Glob2Chan: makes the welcome message, and the subscription lists work

Valentin Lorentz 2010-12-04 11:54:39 +01:00
parent be2cab6d47
commit 11e48befbd
3 changed files with 146 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -44,6 +44,13 @@ Glob2Chan = conf.registerPlugin('Glob2Chan')
# This is where your configuration variables (if any) should go. For example:
# conf.registerGlobalValue(Glob2Chan, 'someConfigVariableName',
# registry.Boolean(False, """Help for someConfigVariableName."""))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Glob2Chan, 'nowelcome', registry.String('',
'''List of nick that doesn't get the welcome message.'''))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Glob2Chan, 'gamers', registry.String('',
'''List of nick that are notified when someone calls @ask4game.'''))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Glob2Chan, 'helpers', registry.String('',
'''List of nick that are notified when someone calls @ask4help.'''))
# vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79:

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@ -31,15 +31,149 @@
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.plugins as plugins
import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
class Glob2Chan(callbacks.Plugin):
"""Add the help for "@plugin help Glob2Chan" here
This should describe *how* to use this plugin."""
def doJoin(self, irc, msg):
channel = msg.args[0]
if channel != '#glob2':
nick = msg.nick
if nick.startswith('[YOG]') and \
nick not in self.registryValue('nowelcome').split(' '):
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(nick, 'Hi %s, welcome to the '
'globulation online game. Some people are connected from '
'IRC if you say there name, they may answer you or start '
'playing. For more help, type "@g2help" (without the quotes).'%
if nick.startswith('[YOG]'):
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.IrcMsg(s='WHOIS %s' % nick))
def do311(self, irc, msg):
nick = msg.args[1]
realname = msg.args[5]
version = 'Glob2 version %s' % realname.split('-')[1]
version = 'unknown version'
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg('#glob2', 'Welcome to %s, running %s' % \
(nick, version)))
def g2help(self, irc, msg, args, mode):
channel = msg.args[0]
if channel != '#glob2':
nick = msg.nick
if mode is None and nick.startswith('[YOG]'):
mode = 'yog'
elif mode is None:
mode = 'irc'
if not mode in ('yog', 'irc'):
irc.error('Modes can are only "irc" and "yog"')
if mode == 'irc':
irc.reply('(help for YOG users:) If you are feed up with getting '
'a welcome message each time you log in, type "@nowelcome". '
'If you want to send an automatically alert to every people '
'who wants to play but who is not reading the chat, type '
'"@ask4game". For more information, ask for help, with '
'typing `!ask4help`. You can find stats about this channel '
elif mode == 'yog':
irc.reply('(help for IRC users:) If you want to be notified each '
'time someone uses "@ask4game" (game query) or "@ask4help" '
'(help query), type "@subscribe ask4game" or "@subscribe '
'ask4help" (depending on what you want). The opposite of '
'"@subscribe" is "@unsubscribe".')
g2help = wrap(g2help, [optional('somethingWithoutSpaces')])
def nowelcome(self, irc, msg, args):
"""takes no arguments
Disable the welcome message"""
channel = msg.args[0]
if channel != '#glob2':
nick = msg.nick
if not nick.startswith('[YOG]'):
irc.error('You are not a YOG user, so, their is no reason I send '
'you a welcome message, but you ask me to stop sending them '
'to you. Are you crazy?')
self.registryValue('nowelcome', value='%s %s' %
(self.registryValue('nowelcome'), nick))
irc.reply('I will not send you again the welcome message')
nowelcome = wrap(nowelcome, [])
def ask4game(self, irc, msg, args):
"""takes no arguments
Notifies the gamers who subscribed to the alert list you want
to play."""
channel = msg.args[0]
if channel != '#glob2':
online = irc.state.channels[channel].users
gamers = self.registryValue('gamers')
onlineGamers = [x for x in online if x in gamers]
if len(onlineGamers) == 0:
irc.reply('Sorry, no registered gamer is online')
irc.reply('%s: %s' % (' & '.join(onlineGamers),
'Someone is asking for a game!'),
ask4game = wrap(ask4game, [])
def ask4help(self, irc, msg, args):
"""takes no arguments
Notifies the helers who subscribed to the alert list you want
to play."""
channel = msg.args[0]
if channel != '#glob2':
online = irc.state.channels[channel].users
helpers = self.registryValue('helpers')
onlineHelpers = [x for x in online if x in helpers]
if len(onlineHelpers) == 0:
irc.reply('Sorry, no registered helper is online')
irc.reply('%s: %s' % (' & '.join(onlineHelpers),
'Someone is asking for help!'),
ask4help = wrap(ask4help, [])
def subscribe(self, irc, msg, args, type_):
Subscribes you to the gamers/helpers alert list."""
channel = msg.args[0]
if channel != '#glob2':
nick = msg.nick
print repr(type_)
if type_ == 'ask4game':
if nick in self.registryValue('gamers').split(' '):
irc.error('You already subscribed to this list')
print '%s %s' % \
(self.registryValue('gamers'), nick)
self.setRegistryValue('gamers', value='%s %s' %
(self.registryValue('gamers'), nick))
elif type_ == 'ask4help':
if nick in self.registryValue('helpers').split(' '):
irc.error('You already subscribed to this list')
self.setRegistryValue('helpers', value='%s %s' %
(self.registryValue('helpers'), nick))
irc.error('The only available subscriptions are ask4game and '
irc.reply('I will notify you each time someone uses %s.' % type_)
subscribe = wrap(subscribe, ['somethingWithoutSpaces'])
Class = Glob2Chan

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@ -29,9 +29,11 @@
from supybot.test import *
import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
class Glob2ChanTestCase(PluginTestCase):
plugins = ('Glob2Chan',)
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