18 lines
668 B
Executable File

<?php include "../header.html";?>
<div id = "article">
<div class = "article-heading">Noteblock</div><br/>
<div class = "paragraph-heading">Craft recipe</div>
<img src = "../crafts/noteblock.png">
<div class = "paragraph-heading">Description</div>
<div class = "text">
This effector makes a sound if powered and can be used for making music. Normally it makes piano sounds. The sound frequency can be changed by punching the block. There are some special sounds that depend on the block below:<br/>
Glass: Hihat <br/>
Stone: Kick <br/>
Chest: Snare <br/>
Tree: Crash <br/>
Wood: Lite Crash
<?php include "../footer.html";?>