
115 lines
3.7 KiB

-- Options table:
-- {
-- circular = true | false, default = true
-- }
zepha.serialize = function(data, opt, path, table_refs)
if not path then path = '"root"' end
if not opt then opt = {} end
local circular = opt.circular == nil and true or opt.circular
if not table_refs then table_refs = { [path] = data } end
local data_type = type(data)
if data_type == 'table' then
if table_refs and table_refs[data] then
return circular and ('#REF[' .. table_refs[data] .. ']') or 'nil' end
table_refs[data] = path
local values = {}
for k, v in pairs(data) do
local key = zepha.serialize(k, opt, '', table_refs)
local value = zepha.serialize(v, opt, path .. '.' .. key, table_refs)
table.insert(values, key .. ' = ' .. value)
return '{ ' .. table.concat(values, ', ') .. ' }'
if data_type == 'number' then return tostring(data) end
if data_type == 'string' then return '"' .. data:gsub('"', '\"') .. '"' end
if data_type == 'boolean' then return data and 'true' or 'false' end
if data_type ~= 'nil' then print('[ERR] Invalid serialization type: ' .. data_type) end
return 'nil'
local function find_match(str, a, b, off)
local pattern = '[' .. a .. b .. ']'
if not off then off = 1 end
local nest = 0
local found = str:find(pattern, off)
while found do
if str:sub(found, found) == a then nest = nest + 1
else nest = nest - 1 end
off = found + 1
if nest == 0 then return found
elseif nest < 0 then return nil end
found = str:find(pattern, off)
zepha.deserialize = function(str, opt, path, table_refs)
if not table_refs then table_refs = {} end
if not path then path = '"root"' end
if not opt then opt = {} end
str = str:trim(str)
if str:sub(1, 1) == '{' then
local tbl = {}
str = str:sub(2, #str - 1):trim()
table_refs[path] = tbl
while #str > 0 do
local sep, key, val
if str:sub(1, 1) == ',' then str = str:sub(2):trim() end
if str:sub(1, 1) == '{' then
-- Handling a table key
local e = find_match(str, '{', '}')
local tbl_key = str:sub(1, e)
key = zepha.deserialize(tbl_key, opt, path, table_refs)
str = str:sub(str:find('=', e + 1) + 1):trim()
-- Handling a normal key
local end_ind = str:find('=')
key = zepha.deserialize(str:sub(1, end_ind - 1), opt, path, table_refs)
str = str:sub(end_ind + 1):trim()
if str:sub(1, 1) == '{' then
-- Handling a table value
local e = find_match(str, '{', '}')
local tbl_val = str:sub(1, e)
val = zepha.deserialize(tbl_val, opt, path .. '."' .. key .. '"', table_refs)
str = str:sub(e + 1):trim()
-- Handling a normal value
local end_ind = str:find(',')
val = zepha.deserialize(str:sub(1, (end_ind or #str + 1) - 1),
opt, path .. '."' .. key .. '"', table_refs)
str = str:sub(end_ind or #str + 1):trim()
tbl[key] = val
return tbl
if str:find('^"') then return str:sub(2, #str - 1) end
if str:find('^true') then return true end
if str:find('^false') then return false end
if str:find('^nil') then return nil end
if str:find('^#REF%[') then
local end_ind = (str:find(']') or 7) - 1
return table_refs[str:sub(6, end_ind)]
return tonumber(str)