.config.projectile_dip_gravity_mul
local clash_duration = pvp_revamped.config.clash_duration
local dash_cooldown = pvp_revamped.config.dash_cooldown
local dash_cooldown = pvp_revamped.config.dash_cooldown
local hasty_guard_duration = pvp_revamped.config.hasty_guard_duration
local takedown = pvp_revamped.config.takedown
local projectile_throw_style_dip = pvp_revamped.projectile_throw_style_dip
local projectile_throw_style_spinning = pvp_revamped.projectile_throw_style_spinning
local player_data = pvp_revamped.player_data
local player_persistent_data = pvp_revamped.player_persistent_data
local create_hud_text_center = pvp_revamped.create_hud_text_center
local remove_text_center = pvp_revamped.remove_text_center
local get_player_information = minetest.get_player_information
local get_player_by_name = minetest.get_player_by_name
local get_us_time = minetest.get_us_time
local add_entity = minetest.add_entity
local maxn = table.maxn
local new = vector.new
local cos = math.cos
local sin = math.sin
local max = math.max
local floor = math.floor
local lag = dtime * 1000000
pvp_revamped.lag = lag
for k, v in pairs(player_data) do
local server_lag = lag + get_player_information(k).avg_jitter * 1000000
local player = get_player_by_name(k)
local time = get_us_time()
local pp_data = player_persistent_data[k]
local active
if v.block and v.aim then
-- Check if the player is holding down the RMB key.
if floor(player:get_player_control_bits() / 256) % 2 == 1 then
-- Update the block time.
v.block.time = time
local block = v.block
local aim = v.aim
-- Hand aims forward.
player:set_bone_position(aim.bone, aim.position, aim.rotation)
-- Remove the block table if it's past duration.
if block.time + block.duration + server_lag < time then
-- Revert the damage texture modifier.
player:set_properties{damage_texture_modifier = pp_data.damage_texture_modifier}
v.block = nil
-- Remove un-used hud element.
remove_text_center(player, "pvp_revamped:block_pool")
active = true
elseif not v.block and v.aim then
local aim = v.aim
-- Drop hand.
player:set_bone_position(aim.bone, aim.position, new(-180, 0, 0))
v.aim = nil
active = true
if v.shield and v.entity then
-- Check if the player is holding down the RMB key.
if floor(player:get_player_control_bits() / 256) % 2 == 1 then
-- Update the shield time.
v.shield.time = time
local shield = v.shield
-- Remove the shield table if it's past duration.
if shield.time + shield.duration + server_lag < time then
-- Revert the damage texture modifier.
player:set_properties{damage_texture_modifier = pp_data.damage_texture_modifier}
v.shield = nil
-- Remove un-used hud element.
remove_text_center(player, "pvp_revamped:shield_pool")
local entity = v.entity
-- Point arm forward.
player:set_bone_position(entity.bone, entity.position, entity.rotation)
active = true
elseif not v.shield and v.entity then
local entity = v.entity
-- Drop arms.
player:set_bone_position(entity.bone, entity.position, new(-180, 0, 0))
-- Update player's armor visual.
v.entity = nil
active = true
if v.throw then
local control_bits = player:get_player_control_bits()
local throw_data = v.throw
local tool_capabilities = throw_data.tool_capabilities
local full_throw = throw_data.time + tool_capabilities.full_throw
-- If neither LMB or RMB is down then throw the item.
if (floor(control_bits / 128) % 2 ~= 1 and floor(control_bits / 256) % 2 ~= 1) or pp_data.active_dodges or pp_data.active_barrel_rolls then
local pos = player:get_pos()
pos.y = pos.y + player:get_properties().eye_height
local obj = add_entity(pos, "pvp_revamped:projectile")
local ent = obj:get_luaentity()
if ent then
local throw_style = pp_data.throw_style
local throw_speed = tool_capabilities.throw_speed
local damage = tool_capabilities.damage_groups.fleshy
local projectile_gravity = tool_capabilities.projectile_gravity or projectile_gravity
local gravity = projectile_gravity
local projectile_dmg_mul = tool_capabilities.projectile_dmg_mul or projectile_dmg_mul
local projectile_spinning_gravity_mul = tool_capabilities.projectile_spinning_gravity_mul or projectile_spinning_gravity_mul
local projectile_dip_gravity_mul = tool_capabilities.projectile_dip_gravity_mul or projectile_dip_gravity_mul
local spin
if not throw_data.ready then
local projectile_half_throw_mul = tool_capabilities.projectile_half_throw_mul or projectile_half_throw_mul
local re = (full_throw - time) * projectile_half_throw_mul
if re > 0.5 then
damage = tool_capabilities.damage_groups.fleshy - re
throw_speed = throw_speed - re
if throw_style == projectile_throw_style_spinning then
spin = throw_speed
gravity = gravity * projectile_spinning_gravity_mul
elseif throw_style == projectile_throw_style_dip then
gravity = gravity * projectile_dip_gravity_mul
ent:set_item(k, throw_data.item)
ent:throw(player, throw_speed, {x = 0, y = gravity, z = 0}, max(damage * projectile_dmg_mul, 0.1), throw_style, spin)
-- Remove throwing hud.
remove_text_center(player, "pvp_revamped:throw_item")
v.throw = nil
elseif not throw_data.ready and full_throw < time + server_lag then
-- To prevent changing the hud repeatedly.
v.throw.ready = true
create_hud_text_center(player, "pvp_revamped:throw_item", "READY")
active = true
if v.immobilize then
local immobilize = v.immobilize
-- Check if the immobilize duration expired.
if immobilize.time + immobilize.value + server_lag < time then
-- Restore the player's physics.
get_player_by_name(k):set_physics_override({speed = 1, jump = 1})
v.immobilize = nil
active = true
if v.barrel_roll then
local active_barrel_rolls = nil
-- Process the player's barrel_roll table cooldown.
for j, l in pairs(v.barrel_roll) do
-- Find if it's aerial or not.
if j > 4 and l.time + barrel_roll_aerial_cooldown + server_lag < time then
v.barrel_roll[j] = nil
elseif j < 5 and l.time + barrel_roll_cooldown + server_lag < time then
v.barrel_roll[j] = nil
elseif l.time + barrel_roll_duration + server_lag > time then
local yaw = player:get_look_horizontal()
local co = cos(yaw)
local si = sin(yaw)
local x = l.x
local z = l.z
local re_x = co * x - si * z
local re_z = si * x + co * z
player:add_player_velocity({x = re_x, y = 0, z = re_z})
active_barrel_rolls = true
if not active_barrel_rolls and player:get_properties().damage_texture_modifier == "" then
-- Revert the damage texture modifier.
player:set_properties{damage_texture_modifier = pp_data.damage_texture_modifier}
-- Store the barrel_roll amount for later use.
player_persistent_data[k].active_barrel_rolls = active_barrel_rolls
-- If this table contains no more barrel_rolls remove it.
if maxn(v.barrel_roll) < 1 then
v.barrel_roll = nil
-- Remove un-used barrel roll text.
if not active_barrel_rolls then
remove_text_center(player, "pvp_revamped:barrel_roll")
active = true
if v.dodge then
local active_dodges = nil
-- Process the player's dodge table cooldown.
for j, l in pairs(v.dodge) do
-- Find if it's aerial or not.
if j > 4 and l + dodge_aerial_cooldown + server_lag < time then
v.dodge[j] = nil
elseif j < 5 and l + dodge_cooldown + server_lag < time then
v.dodge[j] = nil
elseif l + dodge_duration + server_lag > time then
active_dodges = true
if not active_dodges and player:get_properties().damage_texture_modifier == "" then
-- Revert the damage texture modifier.
player:set_properties{damage_texture_modifier = pp_data.damage_texture_modifier}
-- Store the dodge amount for later use.
player_persistent_data[k].active_dodges = active_dodges
-- If this table contains no more dodges remove it.
if maxn(v.dodge) < 1 then
v.dodge = nil
-- Remove un-used dodge text.
if not active_dodges then
remove_text_center(player, "pvp_revamped:dodge")
active = true
if v.dash then
-- Process the player's dash table cooldown.
for j, l in pairs(v.dash) do
-- Find if it's aerial or not.
if j > 4 and l + dash_aerial_cooldown + server_lag < time then
v.dash[j] = nil
elseif j < 5 and l + dash_cooldown + server_lag < time then
v.dash[j] = nil
-- If this table contains no more dashes remove it.
if maxn(v.dash) < 1 then
v.dash = nil
active = true
if v.hit then
local hit_data = v.hit
local hp = player:get_hp()
local hp_change
if hp >= 1 then
for i = #hit_data, 1, -1 do
-- End the loop if hp is below one.
if hp < 1 then
v.hit = nil
local data = hit_data[i]
if data.resolved or data.time + clash_duration + server_lag < time then
local block = v.block
local shield = v.shield
local damage = data.damage
local timeframe = time - server_lag
-- If the player was able to pull off a hasty guard cancel the attack.
if damage > 0 and not (block and block.initial_time + block.hasty_guard_duration > timeframe) and not (shield and shield.initial_time + shield.hasty_guard_duration > timeframe) then
hp = hp - damage
if takedown and not data.full_punch and (hp - damage) < 1 then
hp = 1
hp_change = true
elseif damage < 0 then
local hitter = get_player_by_name(data.name)
local hitter_hp = hitter:get_hp()
if (takedown and data.full_punch and (hitter_hp + damage) >= 1) or (not takedown and hitter_hp >= 1) then
hitter:set_hp(hitter_hp + damage)
elseif takedown and hitter_hp > 1 then
hitter:set_hp(max(hitter_hp + damage, 1))
local count = #hit_data
hit_data[i] = hit_data[count]
hit_data[count] = nil
local real_hp = player:get_hp()
if hp_change and real_hp >= 1 then
elseif real_hp < 1 then
v.hit = nil
-- If this table contains no more hits remove it.
if maxn(hit_data) < 1 then
v.hit = nil
v.hit = nil
active = true
if not active then
player_data[k] = nil