
148 lines
4.1 KiB

import re
import os
import json
import pprint
import asyncio
from urllib.request import urlopen
from autobahn.asyncio.websocket import WebSocketClientFactory, WebSocketClientProtocol
from ignoracle import Ignoracle, parameterize_record_info
clients = []
class MyClientProtocol(WebSocketClientProtocol):
def onConnect(self, response):
print("Connected to server: {}".format(response.peer))
def report(self, url):
self.sendMessage(json.dumps({"url": url}).encode('utf8'))
cache = {}
def getPatternsForIgnoreSet(name):
assert name != "", name
if name in cache:
return cache[name]
print("Fetching ArchiveBot/master/db/ignore_patterns/%s.json" % name)
cache[name] = json.loads(urlopen("" % name).read().decode("utf-8"))["patterns"]
return cache[name]
hook_settings_dir = os.environ['HOOK_SETTINGS_DIR']
ignoracle = Ignoracle()
def mtime(f):
return os.stat(f).st_mtime
class FileChangedWatcher(object):
def __init__(self, fname):
self.fname = fname
self.last_mtime = mtime(fname)
def has_changed(self):
now_mtime = mtime(self.fname)
changed = mtime(self.fname) != self.last_mtime
self.last_mtime = now_mtime
return changed
ignore_sets_w = FileChangedWatcher(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "ignore_sets"))
ignores_w = FileChangedWatcher(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "ignores"))
def update_ignoracle():
with open(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "ignore_sets"), "r") as f:
ignore_sets ="\r\n\t ,").split(',')
with open(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "ignores"), "r") as f:
ignores = set(ig for ig in"\r\n").split('\n') if ig != "")
for igset in ignore_sets:
print("Using these %d ignores:" % len(ignores))
def ignore_url_p(url, record_info):
Returns whether a URL should be ignored.
parameters = parameterize_record_info(record_info)
return ignoracle.ignores(url, **parameters)
def accept_url(url_info, record_info, verdict, reasons):
if ignore_sets_w.has_changed() or ignores_w.has_changed():
url = url_info['url']
if url.startswith('data:'):
# data: URLs aren't something you can grab, so drop them to avoid ignore
# checking and ignore logging.
return False
pattern = ignore_url_p(url, record_info)
if pattern:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(hook_settings_dir, "igoff")):
print("IGNOR %s by %s" % (url, pattern))
return False
# If we get here, none of our ignores apply. Return the original verdict.
return verdict
def handle_response(url_info, record_info, error_info=None, http_info=None):
if clients:
# Regular expressions for server headers go here
ICY_FIELD_PATTERN = re.compile('Icy-|Ice-|X-Audiocast-')
ICY_VALUE_PATTERN = re.compile('icecast', re.IGNORECASE)
def handle_pre_response(url_info, url_record, response_info):
url = url_info['url']
# Check if server version starts with ICY
if response_info.get('version', '') == 'ICY':
maybe_log_ignore(url, '[icy version]')
return wpull_hook.actions.FINISH
# Loop through all the server headers for matches
for field, value in response_info.get('fields', []):
if ICY_FIELD_PATTERN.match(field):
maybe_log_ignore(url, '[icy field]')
return wpull_hook.actions.FINISH
if field == 'Server' and ICY_VALUE_PATTERN.match(value):
maybe_log_ignore(url, '[icy server]')
return wpull_hook.actions.FINISH
# Nothing matched, allow download
return wpull_hook.actions.NORMAL
assert 2 in wpull_hook.callbacks.AVAILABLE_VERSIONS
wpull_hook.callbacks.version = 2
wpull_hook.callbacks.accept_url = accept_url
wpull_hook.callbacks.handle_response = handle_response
wpull_hook.callbacks.handle_pre_response = handle_pre_response
factory = WebSocketClientFactory()
factory.protocol = MyClientProtocol
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
port = int(os.environ.get('GRAB_SITE_WS_PORT', 29000))
coro = loop.create_connection(factory, '', port)