Anthony Zhang
Nodebox piston pushers! Fix a few piston bugs such as pistons pushing pistons, pistons pushing blocks into pushers causing blocks to get deleted, and many more. As a side effect, players can no longer simply walk through piston pushers. Additionally, pistons will only remove their own pushers, and not those of neighboring pistons as well. Remove ENABLE_PISTON_ANIMATION option (not compatible with nodebox piston pushers).
-- |\ /| ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ -- | \ / | | | | | | | |\ | | -- | \/ | |___ ____ |___ | | | | \ | |____ -- | | | | | | | | | \ | | -- | | |___ ____| |___ |____ |____| | \| ____| -- by Jeija and contributors Credits: Jeija: main developer sfan5: coding, textures temperest: coding, textures Jordach: Sounds for the noteblock minerd247: Some textures ...other contributors This is a mod for minetest-c55. Copy the mesecons_* directories into minetest/data/mods/ to install it. VERSION: 0.9 DEV