Tile based fog of war
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.1 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ interface TilesetFileProps {
const WALLS: TilesetFileProps[] = [
{ name: "Dungeon Wall", key: "wall_dungeon", file: "res/tileset/wall_dungeon", res: 16 },
{ name: "Wood Wall", key: "wall_wood", file: "res/tileset/wall_wood", res: 16 },
{ name: "Shadow Wall", key: "wall_shadow", file: "res/tileset/wall_shadow", res: 16 },
const GROUNDS: TilesetFileProps[] = [
@ -36,14 +36,8 @@ class MapScene extends Phaser.Scene {
this.ui = new UIView(this);
// this.chat = new Chat(this, -10000 + this.cameras.main.width - 309, this.cameras.main.height - 9);
// this.add.existing(this.chat);
this.map = new Tilemap("gameMap", this, 300, 300);
let map = this.add.sprite(-300, 0, "tileset_16_wall");
map.setScale(3, 3);
this.architect = new ArchitectMode(this);
this.token = new TokenMode(this);
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class WorldView {
private pan() {
if (this.scene.input.mousePointer.middleButtonDown()) {
if (this.scene.input.activePointer.middleButtonDown()) {
this.camera.scrollX += Math.round((this.lastCursorScreen.x - this.cursorScreen.x) / this.camera.zoom);
this.camera.scrollY += Math.round((this.lastCursorScreen.y - this.cursorScreen.y) / this.camera.zoom);
@ -113,7 +113,10 @@ class TokenMode {
if (prevSerialized[s] != currSerialized[s]) identical = false;
if (!identical) this.scene.history.push("token_modify", { old: prevSerialized, new: currSerialized });
if (!identical) {
this.scene.history.push("token_modify", { old: prevSerialized, new: currSerialized });
private selecting(): void {
@ -304,7 +307,10 @@ class TokenMode {
if (this.prevSerialized[s] != currSerialized[s]) identical = false;
if (!identical) this.scene.history.push("token_modify", { old: this.prevSerialized, new: currSerialized });
if (!identical) {
this.scene.history.push("token_modify", { old: this.prevSerialized, new: currSerialized });
@ -322,4 +322,114 @@ namespace SmartTiler {
return tile;
export function fogOfWar(walls: boolean[]): number {
const TL = 0, T = 1, TR = 2, L = 3, C = 4, R = 5, BL = 6, B = 7, BR = 8;
if (walls[C] == false) return -1;
let empty = walls.map(b => !b);
let tile = 54;
if (empty[T]) {
if (empty[B]) {
if (empty[L]) {
if (empty[R]) tile = 33;
else tile = 15;
else if (empty[R]) tile = 5;
else tile = 2;
else if (empty[L]) {
if (empty[R]) tile = 14;
else if (empty[BR]) tile = 0;
else tile = 7;
else if (empty[R]) {
if (empty[BL]) tile = 1;
else tile = 8;
else {
if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR]) tile = 3;
else tile = 40;
else if (empty[BR]) tile = 41;
else tile = 31;
else if (empty[B]) {
if (empty[L]) {
if (empty[R]) tile = 6;
else if (empty[TR]) tile = 9;
else tile = 16;
else if (empty[R]) {
if (empty[TL]) tile = 10;
else tile = 17;
else {
if (empty[TL]) {
if (empty[TR]) tile = 4;
else tile = 49;
else if (empty[TR]) tile = 50;
else tile = 32;
else if (empty[L]) {
if (empty[R]) tile = 11;
else {
if (empty[TR]) {
if (empty[BR]) tile = 12;
else tile = 38;
else if (empty[BR]) tile = 47;
else tile = 22;
else if (empty[R]) {
if (empty[TL]) {
if (empty[BL]) tile = 13;
else tile = 39;
else if (empty[BL]) tile = 48;
else tile = 23;
else if (empty[TL]) {
if (empty[TR]) {
if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR]) tile = 25;
else tile = 36;
else if (empty[BR]) tile = 37;
else tile = 21;
else if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR]) tile = 45;
else tile = 30;
else if (empty[BR]) tile = 51;
else tile = 28;
else if (empty[TR]) {
if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR]) tile = 46;
else tile = 42;
else if (empty[BR]) tile = 29;
else tile = 27;
else if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR]) tile = 20;
else tile = 19;
else if (empty[BR]) tile = 18;
else {
if (!empty[C]) return -1;
tile = 54;
return tile;
@ -5,11 +5,14 @@ class Tilemap {
manager: TilesetManager;
layers: {[key: number]: Phaser.Tilemaps.DynamicTilemapLayer[]} = {};
fogOfWarLayer: Phaser.Tilemaps.DynamicTilemapLayer;
groundAt: number[][];
wallAt: number[][];
overlayAt: number[][];
fogOfWarAt: boolean[][];
constructor(key: string, scene: MapScene, xwid: number, ywid: number) {
this.scene = scene;
this.dimensions = new Vec2(xwid, ywid);
@ -17,14 +20,17 @@ class Tilemap {
this.groundAt = [];
this.wallAt = [];
this.overlayAt = [];
this.fogOfWarAt = [];
for (let i = 0; i < xwid; i++) {
this.groundAt[i] = [];
this.wallAt[i] = [];
this.overlayAt[i] = [];
this.fogOfWarAt[i] = [];
for (let j = 0; j < ywid; j++) {
this.groundAt[i][j] = -1;
this.wallAt[i][j] = -1;
this.overlayAt[i][j] = -1;
this.fogOfWarAt[i][j] = true;
@ -50,6 +56,50 @@ class Tilemap {
if ((j % 2 == 0 && i % 2 == 0) || (j % 2 != 0 && i % 2 != 0)) gridlayer.putTileAt(0, i, j);
this.map.addTilesetImage("shadow_overlay", "wall_shadow", 16, 16, 0, 0);
this.fogOfWarLayer = this.map.createBlankDynamicLayer("shadow_overlay", "shadow_overlay", 0, 0, this.dimensions.x, this.dimensions.y, 16, 16);
this.fogOfWarLayer.setScale(4, 4);
// this.fogOfWarLayer.setAlpha(0.5);
for (let i = 0; i < xwid; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < ywid; j++) {
this.fogOfWarLayer.putTileAt(54, i, j);
recalculateLighting(prevSerialized: string[]): void {
let dist = 8;
for (let ser of prevSerialized) {
let tbl: SerializedToken = JSON.parse(ser);
let tileX = Math.floor(tbl.x / 16);
let tileY = Math.floor(tbl.y / 16);
for (let i = clamp(tileX - dist - 1, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i <= clamp(tileX + dist + 1, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i++) {
for (let j = clamp(tileY - dist - 1, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j <= clamp(tileY + dist + 1, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j++) {
this.setFogOfWarRaw(i, j, 54);
for (let tkn of this.scene.tokens) {
let tileX = Math.floor(tkn.x / 64);
let tileY = Math.floor(tkn.y / 64);
let t = new ViewTrace(this, dist);
for (let tr of t.go(tileX, tileY)) {
this.setFogOfWar(tr.x, tr.y, false);
// for (let i = clamp(tileX - dist, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i <= clamp(tileX + dist, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i++) {
// for (let j = clamp(tileY - dist, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j <= clamp(tileY + dist, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j++) {
// }
// }
private createLayers(res: number) {
@ -179,5 +229,43 @@ class Tilemap {
return solid;
private setFogOfWar(x: number, y: number, war: boolean): void {
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > this.dimensions.x - 1 || y > this.dimensions.y - 1) return;
if (this.fogOfWarAt[x][y]) this.fogOfWarLayer.removeTileAt(x, y, true);
if (war) this.fogOfWarLayer.putTileAt(54, x, y);
this.fogOfWarAt[x][y] = war;
this.calculateFogOfWarSmart(x, y);
private calculateFogOfWarSmart(x: number, y: number): void {
for (let i = clamp(x - 1, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i <= clamp(x + 1, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i++) {
for (let j = clamp(y - 1, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j <= clamp(y + 1, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j++) {
let fog = SmartTiler.fogOfWar(this.getFogOfWarAround(i, j));
if (fog != -1) this.setFogOfWarRaw(i, j, fog);
private getFogOfWarAround(x: number, y: number): boolean[] {
let fog: boolean[] = [];
for (let i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (let j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
fog.push(this.fogOfWarAt[clamp(x + j, 0, this.dimensions.x)][clamp(y + i, 0, this.dimensions.y)]);
return fog;
private setFogOfWarRaw(x: number, y: number, tile: number): void {
if (this.fogOfWarAt[x][y] != false) this.fogOfWarLayer.removeTileAt(x, y, true);
this.fogOfWarAt[x][y] = true;
this.fogOfWarLayer.putTileAt(tile, x, y);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
class TraceNode {
x: number;
y: number;
l: boolean = true;
r: boolean = true;
u: boolean = true;
d: boolean = true;
distance: number;
maxDistance: number;
constructor(x: number, y: number, distance: number, maxDistance: number) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.distance = distance;
this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
setDirections(l: boolean, r: boolean, u: boolean, d: boolean) {
this.l = l;
this.r = r;
this.u = u;
this.d = d;
propagate(t: ViewTrace) {
// Kill
if (this.distance == this.maxDistance) return;
// Left
if (this.l && t.map.getWall(this.x - 1, this.y) == -1) {
let newNode = new TraceNode(this.x - 1, this.y, this.distance + 1, this.maxDistance);
newNode.setDirections(this.l, false, this.u, this.d);
// Right
if (this.r && t.map.getWall(this.x + 1, this.y) == -1) {
let newNode = new TraceNode(this.x + 1, this.y, this.distance + 1, this.maxDistance);
newNode.setDirections(false, this.r, this.u, this.d);
// Up
if (this.u && t.map.getWall(this.x, this.y - 1) == -1) {
let newNode = new TraceNode(this.x, this.y - 1, this.distance + 1, this.maxDistance);
newNode.setDirections(this.l, this.r, this.u, false);
// Down
if (this.d && t.map.getWall(this.x, this.y + 1) == -1) {
let newNode = new TraceNode(this.x, this.y + 1, this.distance + 1, this.maxDistance);
newNode.setDirections(this.l, this.r, false, this.d);
class ViewTrace {
commitedNodes: TraceNode[] = [];
activeNodes: TraceNode[] = [];
map: Tilemap;
distance: number;
constructor(map: Tilemap, distance: number) {
this.map = map;
this.distance = distance;
go(startX: number, startY: number): TraceNode[] {
this.activeNodes.push(new TraceNode(startX, startY, 0, this.distance));
return this.commitedNodes;
private propagateNodes() {
while(this.activeNodes.length > 0) {
let node = this.activeNodes[0];
this.activeNodes.splice(0, 1);
@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ class InputManager {
private leftMouseState: boolean = false;
private rightMouseState: boolean = false;
private middleMouseState: boolean = false;
private leftMouseStateLast: boolean = false;
private rightMouseStateLast: boolean = false;
private middleMouseStateLast: boolean = false;
private keys: {[key: string]: Phaser.Input.Keyboard.Key} = {};
private keysDown: {[key: string]: boolean } = {};
private keysDownLast: {[key: string]: boolean } = {};
@ -39,9 +41,11 @@ class InputManager {
update() {
this.leftMouseStateLast = this.leftMouseState;
this.leftMouseState = this.scene.input.mousePointer.leftButtonDown();
this.leftMouseState = this.scene.input.activePointer.leftButtonDown();
this.rightMouseStateLast = this.rightMouseState;
this.rightMouseState = this.scene.input.mousePointer.rightButtonDown();
this.rightMouseState = this.scene.input.activePointer.rightButtonDown();
this.middleMouseStateLast = this.middleMouseState;
this.rightMouseState = this.scene.input.activePointer.middleButtonDown();
for (let key in this.keys) this.keysDownLast[key] = this.keysDown[key];
for (let key in this.keys) this.keysDown[key] = this.keys[key].isDown;
@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ var DNDMapper = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
var WALLS = [
{ name: "Dungeon Wall", key: "wall_dungeon", file: "res/tileset/wall_dungeon", res: 16 },
{ name: "Wood Wall", key: "wall_wood", file: "res/tileset/wall_wood", res: 16 },
{ name: "Shadow Wall", key: "wall_shadow", file: "res/tileset/wall_shadow", res: 16 },
var GROUNDS = [
{ name: "Cave Floor", key: "ground_cave", file: "res/tileset/ground_cave", res: 16 },
@ -297,11 +298,7 @@ var MapScene = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
this.world = new WorldView(this);
this.ui = new UIView(this);
// this.chat = new Chat(this, -10000 + this.cameras.main.width - 309, this.cameras.main.height - 9);
// this.add.existing(this.chat);
this.map = new Tilemap("gameMap", this, 300, 300);
var map = this.add.sprite(-300, 0, "tileset_16_wall");
map.setScale(3, 3);
this.architect = new ArchitectMode(this);
this.token = new TokenMode(this);
@ -463,7 +460,7 @@ var WorldView = /** @class */ (function () {
WorldView.prototype.pan = function () {
if (this.scene.input.mousePointer.middleButtonDown()) {
if (this.scene.input.activePointer.middleButtonDown()) {
this.camera.scrollX += Math.round((this.lastCursorScreen.x - this.cursorScreen.x) / this.camera.zoom);
this.camera.scrollY += Math.round((this.lastCursorScreen.y - this.cursorScreen.y) / this.camera.zoom);
@ -1771,8 +1768,10 @@ var TokenMode = /** @class */ (function () {
if (prevSerialized[s] != currSerialized[s])
identical = false;
if (!identical)
if (!identical) {
this.scene.history.push("token_modify", { old: prevSerialized, new: currSerialized });
TokenMode.prototype.selecting = function () {
var _this = this;
@ -1952,8 +1951,10 @@ var TokenMode = /** @class */ (function () {
if (this.prevSerialized[s] != currSerialized[s])
identical = false;
if (!identical)
if (!identical) {
this.scene.history.push("token_modify", { old: this.prevSerialized, new: currSerialized });
var newTileGrabPos = new Vec2(Math.floor(cursor.x / 64), Math.floor(cursor.y / 64));
@ -2468,6 +2469,160 @@ var SmartTiler;
return tile;
SmartTiler.ground = ground;
function fogOfWar(walls) {
var TL = 0, T = 1, TR = 2, L = 3, C = 4, R = 5, BL = 6, B = 7, BR = 8;
if (walls[C] == false)
return -1;
var empty = walls.map(function (b) { return !b; });
var tile = 54;
if (empty[T]) {
if (empty[B]) {
if (empty[L]) {
if (empty[R])
tile = 33;
tile = 15;
else if (empty[R])
tile = 5;
tile = 2;
else if (empty[L]) {
if (empty[R])
tile = 14;
else if (empty[BR])
tile = 0;
tile = 7;
else if (empty[R]) {
if (empty[BL])
tile = 1;
tile = 8;
else {
if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR])
tile = 3;
tile = 40;
else if (empty[BR])
tile = 41;
tile = 31;
else if (empty[B]) {
if (empty[L]) {
if (empty[R])
tile = 6;
else if (empty[TR])
tile = 9;
tile = 16;
else if (empty[R]) {
if (empty[TL])
tile = 10;
tile = 17;
else {
if (empty[TL]) {
if (empty[TR])
tile = 4;
tile = 49;
else if (empty[TR])
tile = 50;
tile = 32;
else if (empty[L]) {
if (empty[R])
tile = 11;
else {
if (empty[TR]) {
if (empty[BR])
tile = 12;
tile = 38;
else if (empty[BR])
tile = 47;
tile = 22;
else if (empty[R]) {
if (empty[TL]) {
if (empty[BL])
tile = 13;
tile = 39;
else if (empty[BL])
tile = 48;
tile = 23;
else if (empty[TL]) {
if (empty[TR]) {
if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR])
tile = 25;
tile = 36;
else if (empty[BR])
tile = 37;
tile = 21;
else if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR])
tile = 45;
tile = 30;
else if (empty[BR])
tile = 51;
tile = 28;
else if (empty[TR]) {
if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR])
tile = 46;
tile = 42;
else if (empty[BR])
tile = 29;
tile = 27;
else if (empty[BL]) {
if (empty[BR])
tile = 20;
tile = 19;
else if (empty[BR])
tile = 18;
else {
if (!empty[C])
return -1;
tile = 54;
return tile;
SmartTiler.fogOfWar = fogOfWar;
})(SmartTiler || (SmartTiler = {}));
var Tilemap = /** @class */ (function () {
function Tilemap(key, scene, xwid, ywid) {
@ -2478,14 +2633,17 @@ var Tilemap = /** @class */ (function () {
this.groundAt = [];
this.wallAt = [];
this.overlayAt = [];
this.fogOfWarAt = [];
for (var i = 0; i < xwid; i++) {
this.groundAt[i] = [];
this.wallAt[i] = [];
this.overlayAt[i] = [];
this.fogOfWarAt[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < ywid; j++) {
this.groundAt[i][j] = -1;
this.wallAt[i][j] = -1;
this.overlayAt[i][j] = -1;
this.fogOfWarAt[i][j] = true;
this.manager = new TilesetManager(scene);
@ -2510,7 +2668,46 @@ var Tilemap = /** @class */ (function () {
gridlayer.putTileAt(0, i, j);
this.map.addTilesetImage("shadow_overlay", "wall_shadow", 16, 16, 0, 0);
this.fogOfWarLayer = this.map.createBlankDynamicLayer("shadow_overlay", "shadow_overlay", 0, 0, this.dimensions.x, this.dimensions.y, 16, 16);
this.fogOfWarLayer.setScale(4, 4);
// this.fogOfWarLayer.setAlpha(0.5);
for (var i = 0; i < xwid; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < ywid; j++) {
this.fogOfWarLayer.putTileAt(54, i, j);
Tilemap.prototype.recalculateLighting = function (prevSerialized) {
var dist = 8;
for (var _i = 0, prevSerialized_1 = prevSerialized; _i < prevSerialized_1.length; _i++) {
var ser = prevSerialized_1[_i];
var tbl = JSON.parse(ser);
var tileX = Math.floor(tbl.x / 16);
var tileY = Math.floor(tbl.y / 16);
for (var i = clamp(tileX - dist - 1, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i <= clamp(tileX + dist + 1, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i++) {
for (var j = clamp(tileY - dist - 1, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j <= clamp(tileY + dist + 1, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j++) {
this.setFogOfWarRaw(i, j, 54);
for (var _a = 0, _b = this.scene.tokens; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
var tkn = _b[_a];
var tileX = Math.floor(tkn.x / 64);
var tileY = Math.floor(tkn.y / 64);
var t = new ViewTrace(this, dist);
for (var _c = 0, _d = t.go(tileX, tileY); _c < _d.length; _c++) {
var tr = _d[_c];
this.setFogOfWar(tr.x, tr.y, false);
// for (let i = clamp(tileX - dist, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i <= clamp(tileX + dist, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i++) {
// for (let j = clamp(tileY - dist, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j <= clamp(tileY + dist, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j++) {
// }
// }
Tilemap.prototype.createLayers = function (res) {
this.map.addTilesetImage("tileset_" + res + "_ground", "tileset_" + res + "_ground", res, res, 2, 4);
this.map.addTilesetImage("tileset_" + res + "_wall", "tileset_" + res + "_wall", res, res, 2, 4);
@ -2615,6 +2812,40 @@ var Tilemap = /** @class */ (function () {
return solid;
Tilemap.prototype.setFogOfWar = function (x, y, war) {
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > this.dimensions.x - 1 || y > this.dimensions.y - 1)
if (this.fogOfWarAt[x][y])
this.fogOfWarLayer.removeTileAt(x, y, true);
if (war)
this.fogOfWarLayer.putTileAt(54, x, y);
this.fogOfWarAt[x][y] = war;
this.calculateFogOfWarSmart(x, y);
Tilemap.prototype.calculateFogOfWarSmart = function (x, y) {
for (var i = clamp(x - 1, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i <= clamp(x + 1, this.dimensions.x - 1, 0); i++) {
for (var j = clamp(y - 1, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j <= clamp(y + 1, this.dimensions.y - 1, 0); j++) {
var fog = SmartTiler.fogOfWar(this.getFogOfWarAround(i, j));
if (fog != -1)
this.setFogOfWarRaw(i, j, fog);
Tilemap.prototype.getFogOfWarAround = function (x, y) {
var fog = [];
for (var i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (var j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
fog.push(this.fogOfWarAt[clamp(x + j, 0, this.dimensions.x)][clamp(y + i, 0, this.dimensions.y)]);
return fog;
Tilemap.prototype.setFogOfWarRaw = function (x, y, tile) {
if (this.fogOfWarAt[x][y] != false)
this.fogOfWarLayer.removeTileAt(x, y, true);
this.fogOfWarAt[x][y] = true;
this.fogOfWarLayer.putTileAt(tile, x, y);
return Tilemap;
var TilesetCanvas = /** @class */ (function () {
@ -2748,6 +2979,76 @@ var TilesetManager = /** @class */ (function () {
return TilesetManager;
var TraceNode = /** @class */ (function () {
function TraceNode(x, y, distance, maxDistance) {
this.l = true;
this.r = true;
this.u = true;
this.d = true;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.distance = distance;
this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
TraceNode.prototype.setDirections = function (l, r, u, d) {
this.l = l;
this.r = r;
this.u = u;
this.d = d;
TraceNode.prototype.propagate = function (t) {
// Kill
if (this.distance == this.maxDistance)
// Left
if (this.l && t.map.getWall(this.x - 1, this.y) == -1) {
var newNode = new TraceNode(this.x - 1, this.y, this.distance + 1, this.maxDistance);
newNode.setDirections(this.l, false, this.u, this.d);
// Right
if (this.r && t.map.getWall(this.x + 1, this.y) == -1) {
var newNode = new TraceNode(this.x + 1, this.y, this.distance + 1, this.maxDistance);
newNode.setDirections(false, this.r, this.u, this.d);
// Up
if (this.u && t.map.getWall(this.x, this.y - 1) == -1) {
var newNode = new TraceNode(this.x, this.y - 1, this.distance + 1, this.maxDistance);
newNode.setDirections(this.l, this.r, this.u, false);
// Down
if (this.d && t.map.getWall(this.x, this.y + 1) == -1) {
var newNode = new TraceNode(this.x, this.y + 1, this.distance + 1, this.maxDistance);
newNode.setDirections(this.l, this.r, false, this.d);
return TraceNode;
var ViewTrace = /** @class */ (function () {
function ViewTrace(map, distance) {
this.commitedNodes = [];
this.activeNodes = [];
this.map = map;
this.distance = distance;
ViewTrace.prototype.go = function (startX, startY) {
this.activeNodes.push(new TraceNode(startX, startY, 0, this.distance));
return this.commitedNodes;
ViewTrace.prototype.propagateNodes = function () {
while (this.activeNodes.length > 0) {
var node = this.activeNodes[0];
this.activeNodes.splice(0, 1);
return ViewTrace;
var BrightenPipeline = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(BrightenPipeline, _super);
function BrightenPipeline(game) {
@ -2778,8 +3079,10 @@ var InputManager = /** @class */ (function () {
function InputManager(scene) {
this.leftMouseState = false;
this.rightMouseState = false;
this.middleMouseState = false;
this.leftMouseStateLast = false;
this.rightMouseStateLast = false;
this.middleMouseStateLast = false;
this.keys = {};
this.keysDown = {};
this.keysDownLast = {};
@ -2806,9 +3109,11 @@ var InputManager = /** @class */ (function () {
InputManager.prototype.update = function () {
this.leftMouseStateLast = this.leftMouseState;
this.leftMouseState = this.scene.input.mousePointer.leftButtonDown();
this.leftMouseState = this.scene.input.activePointer.leftButtonDown();
this.rightMouseStateLast = this.rightMouseState;
this.rightMouseState = this.scene.input.mousePointer.rightButtonDown();
this.rightMouseState = this.scene.input.activePointer.rightButtonDown();
this.middleMouseStateLast = this.middleMouseState;
this.rightMouseState = this.scene.input.activePointer.middleButtonDown();
for (var key in this.keys)
this.keysDownLast[key] = this.keysDown[key];
for (var key in this.keys)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user