
147 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include "util/Util.h"
class TextureAtlas;
* Represents a single drawable texture from the texture atlas.
* Will either contain its own data, or reference another atlas texture as a crop of it.
* AtlasTextures will automatically remove themselves from the texture atlas once all copies of them are destroyed.
class AtlasTexture {
/** Stores byte data for an atlas texture. */
struct ByteData {
ByteData(uvec2 size, const vec<u8>& data): data(data), size(size) {};
/** The size of the texture. */
uvec2 size;
/** The raw bytes of the texture. */
vec<u8> data;
/** Stores a reference to another atlas texture and a crop region. */
struct CropData {
CropData(uvec2 pos, uvec2 size, const sptr<AtlasTexture>& source): pos(pos), size(size), source(source) {}
/** The top-left position of the crop region. */
uvec2 pos;
/** The sise of the crop region. */
uvec2 size;
/** The image to crop from. */
sptr<AtlasTexture> source;
* The main data container for the AtlasTexture. It is stored in a
* shared pointer so that it may be reference counted.
* Contains the identifier, atlas position, and data of a texture in the atlas.
* The data may be a ByteData storing raw texture bytes,
* or a CropData referencing another texture to crop this one from.
* May also store a reference to a tint index and mask, if the texture is to be biome tinted.
struct SharedData {
SharedData(const string& identifier, uvec2 pos, const variant<ByteData, CropData>& data):
identifier(identifier), pos(pos), data(data) {}
/** The position of the top-left point of the texture in the texture atlas. */
uvec2 pos {};
/** The identifier of the texture. */
string identifier;
/** Whether or not the texture should be kept even if it is not in use. */
bool persistent = false;
/** The data of the texture, either bytes or a crop region. */
variant<ByteData, CropData> data;
/** An optional pair containing biome tint data. */
optional<std::pair<u32, uptr<AtlasTexture>>> tintData;
AtlasTexture(const AtlasTexture& o): shr(o.shr), atlas(o.atlas) {}
AtlasTexture& operator=(const AtlasTexture& o) { shr = o.shr; return *this; }
AtlasTexture(TextureAtlas& atlas, const string& identifier, uvec2 pos, uvec2 size, const sptr<AtlasTexture>& source):
AtlasTexture(atlas, identifier, source->getPos(), CropData { pos, size, source }) {}
AtlasTexture(TextureAtlas& atlas, const string& identifier, uvec2 pos, uvec2 size, vec<u8> data):
AtlasTexture(atlas, identifier, pos, ByteData { size, data }) {}
AtlasTexture(TextureAtlas& atlas, const string& identifier, uvec2 pos, const variant<ByteData, CropData>& data):
shr(std::make_shared<SharedData>(identifier, pos, data)), atlas(atlas) {}
/** Returns the texture's identifier. */
inline const string& getIdentifier() const {
return shr->identifier;
/** Returns the texture's atlas position in pixels. */
inline const uvec2& getPos() const {
return shr->pos;
/** Returns the texture's altas size in pixels. */
inline const uvec2& getSize() const {
return holds_alternative<ByteData>(shr->data) ?
get<ByteData>(shr->data).size : get<CropData>(shr->data).size;
/** Returns the texture's atlas position in tiles. */
inline u16vec2 getTilePos() const {
return u16vec2(shr->pos / 16u);
/** Returns the texture's atlas size in tiles. */
inline u16vec2 getTileSize() const {
return u16vec2(glm::ceil(vec2(getSize()) / 16.f));
/** Returns the texture's UVs, in a four-dimensional vector. */
vec4 getUVPos() const;
* Returns the bytes of the texture.
* This is an expensive operation because the bytes may need to be cloned from a crop region,
* so a reference cannot be returned. In the future,
* a ref-counted object may be returned instead to reduce overhead.
vec<u8> getBytes() const;
/** Returns the biome tint index of the texture, if it is to be tinted. */
optional<u32> getTintInd() const;
/** Returns the biome tint mask texture of this texture, if it is to be tinted. */
optional<AtlasTexture> getTintMask() const;
/** Sets the persistence of the texture, if it is persistent, it will not be deleted when it is no longer in use. */
void setPersistent(bool persistent);
/** Sets the tint information of the texture. */
void setTintData(u32 tintInd, const AtlasTexture& tintMask);
/** Returns true if the texture is only referenced by the texture atlas and is not persistent. */
bool shouldBeRemoved();
/** A reference to the texture atlas holding this texture. */
TextureAtlas& atlas;
/** The actual ref-counted data of the AtlasTexture. */
sptr<SharedData> shr;