Bugfix Release 1.1.2. The cabinet sink water sound is now looped, fixed the three level rack formspec

This commit is contained in:
Andrey2470T 2023-08-17 15:55:08 +03:00
parent 0087608bcc
commit 701a85bd10
6 changed files with 105 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
# MultiDecor 1.1.1. Modpack For Minetest.
# MultiDecor 1.1.2. Modpack For Minetest.
## Description
This modpack adds various detailed furniture components, decorations and exterior stuff with various designs and styles of each epoch. Inspired by Homedecor and based on my abandoned Luxury Decor. Currently it contains the decor stuff only of "modern" style. A simple cheap style without any quaintness and luxury. In future there will be added still few sorts of that: baroque, high-tech, classic and royal.
## Changelog List
#### [17.08.23] Release 1.1.2.
#### [16.08.23] Release 1.1.1.
#### [09.03.23] Release 1.1.0.
#### [22.01.23] Release 1.0.5.

View File

@ -38,10 +38,21 @@ function multidecor.register.register_type(type_name)
table.insert(multidecor.register.supported_types, type_name)
-- Checks whether type with 'type_name' name is registered
function multidecor.register.check_for_type(type_name)
for _, type in ipairs(multidecor.register.supported_types) do
if type == type_name then
-- Checks whether the given 'name' is in the category with 'category_id' (whether it is registered there).
-- 'category_id': '0' - types, '1' - styles, '2' - materials
function multidecor.register.category_contains(name, category_id)
local lookup_t
if category_id == 0 then
lookup_t = multidecor.register.supported_types
elseif category_id == 1 then
lookup_t = multidecor.register.supported_styles
elseif category_id == 2 then
lookup_t = multidecor.register.supported_materials
for _, cat_name in ipairs(lookup_t) do
if cat_name == name then
return true
@ -49,15 +60,37 @@ function multidecor.register.check_for_type(type_name)
return false
-- Checks whether style with 'style_name' name is registered
function multidecor.register.check_for_style(style_name)
for _, style in ipairs(multidecor.register.supported_styles) do
if style == style_name then
return true
-- Returns the name from category with 'category_id' for the node with 'name' name.
-- 'category_id': '0' - types, '1' - styles, '2' - materials
function multidecor.register.get_name_from_category(name, category_id)
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[name]
local ret_cat = ""
local lookup_t
if category_id == 0 then
lookup_t = multidecor.register.supported_types
elseif category_id == 1 then
lookup_t = multidecor.register.supported_styles
elseif category_id == 2 then
lookup_t = multidecor.register.supported_materials
for _, cat in ipairs(lookup_t) do
if def.groups[cat] then
ret_cat = cat
return false
return ret_cat
function multidecor.register.build_description(name, base_desc)
local style = multidecor.register.get_name_from_category(name, 1)
local material = multidecor.register.get_name_from_category(name, 2)
return base_desc .. "\nStyle: " .. style .. (material ~= "" and "\nMaterial: " .. material or "")
@ -101,8 +134,8 @@ end
function multidecor.register.register_furniture_unit(name, def, craft_def)
local f_def = {}
assert(multidecor.register.check_for_type(def.type), "The type with a name \"" .. def.type .. "\" is not registered!")
assert(multidecor.register.check_for_style(def.style), "The style with a name \"" .. def.style .. "\" is not registered!")
assert(multidecor.register.category_contains(def.type, 0), "The type with a name \"" .. def.type .. "\" is not registered!")
assert(multidecor.register.category_contains(def.style, 1), "The style with a name \"" .. def.style .. "\" is not registered!")
f_def.description = def.description
f_def.visual_scale = def.visual_scale or 0.4
@ -327,7 +360,7 @@ end
function multidecor.register.register_garniture(def)
local cmn_def = {}
assert(multidecor.register.check_for_style(def.style), "The style with a name \"" .. def.style .. "\" is not registered!")
assert(multidecor.register.category_contains(def.style, 1), "The style with a name \"" .. def.style .. "\" is not registered!")
cmn_def.style = def.style
cmn_def.material = def.material

View File

@ -77,6 +77,50 @@ function multidecor.shelves.rotate_shelf_bbox(obj)
-- Builds formspec string for the shelf with 'shelf_num' number. The inventory can be detached and node.
function multidecor.shelves.build_formspec(pos, common_name, data, shelf_num, detached)
if detached == nil then
detached = true
local inv_name = multidecor.helpers.build_name_from_tmp(common_name, "inv", shelf_num, pos)
local list_name = multidecor.helpers.build_name_from_tmp(common_name, "list", shelf_num, pos)
local list_type = data.invlist_type or "storage"
local padding = 0.25
local list_w = list_type == "storage" and data.inv_size.w or 1
local list_h = list_type == "storage" and data.inv_size.h or 1
local width = list_w > 8 and list_w or 8
local fs_size = {
w = width+1+(width-1)*padding,
h = list_h+5.5+(list_h-1)*padding+3*padding
fs_size.h = list_type == "cooker" and fs_size.h + 1 or fs_size.h
local player_list_y = list_h+1+(list_h-1)*padding + (list_type == "cooker" and 1 or 0)
local list_x = list_type == "cooker" and fs_size.w/2-0.5 or 0.5
local list_y = list_type == "cooker" and 1 or 0.5
local fs =
("formspec_version[4]size[%f,%f]"):format(fs_size.w, fs_size.h) ..
if detached then
fs = fs .. ("list[detached:%s;%s;%f,%f;%f,%f;]"):format(inv_name, list_name, list_x, list_y, list_w, list_h)
fs = fs .. ("list[nodemeta:%f,%f,%f;%s;0.5,0.5;%u,%u;]"):format(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, list_name, list_w, list_h)
if list_type == "trash" then
fs = fs .. "image[0.5,0.5;1,1;multidecor_trash_icon.png;]"
if list_type == "cooker" then
fs = fs .. "image[0.5,1;1,1;multidecor_cooker_fire_off.png;]"
return fs
-- Animates opening or closing the shelf 'obj'. The action directly depends on 'dir_sign' value ('1' is open, '-1' is close)
function multidecor.shelves.open_shelf(obj, dir_sign)
local self = obj:get_luaentity()
@ -130,41 +174,13 @@ function multidecor.shelves.set_shelves(pos)
for i, shelf_data in ipairs(def.add_properties.shelves_data) do
local inv_name = multidecor.helpers.build_name_from_tmp(def.add_properties.shelves_data.common_name, "inv", i, pos)
local list_name = multidecor.helpers.build_name_from_tmp(def.add_properties.shelves_data.common_name, "list", i, pos)
local list_type = shelf_data.invlist_type or "storage"
local fs = multidecor.shelves.build_formspec(
local padding = 0.25
local list_w = list_type == "storage" and shelf_data.inv_size.w or 1
local list_h = list_type == "storage" and shelf_data.inv_size.h or 1
local width = list_w > 8 and list_w or 8
local fs_size = {
w = width+1+(width-1)*padding,
h = list_h+5.5+(list_h-1)*padding+3*padding
fs_size.h = shelf_data.invlist_type == "cooker" and fs_size.h + 1 or fs_size.h
local player_list_y = list_h+1+(list_h-1)*padding + (shelf_data.invlist_type == "cooker" and 1 or 0)
local list_x = shelf_data.invlist_type == "cooker" and fs_size.w/2-0.5 or 0.5
local list_y = shelf_data.invlist_type == "cooker" and 1 or 0.5
local fs = [[
if list_type == "trash" then
fs = fs .. "image[0.5,0.5;1,1;multidecor_trash_icon.png;]"
if list_type == "cooker" then
fs = fs .. "image[0.5,1;1,1;multidecor_cooker_fire_off.png;]"
fs = fs:format(
fs_size.w, fs_size.h,
inv_name, list_name, list_x, list_y,
list_w, list_h, player_list_y)
local obj = minetest.add_entity(vector.add(pos, shelf_data.pos), shelf_data.object, minetest.serialize({fs, {name=node.name, pos=pos}, 0, i}))
local move_dist

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ local cmpnts = {
meta:set_string("water_stream_id", tonumber(id))
local sound_handle = minetest.sound_play("multidecor_tap", {pos=pos, max_hear_distance=12})
local sound_handle = minetest.sound_play("multidecor_tap", {pos=pos, fade=1.0, max_hear_distance=12, loop=true})
meta:set_string("sound_handle", minetest.serialize(sound_handle))

View File

@ -263,7 +263,6 @@ multidecor.register.register_furniture_unit("alarm_clock", {
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("is_activated", "false")
meta:set_int("nodetime_elapsed", -1)
on_rightclick = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
@ -271,9 +270,11 @@ multidecor.register.register_furniture_unit("alarm_clock", {
if meta:get_string("is_activated") == "false" then
meta:set_string("is_activated", "true")
local handle = minetest.sound_play("multidecor_clock_ticking", {pos=pos, fade=1.0, max_hear_distance=10, loop=true})
meta:set_string("sound_handle", minetest.serialize(handle))
meta:set_string("is_activated", "false")
meta:set_int("nodetime_elapsed", -1)
local handle = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("sound_handle"))
@ -286,18 +287,9 @@ multidecor.register.register_furniture_unit("alarm_clock", {
on_timer = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local elapsed = meta:get_int("nodetime_elapsed")
elapsed = elapsed + 1
meta:set_int("nodetime_elapsed", elapsed)
local hours, minutes, seconds = get_current_time()
meta:set_string("infotext", get_formatted_time_str(hours, minutes))
if elapsed % 8 == 0 then
local handle = minetest.sound_play("multidecor_clock_ticking", {pos=pos, fade=1.0, max_hear_distance=10})
meta:set_string("sound_handle", minetest.serialize(handle))
return true
after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmeta)

View File

@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
local function get_shelf_formspec(name, pos, w, h)
local listname = multidecor.helpers.build_name_from_tmp(name, "list", 1, pos)
return table.concat({
("list[nodemeta:%f,%f,%f;%s;0.5,0.5;%u,%u;]"):format(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, listname, w, h),
}, "")
local shelf_on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
local add_props = minetest.registered_nodes[name].add_properties
meta:set_string("formspec", get_shelf_formspec(name, pos, add_props.inv_size.w, add_props.inv_size.h))
meta:set_string("formspec", multidecor.shelves.build_formspec(pos, name, add_props, 1, false))
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos})
local list_name = multidecor.helpers.build_name_from_tmp(name, "list", 1, pos)