Move all commands into the 'citizen' commands group.

Valentin Lorentz 2013-05-23 13:11:16 +02:00
parent 2f90ce06bf
commit 1d64a3ad20
1 changed files with 64 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import json
from string import Template
import supybot.conf as conf
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.plugins as plugins
@ -74,78 +75,79 @@ def flatten_subdicts(dicts):
class ERepublik(callbacks.Plugin):
threaded = True
def _getCitizen(self, irc, name):
key = self.registryValue('apikey')
if not key:
irc.error(_('No API key set. Ask the owner to add one.'),
if name.isdigit():
base = ''
data = json.load(utils.web.getUrlFd(base % (name, key)))
color = 3 if data['online'] else 4
data['name'] = '\x030%i%s\x0f' % (color, data['name'])
return data
base = ''
data = json.load(utils.web.getUrlFd(base % (name, key)))
return self._getCitizen(irc, str(data[0]['id']))
irc.error(_('This citizen does not exist.'), Raise=True)
class citizen(callbacks.Commands):
def _get(self, irc, name):
key = conf.supybot.plugins.ERepublik.apikey()
if not key:
irc.error(_('No API key set. Ask the owner to add one.'),
if name.isdigit():
base = ''
data = json.load(utils.web.getUrlFd(base % (name, key)))
color = 3 if data['online'] else 4
data['name'] = '\x030%i%s\x0f' % (color, data['name'])
return data
base = ''
data = json.load(utils.web.getUrlFd(base % (name, key)))
return self._get(irc, str(data[0]['id']))
irc.error(_('This citizen does not exist.'), Raise=True)
def _advinfo(self, irc, msg, args, format_, name):
"""<format> <name|id>
def _advinfo(self, irc, msg, args, format_, name):
"""<format> <name|id>
Returns informations about a citizen with advanced formating."""
citizen = flatten_subdicts(self._getCitizen(irc, name))
repl = lambda x:Template(x).safe_substitute(citizen)
irc.replies(map(repl, format_.split('\\n')))
except KeyError:
irc.error(_('Invalid format.'), Raise=True)
advinfo = wrap(_advinfo, ['something', 'text'])
Returns informations about a citizen with advanced formating."""
citizen = flatten_subdicts(self._get(irc, name))
repl = lambda x:Template(x).safe_substitute(citizen)
irc.replies(map(repl, format_.split('\\n')))
except KeyError:
irc.error(_('Invalid format.'), Raise=True)
advinfo = wrap(_advinfo, ['something', 'text'])
def _gen(format_, name, doc):
format_ = re.sub('[ \n]+', ' ', format_)
def f(self, irc, msg, args, sequence):
self._advinfo(irc, msg, args, format_, sequence)
f.__doc__ = """<name|id>
def _gen(format_, name, doc):
format_ = re.sub('[ \n]+', ' ', format_)
def f(self, irc, msg, args, sequence):
self._advinfo(irc, msg, args, format_, sequence)
f.__doc__ = """<name|id>
%s""" % doc
return wrap(f, ['text'], name=name)
%s""" % doc
return wrap(f, ['text'], name=name)
info = _gen("""\x02Name: $name (ID:\x0310 $id\x03)\x0310,\x03 Level: \x0310$level,\x03 Strength:\x0310 $strength,\x03 Residence:
\x0310$residence__region__name, $residence__country__name,\x03 Citizenship:
\x0310$citizenship__name,\x03 Rank: \x0310$rank__name,\x03 Party: \x0310$party__name,\x03 MU:
'Returns general informations about a citizen.')
info = _gen("""\x02Name: $name (ID:\x0310 $id\x03)\x0310,\x03 Level: \x0310$level,\x03 Strength:\x0310 $strength,\x03 Residence:
\x0310$residence__region__name, $residence__country__name,\x03 Citizenship:
\x0310$citizenship__name,\x03 Rank: \x0310$rank__name,\x03 Party: \x0310$party__name,\x03 MU:
'Returns general informations about a citizen.')
link = _gen("""\x02$name's link\x0310 <->\x03$id """,
'Returns link informations about a citizen.')
link = _gen("""\x02$name's link\x0310 <->\x03$id """,
'Returns link informations about a citizen.')
donate = _gen("""\x02$name's donate link\x0310 <->\x03$id """,
'Returns link to danate.')
donate = _gen("""\x02$name's donate link\x0310 <->\x03$id """,
'Returns link to danate.')
avatar = _gen("""\x02$name's avatar link\x0310 <->\x03 $avatar """,
'Returns avatar link of citizen.')
avatar = _gen("""\x02$name's avatar link\x0310 <->\x03 $avatar """,
'Returns avatar link of citizen.')
def medals(self, irc, msg, args, name):
def medals(self, irc, msg, args, name):
Displays the citizen's medals."""
citizen = self._getCitizen(irc, name)
medals = ['%s (%i)' % x for x in citizen['medals'].items() if x[1]]
irc.reply(_('%s has the following medal(s): %s') %
(name, ', '.join(medals)))
medals = wrap(medals, ['text'])
Displays the citizen's medals."""
citizen = self._get(irc, name)
medals = ['%s (%i)' % x for x in citizen['medals'].items() if x[1]]
irc.reply(_('%s has the following medal(s): %s') %
(name, ', '.join(medals)))
medals = wrap(medals, ['text'])
ERepublik = internationalizeDocstring(ERepublik)