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Simple Graph
(c) Nicolaus Anderson
Created Jan 7, 2013
License: Same terms as irrlicht
#include <irrlicht.h>
#ifndef _IGRAPH2D_
#define _IGRAPH2D_
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! Class Graph 2D
Purpose: To plot 2D math functions.
class IGraph2D : public IGUIElement
IGraph2D( IGUIEnvironment* envir, IGUIElement* parent, irr::s32 id, const irr::core::recti& rectangle )
: IGUIElement( EGUIET_ELEMENT, envir, parent, id, rectangle )
virtual ~IGraph2D()
//! Set graph size
/* NOT the same as scaling.
This function changes the ranges of values in the graph without changing
the size of the graph as a GUI element.
virtual void setGraphSize( irr::core::rectf& size )=0;
//! Set graph size along one dimension
/* NOT the same as scaling.
This function changes the ranges of values of ONE AXIS in the graph without
changing the size of the graph as a GUI element.
\param size - New axis min or max
\param isMax - If the value given is for the maximum
virtual void setGraphSizeX( irr::f32 size, bool isMax=true )=0;
virtual void setGraphSizeY( irr::f32 size, bool isMax=true )=0;
//! Set scale
/* Changes the scale of the ranges of values in the graph without changing
the size of the graph itself.
NOTE: Since this is a scaling, the rectangle being passed in should be the
percentage change (i.e. multiplier for the current values). */
virtual void setGraphScale( irr::core::rectf& scale )=0;
//! Get graph size
/* Returns the size of the graph. */
virtual irr::core::rectf getGraphSize()=0;
//! Draw
/* Draws the GUI element. */
virtual void draw()=0;
//! Clear graph
/* Erases everything in the graph. */
virtual void clearGraph()=0;
// Drawing area functions / Spaz
//! Set point color
/* Sets the color of the points to be displayed. */
virtual void setPointColor( irr::video::SColor color )=0;
//! Set x-axis color
/* Sets the color that will be used in drawing the line representing
the x-axis. */
virtual void setXAxisColor( irr::video::SColor color )=0;
//! Set y-axis color
/* Sets the color that will be used in drawing the line representing
the y-axis. */
virtual void setYAxisColor( irr::video::SColor color )=0;
//! Serialize attributes
virtual void serializeAttributes(
irr::io::IAttributes* out,
irr::io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0
//! Deserialize attributes
virtual void deserializeAttributes(
irr::io::IAttributes* in,
irr::io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0
virtual const c8* getTypeName() const { return staticTypeName(); }
static const c8* staticTypeName() { return "iGraph2D"; }
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr
#endif // define _IGRAPH2D_