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2016-10-16 08:40:33 -07:00
-- digicompute/env.lua --
2016-10-16 07:52:40 -07:00
-- [function] create environment
function digicompute.env()
local function safe_date()
2016-10-16 07:52:40 -07:00
-- string.rep(str, n) with a high value for n can be used to DoS
-- the server. Therefore, limit max. length of generated string.
local function safe_string_rep(str, n)
if #str * n > 6400 then
debug.sethook() -- Clear hook
error("string.rep: string length overflow", 2)
2016-10-16 07:52:40 -07:00
return string.rep(str, n)
2016-10-16 07:52:40 -07:00
-- string.find with a pattern can be used to DoS the server.
-- Therefore, limit string.find to patternless matching.
local function safe_string_find(...)
if (select(4, ...)) ~= true then
debug.sethook() -- Clear hook
error("string.find: 'plain' (fourth parameter) must always be true for digicomputers.")
2016-10-16 07:52:40 -07:00
return string.find(...)
2016-10-16 07:52:40 -07:00
local env = {
assert = assert,
pairs = pairs,
ipairs = ipairs,
dump = dump,
type = type,
string = {
byte = string.byte,
char = string.char,
format = string.format,
len = string.len,
lower = string.lower,
upper = string.upper,
rep = safe_string_rep,
reverse = string.reverse,
sub = string.sub,
find = safe_string_find,
math = {
abs = math.abs,
acos = math.acos,
asin = math.asin,
atan = math.atan,
atan2 = math.atan2,
ceil = math.ceil,
cos = math.cos,
cosh = math.cosh,
deg = math.deg,
exp = math.exp,
floor = math.floor,
fmod = math.fmod,
frexp = math.frexp,
huge = math.huge,
ldexp = math.ldexp,
log = math.log,
log10 = math.log10,
max = math.max,
min = math.min,
modf = math.modf,
pi = math.pi,
pow = math.pow,
rad = math.rad,
random = math.random,
sin = math.sin,
sinh = math.sinh,
sqrt = math.sqrt,
tan = math.tan,
tanh = math.tanh,
table = {
concat = table.concat,
insert = table.insert,
maxn = table.maxn,
remove = table.remove,
sort = table.sort,
os = {
clock = os.clock,
difftime = os.difftime,
time = os.time,
datetable = safe_date,
return env
-- [function] run code
function digicompute.run_code(code, env, ...)
if code:byte(1) == 27 then
return nil, "Binary code prohibited."
local f, msg = loadstring(code)
if not f then return false, msg end
setfenv(f, env)
-- Turn off JIT optimization for user code so that count
-- events are generated when adding debug hooks
if rawget(_G, "jit") then
jit.off(f, true)
-- Use instruction counter to stop execution
-- after 10000 events
error("Code timed out!", 2)
end, "", 100000)
local ok, ret = pcall(f, ...)
debug.sethook() -- Clear hook
if not ok then return false, ret end
return true, ret
-- [function] run file
function digicompute.run_file(path, env, ...)
local code = digicompute.builtin.read(path)
local ok, res = digicompute.run_code(code, env, ...)
return ok, res
2016-07-12 15:13:26 -07:00