WunderWeather: Add Python 3 compatibility.

Valentin Lorentz 2013-06-16 09:49:22 +02:00
parent 6adea633db
commit 859037224d
3 changed files with 55 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ __version__ = "%%VERSION%%"
__author__ = supybot.authors.mtughan
import config
import plugin
from . import config
from . import plugin
from imp import reload
reload(plugin) # In case we're being reloaded.
# Add more reloads here if you add third-party modules and want them to be
# reloaded when this plugin is reloaded. Don't forget to import them as well!

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@ -28,14 +28,25 @@
import sys
import xml.dom.minidom as dom
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import wrap, additional, getopts
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
import shortforms
from . import shortforms
# Name 'reload' is used by Supybot
from imp import reload as reload_
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
def u(s):
return s
def u(s):
return unicode(s, "unicode_escape")
noLocationError = 'No such location could be found.'
class NoLocation(callbacks.Error):
@ -84,11 +95,11 @@ class WunderWeather(callbacks.Plugin):
showForecast = True
if showCurrent and showForecast:
output.append(u'Weather for ' + locationName)
output.append(u('Weather for ') + locationName)
elif showCurrent:
output.append(u'Current weather for ' + locationName)
output.append(u('Current weather for ') + locationName)
elif showForecast:
output.append(u'Forecast for ' + locationName)
output.append(u('Forecast for ') + locationName)
if showCurrent:
@ -159,13 +170,13 @@ class WunderWeather(callbacks.Plugin):
# format temperatures using _formatForMetricOrImperial
def _formatCurrentConditionTemperatures(self, dom, string):
tempC = self._getNodeValue(dom, string + '_c', u'N/A') + u'\xb0C'
tempF = self._getNodeValue(dom, string + '_f', u'N/A') + u'\xb0F'
tempC = self._getNodeValue(dom, string + '_c', u('N/A')) + u('\xb0C')
tempF = self._getNodeValue(dom, string + '_f', u('N/A')) + u('\xb0F')
return self._formatForMetricOrImperial(tempF, tempC)
def _formatForecastTemperatures(self, dom, type):
tempC = self._getNodeValue(dom.getElementsByTagName(type)[0], 'celsius', u'N/A') + u'\xb0C'
tempF = self._getNodeValue(dom.getElementsByTagName(type)[0], 'fahrenheit', u'N/A') + u'\xb0F'
tempC = self._getNodeValue(dom.getElementsByTagName(type)[0], 'celsius', u('N/A')) + u('\xb0C')
tempF = self._getNodeValue(dom.getElementsByTagName(type)[0], 'fahrenheit', u('N/A')) + u('\xb0F')
return self._formatForMetricOrImperial(tempF, tempC)
# formats any imperial or metric values according to the config
@ -180,25 +191,25 @@ class WunderWeather(callbacks.Plugin):
if not returnValues:
returnValues = (imperial, metric)
return u' / '.join(returnValues)
return u(' / ').join(returnValues)
def _formatPressures(self, dom):
# lots of function calls, but it just divides pressure_mb by 10 and rounds it
pressureKpa = str(round(float(self._getNodeValue(dom, 'pressure_mb', u'0')) / 10, 1)) + 'kPa'
pressureIn = self._getNodeValue(dom, 'pressure_in', u'0') + 'in'
pressureKpa = str(round(float(self._getNodeValue(dom, 'pressure_mb', u('0'))) / 10, 1)) + 'kPa'
pressureIn = self._getNodeValue(dom, 'pressure_in', u('0')) + 'in'
return self._formatForMetricOrImperial(pressureIn, pressureKpa)
def _formatSpeeds(self, dom, string):
mphValue = float(self._getNodeValue(dom, string, u'0'))
speedM = u'%dmph' % round(mphValue)
speedK = u'%dkph' % round(mphValue * 1.609344) # thanks Wikipedia for the conversion rate
mphValue = float(self._getNodeValue(dom, string, u('0')))
speedM = u('%dmph') % round(mphValue)
speedK = u('%dkph') % round(mphValue * 1.609344) # thanks Wikipedia for the conversion rate
return self._formatForMetricOrImperial(speedM, speedK)
def _formatUpdatedTime(self, dom):
observationTime = self._getNodeValue(dom, 'observation_epoch', None)
localTime = self._getNodeValue(dom, 'local_epoch', None)
if not observationTime or not localTime:
return self._getNodeValue(dom, 'observation_time', 'Unknown Time').lstrip(u'Last Updated on ')
return self._getNodeValue(dom, 'observation_time', 'Unknown Time').lstrip(u('Last Updated on '))
seconds = int(localTime) - int(observationTime)
minutes = int(seconds / 60)
@ -232,24 +243,24 @@ class WunderWeather(callbacks.Plugin):
temp = self._formatCurrentConditionTemperatures(dom, 'temp')
if self._getNodeValue(dom, 'heat_index_string') != 'NA':
temp += u' (Heat Index: %s)' % self._formatCurrentConditionTemperatures(dom, 'heat_index')
temp += u(' (Heat Index: %s)') % self._formatCurrentConditionTemperatures(dom, 'heat_index')
if self._getNodeValue(dom, 'windchill_string') != 'NA':
temp += u' (Wind Chill: %s)' % self._formatCurrentConditionTemperatures(dom, 'windchill')
output.append(u'Temperature: ' + temp)
temp += u(' (Wind Chill: %s)') % self._formatCurrentConditionTemperatures(dom, 'windchill')
output.append(u('Temperature: ') + temp)
output.append(u'Humidity: ' + self._getNodeValue(dom, 'relative_humidity', u'N/A%'))
output.append(u('Humidity: ') + self._getNodeValue(dom, 'relative_humidity', u('N/A%')))
if self.registryValue('showPressure', self.__channel):
output.append(u'Pressure: ' + self._formatPressures(dom))
output.append(u'Conditions: ' + self._getNodeValue(dom, 'weather').capitalize())
output.append(u'Wind: ' + self._getNodeValue(dom, 'wind_dir', u'None').capitalize() + ', ' + self._formatSpeeds(dom, 'wind_mph'))
output.append(u'Updated: ' + self._formatUpdatedTime(dom))
return u'; '.join(output)
output.append(u('Pressure: ') + self._formatPressures(dom))
output.append(u('Conditions: ') + self._getNodeValue(dom, 'weather').capitalize())
output.append(u('Wind: ') + self._getNodeValue(dom, 'wind_dir', u('None')).capitalize() + ', ' + self._formatSpeeds(dom, 'wind_mph'))
output.append(u('Updated: ') + self._formatUpdatedTime(dom))
return u('; ').join(output)
def _getDom(self, url):
xmlString = utils.web.getUrl(url)
return dom.parseString(xmlString)
except utils.web.Error, e:
except utils.web.Error as e:
error = e.args[0].capitalize()
if error[-1] != '.':
error = error + '.'
@ -282,10 +293,13 @@ class WunderWeather(callbacks.Plugin):
def _formatUnicodeOutput(output):
# UTF-8 encoding is required for Supybot to handle \xb0 (degrees) and other special chars
# We can't (yet) pass it a Unicode string on its own (an oddity, to be sure)
return u' | '.join(output).encode('utf-8')
s = u(' | ').join(output)
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
s = s.encode('utf-8')
return s
_formatUnicodeOutput = staticmethod(_formatUnicodeOutput)
def _getNodeValue(dom, value, default=u'Unknown'):
def _getNodeValue(dom, value, default=u('Unknown')):
subTag = dom.getElementsByTagName(value)
if len(subTag) < 1:
return default
@ -296,7 +310,7 @@ class WunderWeather(callbacks.Plugin):
_getNodeValue = staticmethod(_getNodeValue)
def _noLocation():
raise NoLocation, noLocationError
raise NoLocation(noLocationError)
_noLocation = staticmethod(_noLocation)
Class = WunderWeather

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@ -28,7 +28,15 @@
import sys
encoding = 'utf-8'
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
def u(s):
return s
def u(s):
return unicode(s, "unicode_escape")
# Provinces. (Province being a metric state measurement mind you. :D)
_shortforms = {
@ -63,7 +71,7 @@ _shortforms = {
'at': 'austria',
'au': 'australia',
'aw': 'aruba',
'ax': u'åland islands',
'ax': u('åland islands'),
'ba': 'bosnia and herzegovina',
'bb': 'barbados',
'bd': 'bangladesh',