Add documentation out of PilzAdams wiki

Casimir 2015-09-03 21:40:36 +02:00
parent 504b8f7d52
commit e4c2a9833a
3 changed files with 102 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -11,11 +11,8 @@ a linux system-wide instalation place it in ~/.minetest/mods/.
For further information or help see:
How to use the mod:
For developers:
The API documentation is moved to
Minetest's damage system:
The damage system in Minetest is more complex than just hold down the left mouse button. After the first punch your hand or weapon has a "reload" time. This is for most weapons 1 second. After the reload time the player can punch again.
Sourcecode: WTFPL (see below)

api.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
API. Other mods can use the functions to add their own mobs.
-- Register the mob
mobapi.register_mob(name, definition)
This functions registers a new mob as a Minetest entity.
name the name of the mob (e.g. "mobs:dirt_monster")
definition a table with the following fields
type type of the mob ("monster" or "animal")
hp_max same as in minetest.register_entity()
physical same as in minetest.register_entity()
collisionbox same as in minetest.register_entity()
visual same as in minetest.register_entity()
visual_size same as in minetest.register_entity()
textures same as in minetest.register_entity()
mesh same as in minetest.register_entity()
makes_footstep_sound same as in minetest.register_entity()
view_range range in that the monster will see the playerand follow him
walk_velocity velocity when the monster is walking around
run_velocity velocity when the monster is attacking a player
damage damage per second
drops list of tables with the following fields:
name itemname
chance inverted chance (same as in abm) to get the item
min minimum number of items
max maximum number of items
armor armor (integer)(3=lowest; 1=highest)(fleshy group is used)
drawtype "front" or "side" for 2D entities
water_damage damage per second if the mob is in water
lava_damage damage per second if the mob is in lava
light_damage damage per second if the mob is in light
on_rightclick same as in minetest.register_entity()
attack_type attack type of a monster ("dogfight", "shoot", maybe something like "explode" in the future)
arrow if the attack_type="shoot" needed: the entity name of the arrow
shoot_interval minimum shoot interval
sounds table with sounds of the mob
random played randomly
attack played when a mob hits a player
animation table with the animation ranges and speed of the model
speed_run used when mob runs behind player to make animation faster
-- Spawn
mobapi.register_spawn(name, nodes, max_light, min_light, chance, active_object_count, max_height)
This function registers a spawn algorithm for the animal. Without this function the call the mobs won't spawn.
name is the name of the animal/monster
nodes is a list of nodenames on that the animal/monster can spawn
max_light is the maximum of light
min_light is the minimum of light
chance is same as in register_abm()
active_object_count mob is only spawned if active_object_count_wider of ABM is <= this
max_height is the maximum height the mob can spawn
For each mob that spawns with this function is a field in mobs.spawning_mobs. It tells if the mob should spawn or not. Default is true. So other mods can only use the API of this mod by disabling the spawning of the default mobs in this mod.
-- Arrow
mobs:register_arrow(name, definition)
This function registers a arrow for mobs with the attack type shoot.
name name of the arrow
definition table with the following values:
visual same as in minetest.register_entity()
visual_size same as in minetest.register_entity()
textures same as in minetest.register_entity()
velocity velocity of the arrow
hit_player(self, player) function that is called when the arrow hits a player; this function should hurt the player
hit_node(self, pos, node) function that is called when the arrow hits a node

settings.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# To use those settings add them to your minetest.conf
# All hostile mobs will despawn.
only_peaceful_mobs = true
# Show a message in the chat when a mob spawns.
display_mob_spawn = true