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Mod Fine_mobs for Minetest
Copyright (C) 2019 BrunoMine (
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>5.
creatures.register_mob("cow:cow", {
stats = {
hp = 12,
can_jump = 1,
can_swim = true,
can_burn = true,
can_panic = true,
has_falldamage = true,
has_kockback = true,
hunger = {
days_interval = 5,
water = true,
water_nodes = {"cow:drinking_fountain", "group:water"},
food = {
nodes = {
modes = {
idle = {chance = 0.5, duration = 10, random_yaw = 4},
walk = {
chance = 0.15,
duration = 20,
moving_speed = 0.8,
search_radius = 5
walk_around = {
chance = 0.15,
duration = 20,
moving_speed = 0.7
eat = {
chance = 0.2,
duration = 4,
eat_time = 1.2,
sound = "creatures_eat_grass",
nodes = {
["default:grass_1"] = {remove=true},
["default:grass_2"] = {remove=true},
["default:grass_3"] = {remove=true},
["default:grass_4"] = {remove=true},
["default:grass_5"] = {remove=true},
["default:dirt_with_grass"] = {replace="default:dirt"},
follow = {
chance = 0,
duration = 20,
radius = 5,
moving_speed = 0.8,
items = {["farming:wheat"]=true},
search_timer = 5
model = {
mesh = "cow.b3d",
textures = {"cow.png"},
collisionbox_width = 0.9,
collisionbox_height = 1.2,
rotation = -90.0,
scale = {x = 3.5, y = 3.5},
vision_height = 0.9,
animations = {
idle = {start = 1, stop = 30, speed = 18},
walk = {start = 31, stop = 60, speed = 20},
run = {start = 91, stop = 120, speed = 20},
eat = {start = 61, stop = 90, speed = 12, loop = false},
death = {start = 121, stop = 135, speed = 15, loop = false, duration = 2.52},
randomize = {
values = {
{textures = {"cow_white_and_black.png"},},
{textures = {"cow_white_and_brown.png"},},
{textures = {"cow_brown_and_black.png"},},
{textures = {"cow_white.png"},},
{textures = {"cow_grey.png"},},
{textures = {"cow_black.png"},},
{textures = {"cow_brown.png"},},
sounds = {
on_damage = {name = "sheep", gain = 1.0, distance = 10},
on_death = {name = "sheep", gain = 1.0, distance = 10},
swim = {name = "creatures_splash", gain = 1.0, distance = 10,},
random = {
idle = {name = "cow", gain = 0.6, distance = 10, time_min = 23},
spawning = {
spawn_egg = {
description = "Cow Spawn-Egg",
texture = "cow_egg_spawn.png",
drops = {
{"cow:raw_beef", 1, chance = 1},
on_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
if self.is_died == true then return end
local itemstack = clicker:get_wielded_item()
if itemstack:get_name() == "bucket:bucket_empty" then
local inv = clicker:get_inventory()
if inv:room_for_item("main", "cow:bucket_milk 1") == true then
inv:remove_item("main", "bucket:bucket_empty 1")
inv:add_item("main", "cow:bucket_milk 1")