Use new task in relative-ObjectFileName target

Niels Martin Hansen 2015-01-19 04:11:42 +01:00
parent 59ab4cd09b
commit 5e446264a2
1 changed files with 23 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -27,22 +27,11 @@
<!-- Magic pseudo-target that makes object filenames relative to a given directory
First define its relation to the system build targets: It must run as part of the
"compile inputs" section, but before all the system things. The system things here
include testing whether multiple inputs might have identical outputs, which will
produce a warning which we don't want.
Then define the target, make it depend on all ClCompile items, and have a fake
output that can never be a valid filename (due to pipe character). Instead have
the output name depend on the two variables involved in how the ObjectFileName
is determined: The specified InputRelativeSourceDir, and the actual RelativeDir
for the items.
This will cause MSBuild to batch the items as appropriate.
To use this feature, add a InputRelativeSourceDir metadata to ClCompile for
a project.
<!-- Add ObjectFileName for ClCompile items that need to be placed in subdirs
for linking to work, for projects with same-named files in separate dirs.
To use this feature, add a InputRelativeSourceDir metadata to ClCompile for
a project.
@ -55,18 +44,25 @@
<InputRelativeDir Condition="!HasTrailingSlash('$(InputRelativeDir)')">$(InputRelativeDir)\</InputRelativeDir>
<InputRelativeSourceDir Condition="!HasTrailingSlash('$(InputRelativeSourceDir)')">$(InputRelativeSourceDir)\</InputRelativeSourceDir>
<!-- <Exec Command="echo ClCompile output for @(ClCompile -> '%(Filename)%(Extension)') to $(IntDir)$(InputRelativeDir)" /> -->
<!-- Transform paths on items -->
Condition="'%(ClCompile.InputRelativeSourceDir)' != ''"
<Output ItemName="_RelativeClCompile" TaskParameter="Outputs" />
<ClCompile Condition="'%(ClCompile.InputRelativeSourceDir)' != ''">
<!-- Add the ObjectFileName -->
<_RelativeClCompile Condition="'%(_RelativeClCompile.OutputDir)' != ''">
<!-- Remove old items and replace them with new -->
<ClCompile Remove="@(_RelativeClCompile->'%(Identity)')" />
<ClCompile Include="@(_RelativeClCompile)" />
<!-- Forget about the temporary ones -->
<_RelativeClCompile Remove="@(_RelativeClCompile)" />