
386 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2018 Nicolaus Anderson
#include "GUIMarkedSlider.h"
#include <irrMath.h>
#include <SColor.h>
#include <IVideoDriver.h>
#include <IGUIFont.h>
#include <IGUISkin.h>
#include <IGUIEnvironment.h>
namespace irr {
namespace gui {
bool vertical,
f32 sliderSize,
core::rect<s32> rectangle,
IGUIEnvironment* environment,
IGUIElement* parent,
s32 id
: IGUIElement( /*EGUIET_SCROLLBAR*/ EGUIET_ELEMENT , environment, parent, id, rectangle )
, MinValue(0)
, MaxValue(100.f)
, CurrentValue(0)
, DrawFrame(0)
, DrawTicks(false)
, DrawNumbers(false)
, NumberSpacing(10.f)
, IsVertical( vertical )
, SliderRadius( sliderSize / 2 )
, SliderSelected(false)
, StartMousePos(0)
, SliderTexture(0)
bool GUIMarkedSlider::OnEvent( const SEvent& event ) {
if ( event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT ) {
switch ( event.MouseInput.Event ) {
if ( isInSliderArea( event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y ) ) {
SliderSelected = true;
StartMousePos.set( event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y );
} else {
if ( IsVertical ) {
setValue( event.MouseInput.Y - AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y - SliderRadius*2 );
} else {
setValue( event.MouseInput.X - AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.X - SliderRadius*2 );
return true;
if ( Environment->getFocus() == this ) {
SliderSelected = false;
return true;
if ( SliderSelected ) {
if ( IsVertical ) {
setValue( event.MouseInput.Y - StartMousePos.Y );
} else {
setValue( event.MouseInput.X - StartMousePos.X );
return true;
default: break;
return false;
void GUIMarkedSlider::setMinValue( f32 value ) {
MinValue = value;
if ( MinValue > MaxValue )
MaxValue = MinValue;
f32 GUIMarkedSlider::getMinValue() {
return MinValue;
void GUIMarkedSlider::setMaxValue( f32 value ) {
MaxValue = value;
if ( MaxValue < MinValue )
MinValue = MaxValue;
f32 GUIMarkedSlider::getMaxValue() {
return MaxValue;
void GUIMarkedSlider::setValue( f32 value ) {
// Odd as it is, to save a headache in drawing, we simply treat the CurrentValue
// as the negative of whatever the user wants
CurrentValue = core::clamp( MaxValue - value, MinValue, MaxValue );
f32 GUIMarkedSlider::getValue() {
// Odd as it is, to save a headache in drawing, we simply treat the CurrentValue
// as the negative of whatever the user wants
return -CurrentValue;
void GUIMarkedSlider::setDrawFrame( bool yes ) {
DrawFrame = yes;
void GUIMarkedSlider::setDrawTicks( bool yes ) {
DrawTicks = yes;
void GUIMarkedSlider::setDrawNumbers( bool yes ) {
DrawNumbers = yes;
void GUIMarkedSlider::setNumberSpacing( f32 distance ) {
NumberSpacing = distance;
void GUIMarkedSlider::setSliderSize( f32 sliderSize ) {
SliderRadius = sliderSize / 2;
bool GUIMarkedSlider::isInSliderArea( s32 x, s32 y ) {
// Create a rectangle formed by the upper left corner of the absolute position of this element
// and having a size that is the same as the slider radius times 2
core::recti r(
return r.isPointInside( core::vector2di(x,y) );
void GUIMarkedSlider::updateImageCache() {
video::IVideoDriver* vid = Environment->getVideoDriver();
video::SColor lightColor = Environment->getSkin()->getColor( EGDC_3D_LIGHT );
video::SColor shadowColor = Environment->getSkin()->getColor( EGDC_3D_SHADOW );
video::SColor textColor = Environment->getSkin()->getColor( EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT );
core::dimension2du imageSize( (u32)SliderRadius * 2, (u32)SliderRadius * 2 );
core::vector2di sliderSpot( (s32)SliderRadius );
if ( ! SliderTexture )
SliderTexture = vid->addRenderTargetTexture( imageSize, "GUI_MARKED_SLIDER_TEXTURE" );
if ( SliderTexture ) {
vid->setRenderTarget( SliderTexture );
vid->draw2DPolygon( sliderSpot, (s32)SliderRadius, shadowColor, 40 );
vid->draw2DPolygon( core::vector2di( (s32)SliderRadius - 1 ), (s32)SliderRadius, lightColor, 40 );
vid->draw2DPolygon( core::vector2di( (s32)SliderRadius - 2 ), (s32)SliderRadius, shadowColor, 40 );
sliderSpot.Y = 3; // Avoid drawing over the other bands
vid->draw2DLine( sliderSpot, core::vector2di(sliderSpot.X, (s32)imageSize.Height - 3), textColor );
void GUIMarkedSlider::draw() {
if ( ! SliderTexture ) {
// ERROR, so just draw children
// Note to self:
// It might be faster to precalculate components to be drawn to the screen and then
// go through a list of them and use a switch to decide how to draw them.
video::IVideoDriver* vid = Environment->getVideoDriver();
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
video::SColor lightColor = skin->getColor( EGDC_3D_LIGHT );
video::SColor shadowColor = skin->getColor( EGDC_3D_SHADOW );
video::SColor textColor = skin->getColor( EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT );
video::SColor faceColor = skin->getColor( EGDC_3D_FACE );
s32 halfTextHeight = skin->getFont()->getKerningHeight() / 2;
core::vector2di drawStart, drawEnd, drawSave, drawSave2; // drawSaves are temporary storage variables
s32 halfElemWidth = AbsoluteRect.getWidth() / 2;
s32 halfElemHeight = AbsoluteRect.getHeight() / 2;
core::recti SliderTextureRect( SliderTexture->getSize() );
s32 sSliderRadius = (s32)SliderRadius;
f32 drawValue;
f32 drawSpacing;
f32 lineIndex;
core::recti numberTextRect;
if ( DrawFrame ) {
skin->draw3DSunkenPane(this, faceColor, false, true, AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
if ( IsVertical ) {
drawSpacing = NumberSpacing * ((halfElemWidth - SliderRadius) * 2) / (MaxValue - MinValue + 0.00001);
drawStart.X = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + halfElemWidth;
drawStart.Y = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + sSliderRadius;
drawEnd.X = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + halfElemWidth;
drawEnd.Y = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.Y - sSliderRadius;
vid->draw2DLine( drawStart, drawEnd, lightColor );
drawStart.X += 1;
drawEnd.X += 1;
vid->draw2DLine( drawStart, drawEnd, shadowColor );
if ( DrawTicks ) {
// Ticks on the ends
drawStart.X -= sSliderRadius + 1;
drawEnd.X += sSliderRadius + 1;
drawSave.Y = drawEnd.Y;
drawEnd.Y = drawStart.Y;
vid->draw2DLine( drawStart, drawEnd, lightColor );
drawStart.Y = drawSave.Y;
drawEnd.Y = drawSave.Y;
vid->draw2DLine( drawStart, drawEnd, lightColor );
// Draw in reverse-numeric order (since we're always working upside-down)
drawSave.X = drawStart.X;
drawSave2.X = drawEnd.X;
drawSave.Y = drawSave2.Y = drawEnd.Y - (s32)drawSpacing;
for ( lineIndex = 0; drawSave.Y > drawStart.Y; ++lineIndex ) {
vid->draw2DLine( drawSave, drawSave2, textColor );
drawSave.Y = drawSave2.Y = drawEnd.Y - (s32)(drawSpacing * lineIndex);
if ( DrawNumbers ) {
// Draw in bottom->up (since we're always working upside-down)
drawValue = MinValue;
drawStart.Y = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + sSliderRadius;
drawEnd.Y = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.Y - sSliderRadius;
drawSave.X = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.X - halfElemWidth + 1; // Numbers go to the right of the line
drawSave.Y = drawEnd.Y - halfTextHeight;
drawSave2.X = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.X;
drawSave2.Y = drawEnd.Y + halfTextHeight;
numberTextRect = core::recti( drawSave, drawSave2 );
for ( lineIndex = 0; drawSave.Y > drawStart.Y; ++lineIndex ) {
const core::stringw numberText( drawValue );
skin->getFont()->draw( numberText.c_str(), numberTextRect, textColor, false, false, &AbsoluteClippingRect );
drawValue - NumberSpacing;
numberTextRect = core::recti( drawSave, drawSave2 );
numberTextRect += core::vector2di(0, - (s32)( drawSpacing * lineIndex ) );
// Draw the last number separately so that it's correctly lined up
drawSave.Y = drawStart.Y - halfTextHeight;
drawSave2.Y = drawStart.Y + halfTextHeight;
numberTextRect = core::recti(drawSave, drawSave2);
const core::stringw numberTextFinal( MinValue );
skin->getFont()->draw( numberTextFinal.c_str(), numberTextRect, textColor, false, false, &AbsoluteClippingRect );
// Draw the slider marker last
drawStart.set( halfElemWidth - sSliderRadius, CurrentValue - sSliderRadius );
vid->draw2DImage( SliderTexture, AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner + drawStart, SliderTextureRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect, video::SColor(-1), true );
} else {
// Horizontal Slider
drawSpacing = NumberSpacing * ((halfElemHeight - SliderRadius) * 2) / (MaxValue - MinValue + 0.00001);
drawStart.X = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + sSliderRadius;
drawStart.Y = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + halfElemHeight;
drawEnd.X = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.X - sSliderRadius;
drawEnd.Y = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + halfElemHeight;
vid->draw2DLine( drawStart, drawEnd, lightColor );
drawStart.Y += 1;
drawEnd.Y += 1;
vid->draw2DLine( drawStart, drawEnd, shadowColor );
if ( DrawTicks ) {
// Ticks on the ends
drawStart.Y -= sSliderRadius + 1;
drawEnd.Y += sSliderRadius + 1;
drawSave.X = drawEnd.X;
drawEnd.X = drawStart.X;
vid->draw2DLine( drawStart, drawEnd, lightColor );
drawStart.X = drawSave.X;
drawEnd.X = drawSave.X;
vid->draw2DLine( drawStart, drawEnd, lightColor );
// Draw in reverse-numeric order (since we're always working upside-down)
drawSave.Y = drawStart.Y;
drawSave2.Y = drawEnd.Y;
drawSave.X = drawSave2.X = drawEnd.X - drawSpacing;
for ( lineIndex = 0; drawSave.X > drawStart.X; ++lineIndex ) {
vid->draw2DLine( drawSave, drawSave2, lightColor );
drawSave.X = drawSave2.X = drawEnd.X - drawSpacing * lineIndex;
if ( DrawNumbers ) {
// Draw in left->right
drawValue = MinValue;
drawEnd.X = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.X - sSliderRadius;
drawSave.X = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + sSliderRadius;
drawSave.Y = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.Y + halfElemHeight + sSliderRadius * 2 + 1;
drawSave2.X = drawStart.X + drawSpacing;
drawSave2.Y = drawSave.Y + halfTextHeight * 2; // We'll let the compiler optimize *2 to <<2
numberTextRect = core::recti( drawSave, drawSave2 );
for ( lineIndex = 0; drawSave.X < drawEnd.X; ++lineIndex ) {
const core::stringw numberText( drawValue );
skin->getFont()->draw( numberText.c_str(), numberTextRect, textColor, false, false, &AbsoluteClippingRect );
drawValue + NumberSpacing;
numberTextRect = core::recti( drawSave, drawSave2 );
numberTextRect += core::vector2di( (s32)( drawSpacing * lineIndex ), 0 );
// Draw the last number separately so that it's correctly lined up
drawSave.X = drawEnd.X;
drawSave2.X = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.X;
numberTextRect = core::recti(drawSave, drawSave2);
const core::stringw numberTextFinal( MinValue );
skin->getFont()->draw( numberTextFinal.c_str(), numberTextRect, textColor, false, false, &AbsoluteClippingRect );
// Draw the slider marker last
drawStart.set( CurrentValue - sSliderRadius, halfElemHeight );
vid->draw2DImage( SliderTexture, AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner + drawStart, SliderTextureRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect, video::SColor(-1), true );
IGUIElement::draw(); // Children
void GUIMarkedSlider::serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options) const
f32 MinValue;
f32 MaxValue;
f32 CurrentValue;
bool DrawFrame;
bool DrawTicks;
bool DrawNumbers;
f32 NumberSpacing;
bool IsVertical;
f32 SliderRadius;
out->addFloat("MinValue", MinValue);
out->addFloat("MaxValue", MaxValue);
out->addFloat("CurrentValue", CurrentValue);
out->addBool("DrawFrame", DrawFrame);
out->addBool("DrawTicks", DrawTicks);
out->addBool("DrawNumbers", DrawNumbers);
out->addFloat("NumberSpacing", NumberSpacing);
out->addBool("IsVertical", IsVertical);
out->addFloat("SliderRadius", SliderRadius);
void GUIMarkedSlider::deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options)
IGUIElement::deserializeAttributes(in, options);
MinValue = in->getAttributeAsFloat("MinValue", MinValue);
MaxValue = in->getAttributeAsFloat("MaxValue", MaxValue);
CurrentValue = in->getAttributeAsFloat("CurrentValue", CurrentValue);
DrawFrame = in->getAttributeAsBool("DrawFrame", DrawFrame);
DrawTicks = in->getAttributeAsBool("DrawTicks", DrawTicks);
DrawNumbers = in->getAttributeAsBool("DrawNumbers", DrawNumbers);
NumberSpacing = in->getAttributeAsFloat("NumberSpacing", NumberSpacing);
IsVertical = in->getAttributeAsBool("IsVertical", IsVertical);
f32 sliderRadius = in->getAttributeAsFloat("SliderRadius", SliderRadius);
if ( sliderRadius != SliderRadius )
setSliderSize(SliderRadius*2); // Updates image cache