
291 lines
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--- General Sounds
-- @topic general
local playing = {}
local failed = {}
-- initialize random number generator
local rand = PcgRandom(os.time())
--- Plays a sound.
-- @function sounds:play
-- @tparam string name Sound file without .ogg suffix.
-- @tparam[opt] SoundParams sp Sound parameters.
-- @treturn bool `true` if sound is available to be played.
-- @usage
-- -- create new sound groups
-- local s_group1 = SoundGroup({"sound1", "sound2"})
-- local s_group2 = SoundGroup({"modname_sound1", "modname_sound2", no_prepend=true})
-- -- play sound at index
-- s_group1:play(2)
-- -- play random sound from group
-- s_group1:play()
-- -- play sound with parameters
-- s_group1:play(1, {gain=1.0, max_hear_distance=100}) = function(self, name, sp)
local s_type = type(name)
if s_type ~= "string" then
sounds.log("error", "cannot play non-string type: " .. s_type)
return false
if not sounds.cache[name] then
if not failed[name] then
failed[name] = true
sounds.log("error", "\"" .. name .. "\" not available for playing")
return false
local s_handle = core.sound_play(name, sp)
-- TODO: register check to see if sound is still playing & remove from "playing" list
--playing[s_handle] = name
return true
--- Objects
-- @section objects
--- Sound Group.
-- @table SoundGroup
-- @tfield SoundGroup:new new Constructor method (deprecated).
-- @tfield SoundGroup:count count Retrieves number of available sounds.
-- @tfield SoundGroup:play play Plays indexed or random sound.
-- @tfield bool no_prepend If set to `true`, omits prepending "sounds_" to sound filenames when played.
SoundGroup = {
--- Constructor.
-- @function SoundGroup
-- @tparam table def Sound definition.
-- @treturn SoundGroup Sound group definition table.
__init = {
__call = function(self, def)
def = def or {}
for k, v in pairs(self) do
if k ~= "new" and def[k] == nil then
def[k] = v
return def
--- Creates a new sound definition (deprecated).
-- Deprecated: Use ***SoundGroup()***.
-- @function SoundGroup:new
-- @tparam table def Definition.
-- @usage
-- local sdef1 = SoundGroup:new({"sound1", "sound2"})
-- local sdef2 = SoundGroup:new({"sound3", "sound4", no_prepend=true})
new = function(self, def)
sounds.log("warning", "SoundGroup:new() is deprected, use SoundGroup()")
return self(def)
--- Retrieves number of sounds in group.
-- @function SoundGroup:count
-- @treturn int
count = function(self)
local s_count = 0
for _, idx in ipairs(self) do
s_count = s_count + 1
return s_count
--- Plays a sound from the group.
-- If ***idx*** is not specified, an available sound will be selected
-- randomly from the group.
-- @function SoundGroup:play
-- @tparam[opt] int idx Sound index.
-- @tparam[opt] SoundParams sp Sound parameters.
-- @note idx & sp parameters positions can be switched.
play = function(self, idx, sp)
local s_count = self:count()
if s_count < 1 then
sounds.log("error", "no sounds to play")
return false
-- allow second parameter to be sound parameters table
if type(idx) == "table" then
local sp_old = sp
sp = table.copy(idx)
idx = sp_old
sp_old = nil
-- play random
if not idx then
if s_count == 1 then
idx = 1
idx =, s_count)
if type(idx) ~= "number" then
print("idx must be a number")
return false
if idx > s_count then
sounds.log("error", "sound index " .. idx .. " out of range: max " .. s_count)
return false
local selected = self[idx]
if type(selected) == "string" and self.no_prepend ~= true then
selected = "sounds_" .. selected
return sounds:play(selected, sp)
setmetatable(SoundGroup, SoundGroup.__init)
--- Pre-defined sound groups
-- @section groups
--- Bite sounds.
-- @sndgroup sounds.bite
-- @snd apple_bite
sounds.bite = SoundGroup({
--- Bounce sounds.
-- @sndgroup sounds.bounce
-- @snd boing
sounds.bounce = SoundGroup({
--- Entity hit sounds.
-- @sndgroup sounds.entity_hit
-- @snd entity_hit
sounds.entity_hit = SoundGroup({
--- Explosion sounds.
-- @sndgroup sounds.explosion
-- @snd explosion
sounds.explosion = SoundGroup({
--- Fuse sounds.
-- @sndgroup sounds.fuse
-- @snd fuse
sounds.fuse = SoundGroup({
--- Gallop sounds.
-- @sndgroup sounds.gallop
-- @snd gallop_01
-- @snd gallop_02
sounds.gallop = SoundGroup({
--- Horse neigh sounds.
-- @sndgroup sounds.horse_neigh
-- @snd horse_neigh_01
-- @snd horse_neigh_02
sounds.horse_neigh = SoundGroup({
--- Horse snort sounds.
-- @sndgroup sounds.horse_snort
-- @snd horse_snort_01
-- @snd horse_snort_02
sounds.horse_snort = SoundGroup({
--- Pencil sounds.
-- @sndgroup sounds.pencil
-- @snd pencil_erase
-- @snd pencil_write
sounds.pencil = SoundGroup({
sounds.node = {
["break"] = {
glass = SoundGroup({"glass_break"}),
dig = {
choppy = SoundGroup({"dig_choppy"}),
cracky = SoundGroup({"dig_cracky"}),
crumbly = SoundGroup({"dig_crumbly"}),
snappy = SoundGroup({"dig_snappy"}),
gravel = SoundGroup({"gravel_dig"}),
ice = SoundGroup({"ice_dig"}),
metal = SoundGroup({"metal_dig"}),
dug = SoundGroup({"node_dug",
gravel = SoundGroup({"gravel_dug"}),
ice = SoundGroup({"ice_dug"}),
metal = SoundGroup({"metal_dug"}),
place = SoundGroup({"node_place",
metal = SoundGroup({"metal_step"}),
soft = SoundGroup({"node_place_soft"}),
step = {
dirt = SoundGroup({"dirt_step"}),
glass = SoundGroup({"glass_step"}),
grass = SoundGroup({"grass_step"}),
gravel = SoundGroup({"gravel_step"}),
hard = SoundGroup({"step_hard"}),
ice = SoundGroup({"ice_step"}),
metal = SoundGroup({"metal_step"}),
sand = SoundGroup({"sand_step"}),
snow = SoundGroup({"snow_step"}),
water = SoundGroup({"water_step"}),