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Coder12a 2020-07-19 23:59:07 -05:00
parent b5e432dcc7
commit 57631fa744
2 changed files with 184 additions and 0 deletions

init.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
local head_height = 1.2
local torso_height = 0.75
local head_dmg_mul = 1.2
local torso_dmg_mul = 1.0
local arm_dmg_mul = 0.9
local leg_dmg_mul = 0.8
local front_dmg_mul = nil
local side_dmg_mul = 1.05
local back_dmg_mul = 1.1
local elevated_dmg_mul = 1.5
local equal_height_dmg_mul = nil
local lower_elevation_dmg_mul = 0.9
local velocity_dmg_mul = 0.15
local optimal_distance_dmg_mul = 0.2
local maximum_distance_dmg_mul = 0.1
local optimal_distance_mul = 0.5
local hit_points = {{x = 0.3, y = 1.2, z = 0, part = 1},
{x = 0, y = 1.2, z = 0, part = 0},
{x = -0.3, y = 1.2, z = 0, part = 1}}
local registered_tools = minetest.registered_tools
local raycast = minetest.raycast
local add = vector.add
local multiply = vector.multiply
local subtract = vector.subtract
local distance = vector.distance
local cos = math.cos
local sin = math.sin
local abs = math.abs
local atan = math.atan
local pi = math.pi
-- Do the damage calculations when the player gets hit.
minetest.register_on_punchplayer(function(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage)
local pos1 = hitter:get_pos()
local pos2 = player:get_pos()
local hitter_pos = {x = pos1.x, y = pos1.y, z = pos1.z}
local item = registered_tools[hitter:get_wielded_item():get_name()]
local range = 4
local yaw = player:get_look_horizontal()
local front
local full_punch
-- Get whether this was a full punch.
if tool_capabilities and time_from_last_punch >= tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval then
full_punch = true
-- May remove.
if item and item.alt_range then
range = item.alt_range
elseif item and item.range then
range = item.range
-- Raise the position to eye height.
hitter_pos.y = hitter_pos.y + hitter:get_properties().eye_height
-- Get the second position from the direction of the hitter.
local _dir = hitter:get_look_dir()
local hit_pos1 = add(hitter_pos, _dir)
local hit_pos2 = add(hit_pos1, multiply(_dir, range))
local ray = raycast(hit_pos1, hit_pos2):next()
if ray then
local hit_point = ray.intersection_point
local newpos = subtract(hit_point, pos2)
local y1 = hit_point.y
local y2 = pos2.y
if head_height and head_dmg_mul and y1 > y2 + head_height then
-- If the player was hit in the head add extra damage.
damage = damage * head_dmg_mul
elseif torso_height and y1 > y2 + torso_height then
-- Hit in the torso.
local near_part = 0
local past_distance = -1
for _, point in pairs(hit_points) do
local x = point.x
local y = point.y
local z = point.z
local co = cos(yaw)
local si = sin(yaw)
local re_x = co * x - si * z
local re_z = si * x + co * z
local dist = distance(newpos, {x = re_x, y = y, z = re_z})
if dist < past_distance or past_distance == -1 then
past_distance = dist
near_part = point.part
-- Hit in the arm.
if arm_dmg_mul and near_part == 1 then
damage = damage * arm_dmg_mul
elseif torso_dmg_mul then
damage = damage * torso_dmg_mul
elseif leg_dmg_mul then
-- Hit in the leg.
damage = damage * leg_dmg_mul
local dist = vector.distance(hitter_pos, pos2)
local optimal_range = range * optimal_distance_mul
local dist_rounded = dist + 0.5 - (dist + 0.5) % 1
-- Add or remove damage based on the distance.
-- Full punches are not affected by maximum distance.
if not full_punch and optimal_distance_mul and maximum_distance_dmg_mul and dist_rounded > optimal_range then
damage = damage - range * maximum_distance_dmg_mul
elseif optimal_distance_mul and optimal_distance_dmg_mul and dist_rounded < optimal_range then
damage = damage + optimal_range - dist_rounded * optimal_distance_dmg_mul
-- Get the yaw from both the player and intersection point.
local yaw2 = atan(newpos.z / newpos.x) + pi * 0.5
if hit_point.x >= pos2.x then
yaw2 = yaw2 + pi
local re_yaw = yaw - yaw2
if front_dmg_mul and re_yaw <= 0.7853982 and re_yaw >= -0.7853982 then
-- Hit in the front.
front = true
damage = damage * front_dmg_mul
elseif side_dmg_mul and re_yaw <= -0.7853982 and re_yaw >= -2.356194 then
-- Hit in the left.
damage = damage * side_dmg_mul
elseif back_dmg_mul and re_yaw <= -2.356194 and re_yaw >= -3.926991 then
-- Hit in the back.
damage = damage * back_dmg_mul
elseif side_dmg_mul then
-- Hit in the right.
damage = damage * side_dmg_mul
if elevated_dmg_mul and pos1.y > pos2.y then
-- Give a damage bonus or drawback to the aggressor if they are above the victim.
damage = damage * elevated_dmg_mul
elseif lower_elevation_dmg_mul and pos1.y < pos2.y then
-- Give a damage bonus or drawback to the aggressor if they are below the victim.
damage = damage * lower_elevation_dmg_mul
elseif equal_height_dmg_mul then
-- Give a damage bonus or drawback to the aggressor if they are equal footing with the victim.
damage = damage * equal_height_dmg_mul
-- This damage bonus can only be used if this is a full interval punch.
if full_punch and velocity_dmg_mul then
local v1 = hitter:get_player_velocity()
local vv
if front then
-- Ignore the victim's speed if you hit him in the front.
vv = abs(v1.x) + abs(v1.y) + abs(v1.z)
-- Subtract the victim's velocity from the aggressor if they where not hit in the front.
local v2 = player:get_player_velocity()
vv = abs(v1.x) - abs(v2.x) + abs(v1.y) - abs(v2.y) + abs(v1.z) - abs(v2.z)
if vv > 0 then
-- Give a damage bonus to the aggressor based on how fast they are running.
damage = damage + vv * velocity_dmg_mul
-- If damage is below zero set it to a default value.
if damage <= 0 then
damage = 1
-- Damage the player.
player:set_hp(player:get_hp() - damage, "punch")
return true

mod.conf Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
name = pvp_revamped
description = Adds an extra layer to pvp.