2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
local S = core.get_translator(alternode.modname)
local use_s_protect = core.global_exists("s_protect")
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
local misc = dofile(alternode.modpath .. "/misc_functions.lua")
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
local function check_permissions(player)
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local granted, missing = core.check_player_privs(pname, {server=true,})
if not granted then
S("You do not have privileges to use this item (missing priviliges: @1)", table.concat(missing, ", ")))
return false
return true
local function is_area_owner(pos, pname)
if not pname then return false end
if use_s_protect then
local claim = s_protect.get_claim(pos)
if claim then return pname == claim.owner end
return core.is_protected(pos, pname)
return false
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
--- Checks if a thing pointed at is a node.
-- @local
-- @function check_node
-- @param target pointed_thing
-- @param pname Name of player pointing.
-- @return `pos`, `node` if the pointed_thing is a node, `nil` otherwise.
local function check_node(target, pname)
if not target then return false end
local pos = nil
local node = nil
if target.type == "node" then
pos = core.get_pointed_thing_position(target, false)
node = core.get_node_or_nil(pos)
if not node then
pos = nil
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
if not pos then
core.chat_send_player(pname, S("This item only works on nodes"))
return pos, node
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
--- Admin tool to retrieve node node coordinates, name, & some select meta info.
-- @craftitem alternode:infostick
-- @use
-- @place
core.register_craftitem(alternode.modname .. ":infostick", {
description = S("Tool for retrieving information about a node"),
short_description = S("Info Stick"),
inventory_image = "alternode_infostick.png",
stack_max = 1,
on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
if not user:is_player() then return end
if not check_permissions(user) then return end
local pname = user:get_player_name()
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
local pos, node = check_node(pointed_thing, pname)
if not pos then return end
2021-05-17 11:49:12 -07:00
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
-- store pos info for retrieval in callbacks
local pmeta = user:get_meta()
pmeta:set_string(alternode.modname .. ":pos", core.serialize(pos))
pmeta:set_string(alternode.modname .. ":node", core.serialize(node))
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
core.show_formspec(pname, alternode.modname .. ":infostick",
alternode.get_infostick_formspec(pos, node, user))
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
if not placer:is_player() then return end
if not check_permissions(placer) then return end
2021-05-17 11:49:12 -07:00
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
local pname = placer:get_player_name()
local pos, node = check_node(pointed_thing, pname)
if not pos then return end
2021-05-17 11:49:12 -07:00
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
local nmeta = core.get_meta(pos)
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
local infostring = S("Pos: x@=@1, y@=@2, z@=@3; Name: @4; Select meta info:",
tostring(pos.x), tostring(pos.y), tostring(pos.z), node.name)
-- some commonly used meta keys
infostring = infostring .. misc.format_meta_values(nmeta, {"id", "infotext", "owner"})
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
core.chat_send_player(pname, infostring)
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
--- Player tool to alter *infotext* meta value.
-- @craftitem alternode:pencil
-- @use
-- @place
core.register_craftitem(alternode.modname .. ":pencil", {
description = S("Tool for editing node infotext"),
short_description = S("Pencil"),
inventory_image = "alternode_pencil.png",
stack_max = 1,
on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
if not user:is_player() then return end
local pname = user:get_player_name()
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
local pos = check_node(pointed_thing, pname)
if not pos then return end
2021-05-17 11:49:12 -07:00
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
if not is_area_owner(pos, pname) then
core.chat_send_player(pname, S("You cannot alter nodes in areas you do not own"))
-- store pos info for retrieval in callbacks
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
user:get_meta():set_string(alternode.modname .. ":pos", core.serialize(pos))
core.show_formspec(pname, alternode.modname .. ":pencil",
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
--- Player tool to set/unset *owner* meta value.
2021-05-17 11:49:12 -07:00
-- @craftitem alternode:key
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
-- @use
-- @place
2021-05-17 11:49:12 -07:00
core.register_craftitem(alternode.modname .. ":key", {
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
description = S("Tool for setting node owner"),
2021-05-17 11:49:12 -07:00
short_description = S("Node Key"),
inventory_image = "alternode_key.png",
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
stack_max = 1,
on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
if not user:is_player() then return end
local pname = user:get_player_name()
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
local pos = check_node(pointed_thing, pname)
if not pos then return end
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
local nmeta = core.get_meta(pos)
local node_owner = nmeta:get_string("owner")
if node_owner ~= "" and pname ~= node_owner then
core.chat_send_player(pname, S("You cannot take ownership of a node owned by @1", node_owner))
local unown = false
if pname == node_owner then unown = true end
if unown then
nmeta:set_string("owner", nil)
core.chat_send_player(pname, S("You no longer own this node"))
if not is_area_owner(pos, pname) then
core.chat_send_player(pname, S("You cannot take ownership of nodes in areas you do not own"))
nmeta:set_string("owner", pname)
core.chat_send_player(pname, S("You now own this node"))
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
if not placer:is_player() then return end
2021-05-17 16:12:47 -07:00
local pname = user:get_player_name()
local pos = check_node(pointed_thing, pname)
2021-05-16 19:06:05 -07:00
if not pos then return end
local node_owner = core.get_meta(pos):get_string("owner")
if node_owner == "" then
core.chat_send_player(pname, S("This node is unowned"))
core.chat_send_player(pname, S("This node is owned by @1", node_owner))
2021-05-17 11:49:12 -07:00
core.register_alias("ownit:wand", alternode.modname .. ":key")
core.register_alias(alternode.modname .. ":wand", alternode.modname .. ":key")