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Mob Core API Documentation
Entity definition
-- required minetest api props
initial_properties = {
physical = true,
collide_with_objects = true,
collisionbox = {...},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "...",
textures = {...},
-- required mob_core props (refer to mobkits documentation for required mobkit props)
fall_damage = [bool] If true, the mob will take fall damage (true by default)
igniter_damage = [bool] If true, the mob will take fire/lava damage (true by default)
follow = [table/string] Table of items mob should follow (will also accept a single string)
immune_to = [table] Table of items mob can't take damage from
reach = [num] The distance from the center of the mobs hitbox in which it can hit another mob
damage = [num] The amount of damage the mob does in the fleshy group (2 damage = 1 player heart)
knockback = [num] How much knockback the mob deals to other mobs or players
defend_owner = [bool] If true, when the mobs owner punches another mob, the mob will be stored in the self.owner_target variable
drops = [table] Table of items mob can drop. Example:
{name = "my_mob:meat_raw", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 3}
-- Obstacle Avoidance
obstacle_avoidance_range = [num] Multiplier for how far ahead the mob checks for obstacles.
surface_avoidance_range = [num] How close (in nodes) from the center of the mobs hitbox it will get to the water surface
floor_avoidance_range = [num] How close (in nodes) from the center of the mobs hitbox it will get to the water floor
-- For mobs that use mob_core.growth()
scale_stage1 = [num] Multiplier for how big the mob will be at growth stage 1 (default: 0.25)
scale_stage2 = [num] Multiplier for how big the mob will be at growth stage 2 (default: 0.5)
scale_stage3 = [num] Multiplier for how big the mob will be at growth stage 3 (default: 0.75)
-- For mobs that have unique textures for males, females, and children
female_textures = [table] Texture/Textures for female mobs
male_textures = [table] Texture/Textures for male mobs
child_textures = [table] Texture/Textures for child mobs
Misc Functions (not specific to mobs but useful for new functions)
function mob_core.find_val(tbl, val)
-- tbl: table
-- val: any value
-- return true if tbl contains val
1. Required Functions
function mob_core.on_step(self, dtime, moveresult)
-- REQUIRED, many functions will not work if this is not used
function mob_core.on_activate(self, staticdata, dtime_s)
-- REQUIRED, many functions will not work if this is not used
2. Utility Functions
These functions are used to get/set attributes quickly, as well as easily manage mobs
function mob_core.set_scale(self, scale)
-- Sets mobs scale (visual and collisionbox)
-- self: luaentity
-- scale: multiplier for moba current scale
function mob_core.set_owner(self, name)
-- Sets mobs owner
-- self: luaentity
-- name: name of player to set as owner
function mob_core.spawn_child(pos, mob)
-- Spawns a child mob
-- pos: position
-- mob: name of the mob to be spawned
mob_core.follow_holding(self, player)
-- Check if player is holding an item the mob follows
-- self: luaentity
-- player: player
function mob_core.shared_owner(self, object)
-- self: luaentity
-- object: luaentity or userdata
-- returns true if self and object have the same owner
function mob_core.is_mobkit_mob(object)
-- object: luaentity or userdata
-- returns true if object uses mobkit
function mob_core.register_spawn({
name = [string] mob name
nodes = [table] list of nodes to spawn mob on
min_light = [number] minimum light level
max_light = [number] maximum ligth level
min_height = [number] minimum world heigh
max_height = [number] maximum world heigh
min_rad = [number] minimum radius around player
max_rad = [number] maximum radius around player
group = [number] amount of mobs to spawn
}, interval, chance)
-- interval: how often (in seconds) to attempt spawning
-- chance: chance to attempt spawning
-- mob_core.registered_spawns[name].last_pos can be used to find the last position the mob/mobs were spawned
function mob_core.register_on_spawn(name, func, ...)
-- name: name of a mob
-- func: function
-- ...: params of func
-- func is called when 'name' is spawned
-- Ex: mob_core.register_on_spawn("my_mobs:alligator", minetest.chat_send_all, "an alligator has spawned")
3. Interaction Functions
These functions are used for player -> mob interactions, like right-clicking and punches
function mob_core.mount(self, clicker)
-- self: luaentity
-- clicker: player
function mob_core.mount(self, clicker, capture_tool, capture_chance, wear, force_take)
-- self: luaentity
-- clicker: player
-- capture_tool: itemstring
-- capture_chance: 1 / x chance
-- wear: amount of wear to be added to tool
-- force_take: boolean, true means any player can catch mob
function mob_core.feed_tame(self, clicker, feed_count, tame, breed)
-- self: luaentity
-- clicker: player
-- feed_count: amount of feeds to reach full hp
-- tame: bool, if true mob will be tamed when feed_count is met
-- breed: bool, if true self.breed_mode variable will be set to true when feed_count is met
function mob_core.protect(self, clicker, force_protect)
-- self: luaentity
-- clicker: player
-- force_protect: bool, if true any player can protect mob
function mob_core.nametag(self, clicker, force_name)
-- self: luaentity
-- clicker: player
-- force_protect: bool, if true any player can name mob
4. Built-in behaviors
function mob_core.item_drop(self)
-- self: luaentity
-- Mob drops items based on self.drops
function mob_core.on_die(self)
-- self: luaentity
-- Basic mob death (falls over, drops items, disappears)
function mob_core.fly_to_next_waypoint(self, tpos, speed_factor)
-- mob flies to tpos while avoiding obstacles
-- speed_factor: multiplier for self.max_speed
function mob_core.swim_to_next_waypoint(self, tpos, speed_factor)
-- mob swims to tpos while avoiding obstacles
-- speed_factor: multiplier for self.max_speed
function mob_core.goto_next_waypoint(self, tpos, speed_factor)
-- same was mobkit.goto_next_waypoint, but allows for walking into water
-- speed_factor: multiplier for self.max_speed
5. Pathfinding
function mob_core.find_path_lite(pos, tpos, width)
-- pos: position
-- tpos: position
-- wdith: number
-- Finds a path from pos to tpos, and adjusts away from walls to account for width
-- Note: This doesn't always return a path with appropriate width, but is faster than mob_core.find_path()
function mob_core.find_path(self, tpos)
-- self: luaentity
-- tpos: position
-- Finds a path to tpos, accounting for mob width
-- Note: This may not find a path 100% of the time