148 lines
4.1 KiB
148 lines
4.1 KiB
import re
import os
import json
import pprint
import asyncio
from urllib.request import urlopen
from autobahn.asyncio.websocket import WebSocketClientFactory, WebSocketClientProtocol
from ignoracle import Ignoracle, parameterize_record_info
clients = []
class MyClientProtocol(WebSocketClientProtocol):
def onConnect(self, response):
print("Connected to server: {}".format(response.peer))
def report(self, url):
self.sendMessage(json.dumps({"url": url}).encode('utf8'))
cache = {}
def getPatternsForIgnoreSet(name):
assert name != "", name
if name in cache:
return cache[name]
print("Fetching ArchiveBot/master/db/ignore_patterns/%s.json" % name)
cache[name] = json.loads(urlopen("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArchiveTeam/ArchiveBot/master/db/ignore_patterns/%s.json" % name).read().decode("utf-8"))["patterns"]
return cache[name]
hook_settings_dir = os.environ['HOOK_SETTINGS_DIR']
ignoracle = Ignoracle()
def mtime(f):
return os.stat(f).st_mtime
class FileChangedWatcher(object):
def __init__(self, fname):
self.fname = fname
self.last_mtime = mtime(fname)
def has_changed(self):
now_mtime = mtime(self.fname)
changed = mtime(self.fname) != self.last_mtime
self.last_mtime = now_mtime
return changed
ignore_sets_w = FileChangedWatcher(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "ignore_sets"))
ignores_w = FileChangedWatcher(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "ignores"))
def update_ignoracle():
with open(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "ignore_sets"), "r") as f:
ignore_sets = f.read().strip("\r\n\t ,").split(',')
with open(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "ignores"), "r") as f:
ignores = set(ig for ig in f.read().strip("\r\n").split('\n') if ig != "")
for igset in ignore_sets:
print("Using these %d ignores:" % len(ignores))
def ignore_url_p(url, record_info):
Returns whether a URL should be ignored.
parameters = parameterize_record_info(record_info)
return ignoracle.ignores(url, **parameters)
def accept_url(url_info, record_info, verdict, reasons):
if ignore_sets_w.has_changed() or ignores_w.has_changed():
url = url_info['url']
if url.startswith('data:'):
# data: URLs aren't something you can grab, so drop them to avoid ignore
# checking and ignore logging.
return False
pattern = ignore_url_p(url, record_info)
if pattern:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "igoff")):
print("IGNOR %s by %s" % (url, pattern))
return False
# If we get here, none of our ignores apply. Return the original verdict.
return verdict
def handle_response(url_info, record_info, error_info=None, http_info=None):
if clients:
# Regular expressions for server headers go here
ICY_FIELD_PATTERN = re.compile('Icy-|Ice-|X-Audiocast-')
ICY_VALUE_PATTERN = re.compile('icecast', re.IGNORECASE)
def handle_pre_response(url_info, url_record, response_info):
url = url_info['url']
# Check if server version starts with ICY
if response_info.get('version', '') == 'ICY':
maybe_log_ignore(url, '[icy version]')
return wpull_hook.actions.FINISH
# Loop through all the server headers for matches
for field, value in response_info.get('fields', []):
if ICY_FIELD_PATTERN.match(field):
maybe_log_ignore(url, '[icy field]')
return wpull_hook.actions.FINISH
if field == 'Server' and ICY_VALUE_PATTERN.match(value):
maybe_log_ignore(url, '[icy server]')
return wpull_hook.actions.FINISH
# Nothing matched, allow download
return wpull_hook.actions.NORMAL
assert 2 in wpull_hook.callbacks.AVAILABLE_VERSIONS
wpull_hook.callbacks.version = 2
wpull_hook.callbacks.accept_url = accept_url
wpull_hook.callbacks.handle_response = handle_response
wpull_hook.callbacks.handle_pre_response = handle_pre_response
factory = WebSocketClientFactory()
factory.protocol = MyClientProtocol
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
port = int(os.environ.get('GRAB_SITE_WS_PORT', 29000))
coro = loop.create_connection(factory, '', port)