65 lines
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65 lines
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# textdomain: apartment
##[ chg_owner.lua ]##
@1 in Ap. @2 (@3)=
Apartment @1 (@2)=
Rent apartment @1 here by right-clicking this panel!=
Apartment rental control panel for apartment @1 (@2)=
##[ gui.lua ]##
Apartment Configuration=
In one category, every player can only rent one apartment.=
Name or ID=
This is the unique ID of this apartment in this category.=
The apartment shall extend this many blocks from this panel:=
Store and Offer=
Error: Not all fields have been filled.=
Error: The area is too large.=
Error: The apartment @1@@@2 already exists. Please choose a different name or category.=
Apartment @1@@@2 is ready for rental.=
Failed to create apartment @1@@@2. (@3)=
This apartment @nhave been rented.=
This apartment @nwas glitched.=
You have ended your rent of apartment @1@@@2. It is free for others to rent again.=
Something went wrong when giving back the apartment @1@@@2. (@3)=
Dig the panel @nto remove this apartment.=
This apartment (@1@@@2) is not registered. Please unrent it and ask the original builder to re-configure this panel.=
Sorry, you can only rent one apartment per category at a time. You have already rented apartment @1@@@2.=
You have rented apartment @1@@@2. Enjoy your stay!=
Something went wrong when renting the apartment @1@@@2. (@3)=
Force Unrent=
Player @1 has been thrown out of apartment @2@@@3. It can now be rented by another player.=
Something went wrong when throwing @1 out of the apartment @2@@@3. (@4)=
Apartment @1@@@2=
Owner: @1=
Now rented by: @1=
The apartment extends this many blocks from this panel:=
##[ init.lua ]##
Allows player to throw other players out from apartments not owned by them.=
Apartment Management Panel (unconfigured)=
Apartment Management Panel (owned by @1)=
Sorry. Only the original owner of this apartment control panel can dig it.=
The apartment is currently rented to @1. Please end that first.=
Error: Could not find information about the apartment panel that is to be removed.=
Removed apartment @1@@@2 successfully.=
Apartment Configuaration Copier=
Please configure the panel first before copying configurations from it.=
Apartment Configuaration Copier@nU:@1 D:@2 L:@3 R:@4 F:@5 B:@6@n@7@@@8@nRightclick on a panel to paste the configurations.=
Configuration copied.=
Apartment Management Panel=
Teleports you back to the apartment you rented.=
You do not have an apartment in category @1.=
Welcome back to your apartment @1@@@2.=