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// (c) 2014 Nicolaus Anderson
#include <irrMath.h>
#include <IGUIElement.h>
#include <IGUIEnvironment.h>
/* Class GUI Color Edit Box
A GUI Element that accepts only certain user input
(e.g. the character range '0'-'9', 'a'-'f', as well as some
useful editing keys).
The box always contains a valid, HTML-style color, and the
user input is such that it is overwriting, and that way,
8 characters are always present in the edit box.
namespace irr
namespace gui
using irr::video::SColor;
using irr::core::recti;
using irr::core::vector2di;
using irr::core::dimension2du;
class GUIColorEditBox : public IGUIElement
SColor color, cursorColor;
s32 cursorIdx; // index of the cursor in the text
recti cursorRect;
u32 focusTime;
GUIColorEditBox( IGUIEnvironment* pEnvironment, IGUIElement* pParent, recti pRect, s32 id=-1 );
SColor getColor();
void setColor( SColor pColor, bool notifyParent=true );
// Set the numeric text
virtual void setText(const wchar_t* text);
/* Handles user events.
Because of how this element refreshes, the data/color should NOT
be taken from this element until this element has lost focus,
upon which it will call its parent. */
virtual bool OnEvent( const SEvent& event );
// Draws to the screen
virtual void draw();
// Post rendering (for cursor time)
virtual void OnPostRender(u32 timeMs);
virtual const c8* getTypeName() const { return staticTypeName(); }
static const c8* staticTypeName() { return "colorEditbox"; }
// For completeness, we allow both setText and setColor to set the color
virtual void serializeAttributes(
irr::io::IAttributes* out,
irr::io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0
virtual void deserializeAttributes(
irr::io::IAttributes* in,
irr::io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0
// Attempts to set the cursor position - Returns whether or not it could
bool setCursorIndexFromPosition( vector2di pPos );
// Sets the cursor rectangle to the cursor position
void updateCursorRect();
// Attempts to insert a character
bool insertChar( EKEY_CODE pKeyCode, wchar_t pKey );
// Internal conversion functions
void convertTextToColor();
void convertColorToText();
// Erase data
void clear();