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(c) 2013 Nicolaus Anderson
#include <irrlicht.h>
#ifndef _TRIANGLE2D_
#define _TRIANGLE2D_
namespace irr
namespace core
//! Class triangle 2D
A 2D triangle.
template<class T>
class triangle2d
vector2d<T> pt1;
vector2d<T> pt2;
vector2d<T> pt3;
vector2d<T> point1,
vector2d<T> point2,
vector2d<T> point3
: pt1( point1 )
, pt2( point2 )
, pt3( point3 )
triangle2d<T> (
T p1x, T p1y,
T p2x, T p2y,
T p3x, T p3y
: pt1( vector2d<T>( p1x, p1y ) )
, pt2( vector2d<T>( p2x, p2y ) )
, pt3( vector2d<T>( p3x, p3y ) )
//! Set
/* Sets the triangle. */
void set(
vector2d<T> point1,
vector2d<T> point2,
vector2d<T> point3
pt1 = point1;
pt2 = point2;
pt3 = point3;
//! Set
/* Sets the triangle. */
void set(
T p1x, T p1y,
T p2x, T p2y,
T p3x, T p3y
pt1 = vector2d<T>(p1x,p1y);
pt2 = vector2d<T>(p2x,p2y);
pt3 = vector2d<T>(p3x,p3y);
//! Top point
/* Returns the address of the top point.
Default return is point 1. */
vector2d<T>& topPoint()
if ( pt3.Y > pt2.Y )
if ( pt3.Y > pt1.Y )
return pt3;
} else {
if ( pt2.Y > pt1.Y )
return pt2;
return pt1;
//! Top point index
/* Returns which of the 3 points is the highest
(default return is 1). */
irr::u32 topPointIndex()
if ( pt3.Y > pt2.Y )
if ( pt3.Y > pt1.Y )
return 3;
} else {
if ( pt2.Y > pt1.Y )
return 2;
return 1;
//! Set highest point to first
/* Sets the highest point to be the first of the three points. */
void setHighestToFirst()
vector2d<T> temp;
if ( pt3.Y > pt2.Y )
if ( pt3.Y > pt1.Y )
swap( pt1, pt3 );
} else {
if ( pt2.Y > pt1.Y )
swap( pt1, pt2 );
// Else: no change
//! Make triangle clockwise
/* Restore the triangle to a clockwise triangle. */
void makeCW()
//irr::core::vector2d<T> v12;
//irr::core::vector2d<T> v13;
//irr::core::vector2d<t> v13d;
// Check for equality
if ( pt1 == pt2 || pt1 == pt3 || pt2 == pt3
|| pt1.isBetweenPoints(pt2,pt3)
|| pt2.isBetweenPoints(pt1,pt3)
|| pt3.isBetweenPoints(pt1,pt2)
// Set the highest vector to the first one
// This means only points 2 and 3 are variables
/* For clockwise rotation, 2 must be right of 3.
Switch them if this is not the case. */
if (
(pt3.Y - pt1.Y)*(pt2.X - pt1.X) - (pt2.Y - pt1.Y)*(pt3.X - pt1.X)
< 0
swap( pt2, pt3 );
//v12 = pt2 - pt1;
//v13 = pt3 - pt1;
//// Vertical line - easy comparison
//if ( v13.X == 0 )
// if ( v12.X < 0 )
// swap( pt2, pt3 );
// return;
///* Construct a vector the length of v13 along the x axis. */
//v13d = irr::core::vector2d<T>(
// v13.getLength(),
// 0
// );
///* Subtract this vector from the vector between points 1 and 2.
//This will give us the same situation as above. */
//if ( (v12 - v13d).X < 0 )
// swap( pt2, pt3 );
//! Make triangle counter clockwise
/* Restore the triangle to a counter-clockwise triangle. */
void makeCCW()
vector2d<T> temp = pt3;
pt3 = pt2;
pt2 = temp;
//! Get altitude
/* */
// To do
//! Get area
/* Returns the area of the triangle. */
T getArea()
// Can't do this with 2D vectors:
// irr::core::abs_(
// ( (pt2 - pt1).crossProduct(pt3 - pt2) ).getLength()
// ) /(T)2;
(pt2 - pt1).getLength() * (pt3 - pt2).getLength()
) / (T)2;
//! Point inside?
/* Indicates if the point is within the triangle.
Assumes a clockwise triangle.
If you want to keep the original triangle, make a copy of it
and call makeCW() on the copy. */
bool isPointInside( vector2d<T> point )
/* Points are automatically disqualified if they are
higher than all of the points or lower than all of them. */
if (
// higher
( point.Y > pt1.Y && point.Y > pt2.Y && point.Y > pt3.Y )
|| // lower
( point.Y < pt1.Y && point.Y < pt2.Y && point.Y < pt3.Y )
return false;
/* If the triangle is flat, then the point need merely be
between any two of the points. */
if ( pt1 == pt2 || pt1 == pt3 || pt2 == pt3 )
if (
|| point.isBetweenPoints(pt1,pt3)
|| point.isBetweenPoints(pt1,pt2)
return true;
return false;
/* For the point to be inside, it must be right of the
vector between pt1 and pt3 and left of the one between
pt1 and pt2. */
// What is commented out is too time-consuming
//line2d<T> line12( pt1, pt2 );
//line2d<T> line13( pt2, pt3 );
//vector2d<T> near12
// = line12.getClosestPoint( point );
//if ( near12.X < point.X )
// return false;
//vector2d<T> near13
// = line13.getClosestPoint( point );
//if ( near13.X > point.X )
// return false;
// Must be inside
//return true;
/* Point must be between the ends of the horizon. */
line2d<T> horiz = getHorizon( point.Y );
if ( horiz.start.X =< point.X
&& point.X <= horiz.end.X )
return true;
return false;
//! Get horizon
/* Returns the horizontal line between the vectors that go between
points 1 and 2 and the points 1 and 3. The vector always starts from
the left side of the triangle and goes to the right side.
Assumes the triangle has been made clockwise.
\param distDown - The distance from the top to form the line. */
line2d<T> getHorizon( T distDown )
line2d<T> ret( pt1, pt1 );
/* Don't bother if the distance down is out of the triagle. */
if ( pt1.Y - distDown < (pt2.Y < pt3.Y)? pt2.Y : pt3.Y )
return ret;
/* Situations:
1) Horizon is above point 2 and 3.
2) Horizon is below point 2 which is above point 3.
3) Horizon is below point 3 which is above point 2.
ret.start.Y = pt1.Y - distDown;
ret.end.Y = pt1.Y - distDown;
// Situation 1?
if ( pt1.Y - distDown >= pt2.Y && pt1.Y - distDown >= pt3.Y )
if ( pt3.Y == pt1.Y )
ret.start = (pt1.X < pt3.X)? pt1 : pt3;
} else {
ret.start.X =
// delta y * 1/m
(pt1.Y - distDown) * ( pt3.X - pt1.X ) / ( pt3.Y - pt1.Y )
+ pt1.X; // offset to location
if ( pt2.Y == pt1.Y )
ret.end = (pt1.X > pt2.X)? pt1 : pt2;
} else {
ret.end.X =
// delta y * 1/m
(pt1.Y - distDown) * ( pt2.X - pt1.X ) / ( pt2.Y - pt1.Y )
+ pt1.X; // offset to location
return ret;
// Situation 2?
if ( pt2.Y >= pt3.Y )
if ( pt2.Y == pt3.Y )
ret.start = pt3;
ret.end = pt2;
return ret;
// pt2.Y != pt3.Y
ret.start.X =
// delta y * 1/m
(pt1.Y - distDown) * ( pt3.X - pt1.X ) / ( pt3.Y - pt1.Y )
+ pt1.X; // offset to location
ret.end.X =
// delta y * 1/m
(pt1.Y - distDown) * ( pt3.X - pt2.X ) / ( pt3.Y - pt2.Y )
+ pt2.X; // offset to location
return ret;
// Situation 3
ret.start.X =
// delta y * 1/m
(pt1.Y - distDown) * ( pt2.X - pt3.X ) / ( pt2.Y - pt3.Y )
+ pt3.X; // offset to location
ret.end.X =
// delta y * 1/m
(pt1.Y - distDown) * ( pt2.X - pt1.X ) / ( pt2.Y - pt1.Y )
+ pt1.X; // offset to location
return ret;
//! Swap points
/* Swaps the values of the two points. */
inline void swap(
vector2d<T>& point1;
vector2d<T>& point2;
vector2d<T> temp = point1;
point1 = point2;
point2 = temp;
typedef triangle2d<irr::s32> triangle2di;
typedef triangle2d<irr::f32> triangle2df;
} // end namespace core
} // end namespace irr
#endif // #ifndef _TRIANGLE2D_