
913 lines
25 KiB

Simple Graph
(c) Nicolaus Anderson
Created Jan 7, 2013
License: Same terms as irrlicht
#include "SGraph2D.h"
#include <stdio.h>
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setGraphSize( irr::core::rectf& size )
// Change the points so they can be drawn correctly on the new window
changeGraphWindow( size );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setGraphSizeX( irr::f32 size, bool isMax )
irr::core::rectf new_window(window);
// Note that LowerRightCorner is actually the top
if ( isMax )
new_window.LowerRightCorner.X = size;
} else {
new_window.UpperLeftCorner.X = size;
// Change the points so they can be drawn correctly on the new window
changeGraphWindow( new_window );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setGraphSizeY( irr::f32 size, bool isMax )
irr::core::rectf new_window(window);
// Note that LowerRightCorner is actually the top
if ( isMax )
new_window.LowerRightCorner.Y = size;
} else {
new_window.UpperLeftCorner.Y = size;
// Change the points so they can be drawn correctly on the new window
changeGraphWindow( new_window );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setGraphScale( irr::core::rectf& scale )
irr::core::rectf new_window(window);
new_window.UpperLeftCorner.X *= scale.UpperLeftCorner.X;
new_window.UpperLeftCorner.Y *= scale.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
new_window.LowerRightCorner.X *= scale.LowerRightCorner.X;
new_window.LowerRightCorner.Y *= scale.LowerRightCorner.Y;;
// Change the points so they can be drawn correctly on the new window
changeGraphWindow( new_window );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::ReallocateGraphSpace()
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::changeGraphWindow( irr::core::rectf new_win )
irr::core::position2df point;
// Save the ratios - for convenience
irr::f32 winARx = window.getWidth() / (f32)AbsoluteRect.getWidth();
irr::f32 winARy = window.getHeight() / (f32)AbsoluteRect.getHeight();
irr::f32 ARnwinx = (f32)AbsoluteRect.getWidth() / new_win.getWidth();
irr::f32 ARnwiny = (f32)AbsoluteRect.getHeight() / new_win.getHeight();
// Restore all points with new values in the new window
for ( irr::u32 p=0; p < graphImage.size(); p++ )
point.X =
// shift from the old graph window (same as in first loop)
graphImage[p].Pos.X * winARx
+ window.UpperLeftCorner.X
-new_win.UpperLeftCorner.X // shift to new origin
* ARnwinx; // change to irrlicht coordinate scale
point.Y =
// shift from the old graph window (same as in first loop)
graphImage[p].Pos.Y * winARy
+ window.UpperLeftCorner.Y
-new_win.UpperLeftCorner.Y // shift to new origin
* ARnwiny; // change to irrlicht coordinate scale
// Overwrite the old point
graphImage[p].Pos.X = point.X;
graphImage[p].Pos.Y = point.Y;
// Overwrite the original window
window = new_win;
irr::core::rectf irr::gui::SGraph2D::getGraphSize()
return window;
Range<irr::f32> irr::gui::SGraph2D::getXAxisRange()
return Range<irr::f32>(
Range<irr::f32> irr::gui::SGraph2D::getYAxisRange()
return Range<irr::f32>(
Inc<irr::f32> irr::gui::SGraph2D::getIterableXRange()
Inc<irr::f32> inc(Inc<irr::f32>::CYC_REPEAT);
inc.setRange( getXAxisRange() );
inc.setStep( window.getWidth() / ((irr::f32)AbsoluteRect.getWidth()) );
return inc;
Inc<irr::f32> irr::gui::SGraph2D::getIterableYRange()
Inc<irr::f32> inc(Inc<irr::f32>::CYC_REPEAT);
inc.setRange( getYAxisRange() );
inc.setStep( window.getHeight() / ((irr::f32)AbsoluteRect.getHeight()) );
return inc;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::markerSpacingX( irr::f32 gap )
markXgap = gap;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::markerSpacingY( irr::f32 gap )
markYgap = gap;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::draw()
// Don't bother doing anything if this isn't visible
if ( !IsVisible || AbsoluteRect.getArea() == 0 || window.getArea() == 0.0f )
// variables...
irr::core::vector2di point; /* point to be drawn on screen representing
a point from the MathFunc */
/* Marker offset
- used to ensure the markers are drawn from the center outward. */
Inc<irr::f32> markerIter; /* no wrapping because we want
out-of-bounds checking */
// Marker line - drawn on the GUI graph screen
irr::core::line2df marker;
// For marker labels (drawn if desired)
irr::core::stringw label;
irr::core::position2df label_pos;
// operations...
// Draw the background if there is one
if ( hasBackground )
// Draw the axis if desired
if ( showXaxis )
if ( showYaxis )
// Draw the markers/lines if desired
if ( UseMarkers )
// Y-axis
if ( showYaxisMarks )
/* Set the offset for making the lines appear to be drawn
from the center outward */
markerIter.setMin( window.UpperLeftCorner.Y );
markerIter.setMax( window.LowerRightCorner.Y );
markerIter.setStep( markYgap );
markerIter.setVal( 0.0f ); // start in the center
// Set up the marker line
// Left side of the line
if ( UseTicks )
marker.start.X = -window.getWidth() / 40.0f; // for 5% window width
marker.start.X = window.UpperLeftCorner.X;
// Right side of the line
if ( UseTicks )
marker.end.X = window.getWidth() / 40.0f; // for 5% window width
marker.end.X = window.LowerRightCorner.X;
// Draw each marker
while ( !++markerIter ) // go until past the max
// Assign the position to the line to draw
marker.start.Y = marker.end.Y = markerIter.Val();
// Draw the marker to the GUI
drawToGUI( marker, ymark_color );
// Write the axis value if desired
if ( UseYTickLabels )
label = irr::core::stringw( (irr::s32)markerIter.Val() );
label_pos.X = marker.end.X + window.getWidth()/50;
label_pos.Y = markerIter.Val();
drawToGUI( label, label_pos, ymark_color, false, true );
// Restart at the center
markerIter = 0.0f;
// Draw each marker
while ( !--markerIter ) // go until past the min
// Assign the position to the line to draw
marker.start.Y = markerIter.Val();
marker.end.Y = markerIter.Val();
// Draw the marker to the GUI
drawToGUI( marker, ymark_color );
// Write the axis value if desired
if ( UseYTickLabels )
label = irr::core::stringw( (irr::s32)markerIter.Val() );
label_pos.X = marker.end.X + window.getWidth()/50;
label_pos.Y = markerIter.Val();
drawToGUI( label, label_pos, ymark_color, false, true );
// X-axis
if ( showXaxisMarks )
/* Set the offset for making the lines appear to be drawn
from the center outward */
markerIter.setMin( window.UpperLeftCorner.X );
markerIter.setMax( window.LowerRightCorner.X );
markerIter.setStep( markXgap );
markerIter.setVal( 0.0f ); // start in the center
// Set up the marker line
// Top of the line - Below the x-axis in terms of irrlicht drawing
if ( UseTicks )
marker.start.Y = window.getHeight() / 40.0f; // for 5% window height
marker.start.Y = window.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
// Bottom of the line - Above the x-axis in terms of irrlicht drawing
if ( UseTicks )
marker.end.Y = -window.getHeight() / 40.0f; // for 5% window height
marker.end.Y = window.LowerRightCorner.Y;
// Draw each marker
while ( !++markerIter ) // go until past the max
// Assign the position to the line to draw
marker.start.X = marker.end.X = markerIter.Val();
// Draw the marker to the GUI
drawToGUI( marker, xmark_color );
// Write the axis value if desired
if ( UseXTickLabels )
label = irr::core::stringw( (irr::s32)markerIter.Val() );
label_pos.X = markerIter.Val();
label_pos.Y = marker.start.Y + window.getHeight()/50;
drawToGUI( label, label_pos, xmark_color, false, true );
// Restart at the center
markerIter = 0.0f;
// Draw each marker
while ( !--markerIter ) // go until past the min
// Assign the position to the line to draw
marker.start.X = markerIter.Val();
marker.end.X = markerIter.Val();
// Draw the marker to the GUI
drawToGUI( marker, xmark_color );
// Write the axis value if desired
if ( UseXTickLabels )
label = irr::core::stringw( (irr::s32)markerIter.Val() );
label_pos.X = markerIter.Val();
label_pos.Y = marker.start.Y + window.getHeight()/50;
drawToGUI( label, label_pos, xmark_color, false, true );
// Display each points on screen
for (
irr::s32 pt = 0;
pt < (irr::s32)graphImage.size();
point.X = (irr::s32)graphImage[pt].Pos.X;
point.Y = (irr::s32)graphImage[pt].Pos.Y;
drawToGUI( point, graphImage[pt].Color );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::clearGraph()
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::autoAdjust()
/* Since all of the data points were stored in irrlicht coordinates
system SCALE (in order to draw them faster) (NOT including offset)
they must be converted back to the graph window coordinate system
for the graph to be rescaled to fit them. This can be a costly operation,
(depending on the number of points saved to the graph) so this function
should be called only once - after all of the points have been added. */
/* Operations require that both windows - GUI and graph - exist,
otherwise we get a 1/0 errore
Furthermore, there must be points to graph. */
if ( window.getArea() == 0 || AbsoluteRect.getArea() == 0
|| graphImage.size() == 0 )
// Temporary vertex for passing data
irr::core::position2df point;
// Temporary rectangle - for creating the new window
irr::core::rectf new_window;
// Save the ratios - for convenience
irr::f32 winARx = window.getWidth() / (f32)AbsoluteRect.getWidth();
irr::f32 winARy = window.getHeight() / (f32)AbsoluteRect.getHeight();
// First point determines start
/* This is done because the points may not actually reside anywhere
near the origin. */
new_window.UpperLeftCorner.X =
graphImage[0].Pos.X * winARx // change scale
+ window.UpperLeftCorner.X; // shift from corner to origin
new_window.LowerRightCorner.X =
graphImage[0].Pos.X * winARx // change scale
+ window.UpperLeftCorner.X; // shift from corner to origin
new_window.UpperLeftCorner.Y =
graphImage[0].Pos.Y * winARy // change scale
+ window.UpperLeftCorner.Y; // shift from corner to origin
new_window.LowerRightCorner.Y =
graphImage[0].Pos.Y * winARy // change scale
+ window.UpperLeftCorner.Y; // shift from corner to origin
// Generate the new window
for ( irr::u32 p=1; p < graphImage.size(); p++ )
point.X =
graphImage[p].Pos.X * winARx // change scale
+ window.UpperLeftCorner.X; // shift from corner to origin
point.Y =
graphImage[p].Pos.Y * winARy // change scale
+ window.UpperLeftCorner.Y; // shift from corner to origin
new_window.addInternalPoint( point );
changeGraphWindow( new_window );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setPointClipping( bool yes )
clipPoints = yes;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::useBackground( bool use )
hasBackground = use;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setBackgroundColor( irr::video::SColor color )
background_color = color;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setPointColor( irr::video::SColor color )
point_color = color;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setXAxisColor( irr::video::SColor color )
xaxis_color = color;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setYAxisColor( irr::video::SColor color )
yaxis_color = color;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setShowXAxis( bool show )
showXaxis = show;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setShowYAxis( bool show )
showYaxis = show;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::usePolygons( irr::f32 radius, irr::s32 corners )
usePolyPts = true;
polyRadius = radius;
polyPts = corners;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::useNoPolygons()
usePolyPts = false;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::showXAxisLabels( bool yes )
UseXTickLabels = yes;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::showYAxisLabels( bool yes )
UseYTickLabels = yes;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::useTicks()
UseMarkers = true;
UseTicks = true;
showXaxisMarks = true;
showYaxisMarks = true;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::useLines()
UseMarkers = true;
UseTicks = false;
showXaxisMarks = true;
showYaxisMarks = true;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::useNoMarkers()
UseMarkers = false;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::showXAxisMarkers( bool show )
showXaxisMarks = show;
if (show) UseMarkers = true;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::showYAxisMarkers( bool show )
showYaxisMarks = show;
if (show) UseMarkers = true;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setXAxisMarkerColor( irr::video::SColor color )
xmark_color = color;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::setYAxisMarkerColor( irr::video::SColor color )
ymark_color = color;
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::serializeAttributes(
irr::io::IAttributes *out,
irr::io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options
IGUIElement::serializeAttributes( out, options );
irr::core::recti win;
win.UpperLeftCorner.X = (irr::s32)(window.UpperLeftCorner.X);
win.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (irr::s32)(window.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
win.LowerRightCorner.X = (irr::s32)(window.LowerRightCorner.X);
win.LowerRightCorner.Y = (irr::s32)(window.LowerRightCorner.Y);
out->addRect( "Window", win );
out->addBool( "FillBackground", hasBackground );
out->addColor( "BGColor", background_color );
out->addColor( "XAxisColor", xaxis_color );
out->addColor( "YAxisColor", yaxis_color );
out->addColor( "PointColor", point_color );
out->addColor( "XMarkColor", xmark_color );
out->addColor( "YMarkColor", ymark_color );
out->addColor( "XAxisTickColor", xmark_color );
out->addColor( "YAxisTickColor", ymark_color );
out->addBool( "UseMarkers", UseMarkers );
out->addBool( "UseTicks", UseTicks );
out->addFloat( "MarkerXSpacing", markXgap );
out->addFloat( "MarkerYSpacing", markYgap );
out->addBool( "ShowXAxisMarks", showXaxisMarks );
out->addBool( "ShowYAxisMarks", showYaxisMarks );
out->addBool( "ShowXAxis", showXaxis );
out->addBool( "ShowYAxis", showYaxis );
out->addBool( "ShowXAxisLabels", UseXTickLabels );
out->addBool( "ShowYAxisLabels", UseYTickLabels );
out->addBool( "ClipDrawingRegion", clipPoints );
out->addBool( "UsePolygons", usePolyPts );
out->addFloat( "PolygonRadius", polyRadius );
out->addInt( "PolygonVertices", polyPts );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::deserializeAttributes(
irr::io::IAttributes *in,
irr::io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options
IGUIElement::deserializeAttributes( in, options );
irr::core::recti win;
irr::core::rectf winf;
if ( in->existsAttribute("Window") ) {
win = in->getAttributeAsRect( "Window" );
winf.UpperLeftCorner.X = (irr::f32)(win.UpperLeftCorner.X);
winf.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (irr::f32)(win.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
winf.LowerRightCorner.X = (irr::f32)(win.LowerRightCorner.X);
winf.LowerRightCorner.Y = (irr::f32)(win.LowerRightCorner.Y);
hasBackground = in->getAttributeAsBool( "FillBackground", hasBackground );
background_color = in->getAttributeAsColor( "BGColor", background_color );
xaxis_color = in->getAttributeAsColor( "XAxisColor", xaxis_color );
yaxis_color = in->getAttributeAsColor( "YAxisColor", yaxis_color );
point_color = in->getAttributeAsColor( "PointColor", point_color );
xmark_color = in->getAttributeAsColor( "XMarkColor", xmark_color );
ymark_color = in->getAttributeAsColor( "YMarkColor", ymark_color );
xmark_color = in->getAttributeAsColor( "XAxisTickColor", xmark_color );
ymark_color = in->getAttributeAsColor( "YAxisTickColor", ymark_color );
UseMarkers = in->getAttributeAsBool( "UseMarkers", UseMarkers );
UseTicks = in->getAttributeAsBool( "UseTicks", UseTicks );
markXgap = in->getAttributeAsFloat( "MarkerXSpacing", markXgap );
markYgap = in->getAttributeAsFloat( "MarkerYSpacing", markXgap );
showXaxisMarks = in->getAttributeAsBool( "ShowXAxisMarks", showXaxisMarks );
showYaxisMarks = in->getAttributeAsBool( "ShowYAxisMarks", showYaxisMarks );
showXaxis = in->getAttributeAsBool( "ShowXAxis", showXaxis );
showYaxis = in->getAttributeAsBool( "ShowYAxis", showYaxis );
UseXTickLabels = in->getAttributeAsBool( "ShowXAxisLabels", UseXTickLabels );
UseYTickLabels = in->getAttributeAsBool( "ShowYAxisLabels", UseYTickLabels );
clipPoints = in->getAttributeAsBool( "ClipDrawingRegion", clipPoints );
usePolyPts = in->getAttributeAsBool( "UsePolygons", usePolyPts );
polyRadius = in->getAttributeAsFloat( "PolygonRadius", polyRadius );
polyPts = in->getAttributeAsInt( "PolygonVertices", polyPts );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::drawOnGraph(
irr::core::vector2df point, irr::video::SColor color
// Cannot save if the window does not exist
if ( window.getArea() == 0 )
// Shift the origin to the corner
point.X -= window.UpperLeftCorner.X;
point.Y -= window.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
// Convert to the actual GUI window's coordinate system
point.X *= ((irr::f32)AbsoluteRect.getWidth()) / window.getWidth();
point.Y *= ((irr::f32)AbsoluteRect.getHeight()) / window.getHeight();
if ( color.getAlpha() == 0 )
color = point_color;
// Save
irr::video::S3DVertex( point.X, point.Y, 0,0,0,0, color, 0,0)
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::drawOnGraph(
irr::f32 x,
irr::f32 y,
irr::video::SColor color
drawOnGraph( irr::core::vector2df(x,y), color );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::drawOnGraphPolar(
irr::core::vector2df point,
irr::video::SColor color
// cartesian coordinates
irr::core::vector2df cartesian;
cartesian.X = point.X // radius
* cos( point.Y * irr::core::DEGTORAD ); // cos(angle)
cartesian.Y = point.X // radius
* sin( point.Y * irr::core::DEGTORAD ); // sin(angle)
if ( color.getAlpha() == 0 )
color = point_color;
drawOnGraph( cartesian, color );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::drawOnGraphPolar(
irr::f32 radius,
irr::f32 angle,
irr::video::SColor color
drawOnGraphPolar( irr::core::vector2df( radius, angle ), color );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::drawRawPoint(
irr::core::vector2df point,
irr::video::SColor color
// Shift the origin to the corner
point.X -= window.UpperLeftCorner.X
// conversion of shift to GUI element size
* ((irr::f32)AbsoluteRect.getWidth()) / window.getWidth();
point.Y -= window.UpperLeftCorner.Y
// conversion of shift to GUI element size
* ((irr::f32)AbsoluteRect.getHeight()) / window.getHeight();
if ( color.getAlpha() == 0 )
color = point_color;
// Save
irr::video::S3DVertex( point.X, point.Y, 0,0,0,0, color, 0,0)
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::drawToGUI(
irr::core::vector2di point,
irr::video::SColor color
// Do nothing if the window isn't even visible
if ( window.getArea() == 0.0f )
// Flip for drawing on the GUI
point.Y = AbsoluteRect.getHeight() - point.Y;
/* This function has been passed a value that is already prepared to
be drawn to screen and simply needs to be offset. */
point.X += AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.X;
point.Y += AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
// Don't draw points outside the window
if ( clipPoints && !AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside( point ) )
// Draw the point as a pixel - might be very small and hard to see
/* - Drawn faster than a polygon and may create a smooth line */
viddriver->drawPixel( point.X, point.Y, color );
// Attempt to draw the point as a polygon (to make it more visible)
if ( usePolyPts && polyRadius >= 1.0f )
point, // position
polyRadius, // radius
color, // color
polyPts // roundness of the point
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::drawToGUI(
irr::core::line2df line,
irr::video::SColor color
// Do nothing if the window isn't even visible
// - saves time and prevents divide-by-zero errors
if ( window.getArea() == 0.0f )
if ( AbsoluteClippingRect.getWidth() == 0 || AbsoluteClippingRect.getHeight() == 0 )
/* This function has been passed a value that needs to be prepared
to fit in the window in addition to it being offset. */
// Line that will be drawn - initialized to begin within the GUI element
irr::core::line2di drawline(
// Tranform the line from graph coordinates.
line.start.X -= window.UpperLeftCorner.X;
line.end.X -= window.UpperLeftCorner.X;
// Flip the y-axis for drawing in irrlicht coordinates
line.start.Y = window.LowerRightCorner.Y - line.start.Y;
line.end.Y = window.LowerRightCorner.Y - line.end.Y;
// starting x
drawline.start.X += (irr::s32) ( line.start.X
* AbsoluteRect.getWidth() / window.getWidth() // coordinate system conversion
// starting y
drawline.start.Y += (irr::s32) ( line.start.Y
* AbsoluteRect.getHeight() / window.getHeight() // coordinate system conversion
// ending x
drawline.end.X += (irr::s32) ( line.end.X
* AbsoluteRect.getWidth() / window.getWidth() // coordinate system conversion
// ending y
drawline.end.Y += (irr::s32) ( line.end.Y
* AbsoluteRect.getHeight() / window.getHeight() // coordinate system conversion
// Shorten to fit in the clipping rectangle
if ( drawline.start.X == drawline.end.X ) // Vertical Line
if ( drawline.start.X < AbsoluteClippingRect.UpperLeftCorner.X
|| drawline.start.X > AbsoluteClippingRect.LowerRightCorner.X )
return; // Don't draw
if ( drawline.start.Y == drawline.end.Y ) // Horizontal Line
if ( drawline.start.Y < AbsoluteClippingRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y
|| drawline.start.Y > AbsoluteClippingRect.LowerRightCorner.Y )
return; // Don't draw
// FIXME: We assume only vertical and horizontal lines. Angled lines will be messed up.
drawline.start.X = irr::core::clamp(
drawline.start.Y = irr::core::clamp(
drawline.end.X = irr::core::clamp(
drawline.end.Y = irr::core::clamp(
// Draw the line
viddriver->draw2DLine( drawline.start, drawline.end, color );
void irr::gui::SGraph2D::drawToGUI(
irr::core::stringw text,
irr::core::position2df pos,
irr::video::SColor color,
bool horiz_centering,
bool vert_centering
irr::core::recti fin_pos(AbsoluteRect);
fin_pos.LowerRightCorner = fin_pos.UpperLeftCorner;
// Shift center
pos.X -= window.UpperLeftCorner.X;
pos.Y = window.UpperLeftCorner.Y - pos.Y + window.getHeight(); // Flip the y-axis
// coordinate system conversion
pos.X *= (irr::f32)AbsoluteRect.getWidth() / window.getWidth();
pos.Y *= (irr::f32)AbsoluteRect.getHeight() / window.getHeight();
// Move onto the graph (in irrlicht)
fin_pos += irr::core::position2di( (irr::s32)pos.X, (irr::s32)pos.Y );
// Write the text
#endif // define __SIMPLEGRAPH2D_CPP__