
161 lines
3.4 KiB

-- Mob Framework Mod by Sapier
-- Converted to 'creatures' mob engine API by Jordan Irwin (AntumDeluge)
-- You may copy, use, modify or do nearly anything except removing this
-- copyright notice.
-- And of course you are NOT allow to pretend you have written it.
--! @file init.lua
--! @brief shark implementation
--! @copyright Sapier
--! @author Sapier
--! @date 2014-05-30
-- Contact sapier a t gmx net
local S = core.get_translator("shark")
cmer_shark = {
modname = core.get_current_modname()
cmer_shark.modpath = core.get_modpath(cmer_shark.modname)
local version = "1.0"
local variant = "me" -- Creatures MOB-Engine
local version_full = tostring(version) .. "-" .. variant
local function mlog(lvl, msg)
if lvl and msg == nil then
msg = lvl
lvl = nil
if lvl == nil then
core.log("[" .. cmer_shark.modname .. "] " .. msg)
core.log(lvl, "[" .. cmer_shark.modname .. "] " .. msg)
mlog("action", "v" .. version_full .. " loading ...")
local mobname = "creatures:shark"
local scripts = {
for _, script in ipairs(scripts) do
dofile(cmer_shark.modpath .. "/" .. script .. ".lua")
local spawn_nodes = {"group:sand", "default:clay"}
if core.global_exists("ethereal") then
table.insert(spawn_nodes, "ethereal:seaweed")
local shark_def = {
name = ":creatures:shark",
nametag = creatures.feature_nametags and S("Shark") or nil,
stats = {
hp = 15, -- TODO: add setting to change
--hp_min = 10,
--hp_max = 15,
hostile = true,
lifetime = 600, -- 10 minutes
can_jump = 0,
can_swim = true,
-- - shark moves on land after being attacked
-- - shark doesn't attack until attacked
-- - shark floats into air when attacked
modes = {
idle = {
chance = 0.1,
duration = 30,
moving_speed = 0,
follow = {
chance = 0.1,
duration = 120,
moving_speed = 2,
attack = {
chance = 0.8,
moving_speed = 3,
model = {
mesh = "shark.b3d",
textures = {"shark_mesh.png"},
collisionbox = {-0.38, -0.25, -0.38, 0.38, 0.25, 0.38},
--rotation = 0.0,
animations = {
idle = {
start = 1,
stop = 80,
speed = 24,
follow = {
start = 80,
stop = 160,
speed = 24,
attack = {
start = 80,
stop = 160,
speed = 24,
drops = {
{"shark:meat_raw", 3, 1.0},
{"shark:tooth", {min=1, max=3}, 0.4},
{"shark:skin", 1, 0.4},
combat = {
attack_damage = 6,
--attack_speed = 1.0,
attack_radius = 2.0,
--search_enemy = ,
--search_timer = ,
search_radius = 10.0,
--search_type = ,
spawning = {
abm_nodes = {
spawn_on = spawn_nodes,
neighbors = {"default:water_source", "default:water_flowing",},
abm_interval = cmer_shark.interval,
abm_chance = cmer_shark.chance,
--max_number = 1,
number = 1,
time_range = {min=cmer_shark.min_time, max=cmer_shark.max_time},
light = {min=cmer_shark.min_light, max=cmer_shark.max_light},
height_limit = {min=cmer_shark.min_height, max=cmer_shark.max_height},
if core.global_exists("asm") then
name = "shark",
inventory_image = "shark_inv.png",
spawn = mobname,
ingredients = "shark:tooth",
mlog("action", "v" .. version_full .. " loaded")