
376 lines
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import md5 from 'md5';
import RawImap, { MailBoxes as RawBoxes } from 'imap';
/** Credentials and properties used to establish an IMAP connection. */
export interface ConnectionProperties {
username: string;
password: string;
host: string;
port: number;
tls: boolean;
* Mailbox types (attributes).
* Only the attributes relevant to Aether are included,
* and some are named differently to better match interface language.
export enum MailboxType {
All = '\\All',
Archive = '\\Archive',
Drafts = '\\Drafts',
Starred = '\\Flagged',
Important = '\\Important',
Inbox = '\\Inbox',
Spam = '\\Junk',
Sent = '\\Sent',
Trash = '\\Trash'
* Message flags (keywords).
* Only the flags relevant to Aether are included,
* and some are named differently to better match interface language.
export enum MessageFlag {
Read = '\\Seen',
Important = '\\Flagged',
Deleted = '\\Deleted',
Draft = '\\Draft',
Active = '$ACTIVE'
/** An IMAP Box. */
export interface Mailbox {
name: string;
path: string;
delimiter: string;
type: MailboxType;
treeTypes: Set<MailboxType>;
parent?: string;
children: string[];
/** A simple key-value set of raw message headers. */
export type RawMessageHeaders = Record<string, string>;
/** Raw message attributes. */
export type MessageAttrs = {
date: Date;
flags: Set<MessageFlag>;
uid: number;
* A parsed conversation participant (sender / receiver).
* Some participants don't have names included.
export interface Participant { name: string | undefined; address: string };
/** Headers for an email message, identified by a persistant ID string. */
export interface Message {
to: Participant[];
from: Participant;
date: Date;
subject: string;
messageId: string;
active: boolean;
id: number;
boxId: number;
replyTo: string;
references: string[];
* A wrapper on a node-imap connection that provides
* a promise-based wrapper to an IMAP connection.
* Returns more friendly interfaces than the raw connection,
* and keeps track of the logged in state and current box.
export default class Imap {
private raw: RawImap;
private connected: boolean = false;
private boxes: Mailbox[] = [];
private box: Mailbox | undefined = undefined;
* Constructs an Imap instance, but does not connect.
* connect() must be called before accessing the server.
* @param props - Connection properties to initialize with.
constructor(props: ConnectionProperties) {
this.raw = new RawImap({
user: props.username,
password: props.password,
port: props.port,
tls: props.tls
* Connects to the remote IMAP server.
* @returns a promise resolving upon connection or rejecting with a connection error.
connect(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (this.connected) {
reject('Already connected.');
this.raw.once('end', () => this.connected = false);
this.raw.once('error', (error: any) => reject(error));
this.raw.once('ready', async () => {
this.connected = true;
this.boxes = await this.listBoxes();
* Gets the current connection state.
* @returns a boolean indicating the connection state of the instance.
isConnected(): boolean {
return this.connected;
* Gets a flat list of all the mailboxes mailboxes.
* @returns a promise resolving to an array of mailboxes, or rejecting with an error.
listBoxes(): Promise<Mailbox[]> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.connected) reject('Cannot get box when the connection is closed.');
this.raw.getBoxes((err, boxes) => {
if (err) {
const foundBoxes: Mailbox[] = [];
function traverseBoxes(boxes: RawBoxes, path: string, parent: string | undefined, treeTypes: Set<MailboxType>) {
for (let boxName in boxes) {
if ({}, boxName)) {
const box = boxes[boxName];
const thisPath = path + boxName + box.delimiter;
const type = (box as any).special_use_attrib as MailboxType ??
(boxName === 'INBOX' ? MailboxType.Inbox : MailboxType.Box);
const thisTreeTypes = new Set([ ...treeTypes, type ]);
name: boxName,
path: path + boxName,
delimiter: box.delimiter,
treeTypes: thisTreeTypes,
children: Object.keys(box.children ?? []).map(name => thisPath + name)
traverseBoxes(box.children ?? [], thisPath, path + boxName, thisTreeTypes);
traverseBoxes(boxes, '', undefined, new Set());
* Attempts to open a box with the path provided, and returns that box.
* @param box - The path of the box to open.
* @returns a raw node-imap box instance.
openBox(box: string): Promise<Mailbox> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.connected) reject('Cannot get box when the connection is closed.');
this.raw.openBox(box, false, (err, box) => {
if (err) {
} = this.boxes.filter(b => b.path ===[0];
* Gets the name of the currently opened box.
* @returns the name of the currently opened box, or undefined if none are open.
getCurrentBox(): string | undefined {
* Fetches a set of messages from the server matching the query provided.
* This query should be a string matching the IMAP query selector format.
* @param query - A query to send to the server.
* @param seq - Whether or not the query is a sequence query or an ID query.
* @returns a promise resolving to a record of messages, indexed by persistant Message ID, or rejecting with an error.
async fetchMessages(query: string | number | number[]): Promise<Record<string, Message>> {
const bodies = await this.fetchMessageHeaders(query, false,
const messages: Record<string, Message> = {};
Object.keys(bodies).forEach(idStr => {
const id = parseInt(idStr, 10);
const headers = bodies[id].headers;
const attrs = bodies[id].attrs;
messages[headers['MESSAGE-ID']] = {
to: this.parseParticipants(headers.TO ?? ''),
from: this.parseParticipants(headers.FROM ?? '')[0],
subject: headers.SUBJECT,
id: id,
boxId: attrs.uid,
messageId: headers['MESSAGE-ID'] || `HASH:${md5(}:${md5(headers.SUBJECT)}`,
active: attrs.flags.has(MessageFlag.Active) ||!.type === MailboxType.Inbox,
replyTo: headers['IN-REPLY-TO'],
references: (headers.REFERENCES ?? '').split(' ').map(s => s.trim()).filter(r => r)
return messages;
* Fetches a set of message headers from the server matching the query provided.
* This query should match the node-imap query selector format.
* The bodies should be presented in the node-imap format, e.g.
* Attributes are also returned.
* @param query - A query to send to the server.
* @param seq - Whether or not the query is a sequence query or an ID query.
* @param bodies - The string identifying the bodies to fetch.
* @returns a promise resolving to a record of message bodies, indexed by persistant Message ID, or rejecting with an error.
fetchMessageHeaders(query: string | number | number[], seq: boolean, bodies: string):
Promise<Record<number, { headers: RawMessageHeaders; attrs: MessageAttrs }>> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.connected) reject('Cannot fetch messages when the connection is closed.');
if (! reject('Cannot fetch messages when there is no current box.');
let fetchRoot = seq ? this.raw.seq : this.raw;
const rawAttrs: Record<number, any> = {};
const rawHeaders: Record<number, string> = {};
const fetch = fetchRoot.fetch(query, { bodies: bodies, struct: false });
fetch.on('error', err => reject(err));
fetch.on('message', (msg, id) => {
rawHeaders[id] = '';
msg.on('body', stream => stream.on('data', (chunk) => rawHeaders[id] += chunk.toString('utf8')));
msg.once('attributes', (attrs) => rawAttrs[id] = attrs);
fetch.on('end', () => {
const messages: Record<number, { headers: RawMessageHeaders; attrs: MessageAttrs }> = {};
Object.keys(rawHeaders).forEach(idStr => {
const id = parseInt(idStr, 10);
const finalHeaders: Record<string, string> = {};
rawHeaders[id].split(/\r?\n(?=[A-z:\-_]+)/g).map(h => h.trim()).filter(h => h).forEach(header => {
const delimiter = header.indexOf(':');
const name = header.substr(0, delimiter).trim();
const value = header.substr(delimiter + 1).trim();
finalHeaders[name.toUpperCase()] = value;
const myAttrs = rawAttrs[id];
messages[id] = {
headers: finalHeaders,
attrs: {
uid: myAttrs.uid,
flags: new Set(myAttrs.flags)
* Parses a participant list,
* e.g 'Auri Collings <>,'
* into a parsed array of Participant objects.
* This function WILL return invalid results if a name contains a comma.
* @returns an array of Participants.
private parseParticipants(header: string): Participant[] {
return header.split(',').map(raw => {
const delimiter = raw.indexOf('<');
if (delimiter === -1) return { name: undefined, address: raw.trim() };
const name = raw.substr(0, delimiter).replace(/^[\s'"]+/g, '').trim().replace(/[\s'"]+$/g, '');
const address = raw.substr(delimiter + 1).replace(/[<>]/g, '').replace(/^[\s'"]+/g, '').trim().replace(/[\s'"]+$/g, '');
return { name: name ? name : undefined, address };