Fix performance issue for huge repositories

Problem: gitstats will read every commit and every file in repository in one
thread during initial statistics generation (i.e. no cache available). It may
take much time in case of huge repositories (100 000+ files) Solution: Execute
all read commands in 24 threads instead of one

Signed-off-by: Heikki Hokkanen <>
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Devyatkin 2012-12-16 14:22:19 +01:00 committed by Heikki Hokkanen
parent 31ff072d23
commit 8647c75d48

View File

@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ import sys
import time
import zlib
if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
print >> sys.stderr, "Python 2.6 or higher is required for gitstats"
from multiprocessing import Pool
os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
GNUPLOT_COMMON = 'set terminal png transparent size 640,240\nset size 1.0,1.0\n'
@ -104,6 +110,20 @@ def getgitversion():
def getgnuplotversion():
return getpipeoutput(['%s --version' % gnuplot_cmd]).split('\n')[0]
def getnumoffilesfromrev(time_rev):
Get number of files changed in commit
time, rev = time_rev
return (int(time), rev, int(getpipeoutput(['git ls-tree -r --name-only "%s"' % rev, 'wc -l']).split('\n')[0]))
def getnumoflinesinblob(ext_blob):
Get number of lines in blob
ext, blob_id = ext_blob
return (ext, blob_id, int(getpipeoutput(['git cat-file blob %s' % blob_id, 'wc -l']).split()[0]))
class DataCollector:
"""Manages data collection from a revision control repository."""
def __init__(self):
@ -408,14 +428,34 @@ class GitDataCollector(DataCollector):
# timezone
self.commits_by_timezone[timezone] = self.commits_by_timezone.get(timezone, 0) + 1
# TODO Optimize this, it's the worst bottleneck
# outputs "<stamp> <files>" for each revision
revlines = getpipeoutput(['git rev-list --pretty=format:"%%at %%T" %s' % getcommitrange('HEAD'), 'grep -v ^commit']).strip().split('\n')
lines = []
revs_to_read = []
time_rev_count = []
#Look up rev in cache and take info from cache if found
#If not append rev to list of rev to read from repo
for revline in revlines:
time, rev = revline.split(' ')
linecount = self.getFilesInCommit(rev)
lines.append('%d %d' % (int(time), linecount))
#if cache empty then add time and rev to list of new rev's
#otherwise try to read needed info from cache
if 'files_in_tree' not in self.cache.keys():
if rev in self.cache['files_in_tree'].keys():
lines.append('%d %d' % (int(time), self.cache['files_in_tree'][rev]))
#Read revisions from repo
time_rev_count = Pool(processes=24).map(getnumoffilesfromrev, revs_to_read)
#Update cache with new revisions and append then to general list
for (time, rev, count) in time_rev_count:
if 'files_in_tree' not in self.cache:
self.cache['files_in_tree'] = {}
self.cache['files_in_tree'][rev] = count
lines.append('%d %d' % (int(time), count))
self.total_commits += len(lines)
for line in lines:
@ -430,6 +470,7 @@ class GitDataCollector(DataCollector):
# extensions and size of files
lines = getpipeoutput(['git ls-tree -r -l -z %s' % getcommitrange('HEAD', end_only = True)]).split('\000')
blobs_to_read = []
for line in lines:
if len(line) == 0:
@ -437,7 +478,7 @@ class GitDataCollector(DataCollector):
if parts[0] == '160000' and parts[3] == '-':
# skip submodules
sha1 = parts[2]
blob_id = parts[2]
size = int(parts[3])
fullpath = parts[4]
@ -451,15 +492,28 @@ class GitDataCollector(DataCollector):
ext = filename[(filename.rfind('.') + 1):]
if len(ext) > conf['max_ext_length']:
ext = ''
if ext not in self.extensions:
self.extensions[ext] = {'files': 0, 'lines': 0}
self.extensions[ext]['files'] += 1
self.extensions[ext]['lines'] += self.getLinesInBlob(sha1)
print 'Warning: Could not count lines for file "%s"' % line
#if cache empty then add ext and blob id to list of new blob's
#otherwise try to read needed info from cache
if 'lines_in_blob' not in self.cache.keys():
if blob_id in self.cache['lines_in_blob'].keys():
self.extensions[ext]['lines'] += self.cache['lines_in_blob'][blob_id]
#Get info abount line count for new blob's that wasn't found in cache
ext_blob_linecount = Pool(processes=24).map(getnumoflinesinblob, blobs_to_read)
#Update cache and write down info about number of number of lines
for (ext, blob_id, linecount) in ext_blob_linecount:
if 'lines_in_blob' not in self.cache:
self.cache['lines_in_blob'] = {}
self.cache['lines_in_blob'][blob_id] = linecount
self.extensions[ext]['lines'] += self.cache['lines_in_blob'][blob_id]
# line statistics
# outputs:
@ -619,33 +673,12 @@ class GitDataCollector(DataCollector):
def getDomains(self):
def getFilesInCommit(self, rev):
res = self.cache['files_in_tree'][rev]
res = int(getpipeoutput(['git ls-tree -r --name-only "%s"' % rev, 'wc -l']).split('\n')[0])
if 'files_in_tree' not in self.cache:
self.cache['files_in_tree'] = {}
self.cache['files_in_tree'][rev] = res
return res
def getFirstCommitDate(self):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.first_commit_stamp)
def getLastCommitDate(self):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.last_commit_stamp)
def getLinesInBlob(self, sha1):
res = self.cache['lines_in_blob'][sha1]
res = int(getpipeoutput(['git cat-file blob %s' % sha1, 'wc -l']).split()[0])
if 'lines_in_blob' not in self.cache:
self.cache['lines_in_blob'] = {}
self.cache['lines_in_blob'][sha1] = res
return res
def getTags(self):
lines = getpipeoutput(['git show-ref --tags', 'cut -d/ -f3'])
return lines.split('\n')