2019-01-05 12:23:56 -07:00

906 lines
38 KiB

-- tunnelmaker
-- Another tunnel digging mod for minetest.
-- Digs tunnels and builds simple bridges for advtrains track, supporting
-- all 16 track directions, along with slopes up and down.
-- by David G (kestral246@gmail.com)
-- and by Mikola
-- Version 2.0-pre-4 - 2019-01-05
-- Big reference marks redo.
-- Reduce to a single type of reference mark.
-- Save material to replace with in node at placement. This should resolve Lock_desert_mode issues.
-- Replace voxel_manip with simpler find_node_near.
-- Version 2.0-pre-3 - 2019-01-04
-- Rearranged config options into different modes.
-- Added base_coating config and updated regions 4 & 5 so they only fill in "holes" when not in Train mode.
-- Added timer to disable Remove references after 60 seconds (configurable).
-- Version 2.0-pre-2 - 2019-01-03
-- Added Lock Desert Mode user config, but only when is_desert works.
-- Trying to deal better with transition regions to and from desert.
-- Stone coating will now change to desert stone, and vice versa.
-- How about tm_ for config prefix?
-- Version 2.0-pre-1 - 2019-01-02
-- Updating configs (wip), simplified digging patterns, added shift+left-click user config formspec.
-- based on compassgps 2.7 and compass 0.5
-- Licence TBD
-- To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related
-- and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
-- distributed without any warranty.
-- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this
-- software. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
-- This config section is a work in progress.
-- I prefixed all the minetest.conf names with tm_, but don't know if that's really necessary.
-- Without embankment, base floor is always filled and coated to stone/desert stone. Regions 4 and 5.
-- My version only filled, but didn't coat.
-- Train mode - User defined, but server defines look and feel.
-- Set default for train mode
local train_mode_default = minetest.settings:get_bool("tm_train_mode_default", true)
-- Train tunnels can be taller than 5 - give value to increment (e.g. 2 gives 5 + 2 = 7).
local ith_config = (tonumber(minetest.settings:get("tm_increase_tunnel_height") or 5))-5
local ith
-- Train tunnels can have "arches" along the sides.
local add_arches_config = minetest.settings:get_bool("tm_add_arches", true)
local add_arches
-- Train tunnels can be lined with a coating.
local add_tough_tunnels_config = minetest.settings:get_bool("tm_add_tough_tunnels", true)
local add_tough_tunnels
-- Train track can have an embankment (gravel mound and additional base).
local add_embankment_config = minetest.settings:get_bool("tm_add_embankment", true)
local add_embankment
-- Train track without embankment have coating applied to ground.
local base_coating_config = true
local base_coating
-- Train track can have wide paths in the woods. Greenpeace does not approve.
local add_wide_passage_config = minetest.settings:get_bool("tm_add_wide_passage", true)
local add_wide_passage
-- Reference marks are added to help lay advtrains track.
local add_reference_marks_config = true
local add_reference_marks
-- User has option to remove reference marks when passing over them. This option is turned off after
-- 60 seconds by default, but time limit can be changed here.
local remove_refs_enable_time = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("tm_remove_refs_enable_time") or 60)
-- Material for coating for walls and floor (outside of desert)
local coating_not_desert = minetest.settings:get("tm_material_for_coating_not_desert") or "default:stone"
-- Material for train track embankment
local embankment = minetest.settings:get("tm_material_for_embankment") or "default:gravel"
-- Material for reference marks for advtrains
-- This should be a fairly uncommon material with a distinctive look.
-- If this is changed, old reference marks won't be able to be removed by tunnelmaker tool.
local reference_marks = minetest.settings:get("tm_material_for_reference_marks") or "default:stone_block"
-- Desert mode - Server defined. Needs Minetest version 5.0+.
-- Enable desert mode - can use different materials when in the desert.
-- When desert mode is enabled, user gets additional option to Lock desert mode to current state
-- of being in desert or not. Useful to define materials used when in desert transition regions.
local add_desert_material = minetest.settings:get_bool("tm_add_desert_material", false)
-- Material for coating for walls and floor in desert.
local coating_desert = minetest.settings:get("tm_material_for_coating_desert") or "default:desert_stone"
-- Water tunnel mode - Server defined.
-- Allow to replace water in air and a transparent coating tunnels
local add_dry_tunnels = minetest.settings:get_bool("tm_add_dry_tunnels", true)
-- Material for coating for walls in the water.
local glass_walls = minetest.settings:get("tm_material_for_glass_walls") or "default:glass"
-- Other options
-- User can set whether to use continuous updown digging, which allows digging up/down multiple
-- times without resetting mode. Set default for this here.
local continuous_updown_default = minetest.settings:get_bool("tm_continuous_updown_default", false)
-- Can alternatively use mese post lights in tunnels instead of torches.
local use_mese_lights = minetest.settings:get_bool("tm_use_mese_lights", false)
local lighting = "default:torch"
if use_mese_lights then
lighting = "default:mese_post_light"
-- End of configuration
-- Post processing of config variables.
-- Set actual values based on train_mode default.
if train_mode_default then
ith = ith_config
add_arches = add_arches_config
add_embankment = add_embankment_config
base_coating = base_coating_config
add_reference_marks = add_reference_marks_config
add_tough_tunnels = add_tough_tunnels_config
add_wide_passage = add_wide_passage_config
ith = 0
add_arches = false
add_embankment = false
base_coating = false
add_referemce_marks = false
add_tough_tunnels = false
add_wide_passage = false
-- Add ceiling lighting (I question whether not having lights is usable.)
local add_lighting = true
-- Distance between illumination (from 0 to 4)
local lighting_search_radius = 1 -- for torches
if use_mese_lights then
lighting_search_radius = 2 --mese_post_lights are brighter
-- Require "tunneling" priviledge to be able to user tunnelmaker tool.
minetest.register_privilege("tunneling", {description = "Allow use of tunnelmaker tool"})
-- Define top level variable to maintain per player state
local tunnelmaker = {}
local user_config = {}
-- Initialize player's state when player joins
local pname = player:get_player_name()
tunnelmaker[pname] = {updown = 0, lastdir = -1, lastpos = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}}
user_config[pname] = {remove_refs = 0, train_mode = train_mode_default,
continuous_updown = continuous_updown_default, lock_desert_mode = false,
use_desert_material = add_desert_material and minetest.get_biome_data and
string.match(minetest.get_biome_name(minetest.get_biome_data(player:get_pos()).biome), "desert")}
-- Delete player's state when player leaves
local pname = player:get_player_name()
if tunnelmaker[pname] then tunnelmaker[pname] = nil end
if user_config[pname] then user_config[pname] = nil end
local activewidth=8 -- until I can find some way to get it from minetest
local players = minetest.get_connected_players()
for i,player in ipairs(players) do
local gotatunnelmaker=false
local wielded=false
local activeinv=nil
local stackidx=0
-- first check to see if the user has a tunnelmaker, because if they don't
-- there is no reason to waste time calculating bookmarks or spawnpoints.
local wielded_item = player:get_wielded_item():get_name()
if string.sub(wielded_item, 0, 16) == "tunnelmaker:tool" then
-- if the player is wielding a tunnelmaker, change the wielded image
-- check to see if tunnelmaker is in active inventory
if player:get_inventory() then
-- is there a way to only check the activewidth items instead of entire list?
-- problem being that arrays are not sorted in lua
for i,stack in ipairs(player:get_inventory():get_list("main")) do
if i<=activewidth and string.sub(stack:get_name(), 0, 16) == "tunnelmaker:tool" then
activeinv=stack -- store the stack so we can update it later with new image
stackidx=i -- store the index so we can add image at correct location
-- don't mess with the rest of this if they don't have a tunnelmaker
if gotatunnelmaker then
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local dir = player:get_look_horizontal()
local angle_relative = math.deg(dir)
local rawdir = math.floor((angle_relative/22.5) + 0.5)%16
local distance2 = function(x, y, z)
return x*x + y*y + z*z
-- Calculate distance player has moved since setting up or down
local delta = distance2((player:getpos().x - tunnelmaker[pname].lastpos.x),
(player:getpos().y - tunnelmaker[pname].lastpos.y),
(player:getpos().z - tunnelmaker[pname].lastpos.z))
-- If rotate to different direction, or move far enough from set position, reset to horizontal
if rawdir ~= tunnelmaker[pname].lastdir or (not user_config[pname].continuous_updown and delta > 0.2) then -- tune to make distance moved feel right
tunnelmaker[pname].lastdir = rawdir
-- tunnelmaker[pname].lastpos = pos
tunnelmaker[pname].updown = 0 -- reset updown to horizontal
local tunnelmaker_image = rawdir -- horizontal digging maps to 0-15
if tunnelmaker[pname].updown ~= 0 and rawdir % 2 == 0 then -- only 0,45,90 are updown capable (U:16-23,D:24-31)
tunnelmaker_image = 16 + (tunnelmaker[pname].updown - 1) * 8 + (rawdir / 2)
-- update tunnelmaker image to point at target
if wielded then
elseif activeinv then
local images = {
"tunnelmaker_0.png", "tunnelmaker_1.png", "tunnelmaker_2.png", "tunnelmaker_3.png",
"tunnelmaker_4.png", "tunnelmaker_5.png", "tunnelmaker_6.png", "tunnelmaker_7.png",
"tunnelmaker_8.png", "tunnelmaker_9.png", "tunnelmaker_10.png", "tunnelmaker_11.png",
"tunnelmaker_12.png", "tunnelmaker_13.png", "tunnelmaker_14.png", "tunnelmaker_15.png",
-- up [0, 2, .., 14]
"tunnelmaker_16.png", "tunnelmaker_17.png", "tunnelmaker_18.png", "tunnelmaker_19.png",
"tunnelmaker_20.png", "tunnelmaker_21.png", "tunnelmaker_22.png", "tunnelmaker_23.png",
-- down [0, 2, .., 14]
"tunnelmaker_24.png", "tunnelmaker_25.png", "tunnelmaker_26.png", "tunnelmaker_27.png",
"tunnelmaker_28.png", "tunnelmaker_29.png", "tunnelmaker_30.png", "tunnelmaker_31.png",
-- Creating a tunnelmaker:embankment from the embankment
local deepcopy
local register
function deepcopy(orig)
local orig_type = type(orig)
local copy
if orig_type == 'table' then
copy = {}
for orig_key, orig_value in pairs(orig) do
copy[deepcopy(orig_key)] = deepcopy(orig_value)
-- We don't copy metatable!
copy = orig
return copy
function register(original)
minetest.log("Copying "..original)
local orig_node = minetest.registered_nodes[original]
if orig_node == nil then
minetest.log("error", "Unknown original node")
local name_parts = string.split(original, ":")
local name = name_parts[2]
local target_name = "tunnelmaker:embankment"
local copy = deepcopy(orig_node)
if orig_node.drop ~= nil then
copy.drop = deepcopy(orig_node.drop)
copy.drop = original
minetest.log("Registering "..target_name)
minetest.register_node(target_name, copy)
-- Tests whether position is in desert-type biomes, such as desert, sandstone_desert, cold_desert, etc
-- Always just returns false if can't determine biome (i.e., using 0.4.x version)
local is_desert = function(user, pos)
local pname = user:get_player_name()
if add_desert_material and minetest.get_biome_data then
if user_config[pname].lock_desert_mode then
return user_config[pname].use_desert_material
local cur_biome = minetest.get_biome_name( minetest.get_biome_data(pos).biome )
return string.match(cur_biome, "desert")
return false
-- Visible location of the regions ? in the cut of the direct tunnel. Region ? is used for ascents and descents between ? and ?
-- | |3|3|3|3|3| |
-- |3|3|2|1|2|3|3|
-- |3|2|0|0|0|2|3|
-- |3|2|0|0|0|2|3|
-- |3|2|0|0|0|2|3|
-- |3|2|0|0|0|2|3|
-- |3|3|5|4|5|3|3|
-- | |8|6|6|6|8| |
local region0 = function(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
local pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=x, y=y, z=z})
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
if not(name == lighting or string.match(name, "dtrack")) and (add_dry_tunnels or not(add_dry_tunnels or string.match(name, "water"))) then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "air"})
local region1 = function(spacing, user, pointed_thing)
local pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=0, y=5+ith, z=0})
local ceiling = minetest.get_node(vector.add(pos, {x=0, y=1, z=0})).name
if add_lighting and (ceiling == coating_not_desert or ceiling == coating_desert or ceiling == glass_walls) and
minetest.get_node(pos).name == "air" and not minetest.is_protected(pos, user) and
minetest.find_node_near(pos, spacing, {name = lighting}) == nil then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = lighting})
-- roof height can now be 5 or six so try again one higher
pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=0, y=6+ith, z=0})
ceiling = minetest.get_node(vector.add(pos, {x=0, y=1, z=0})).name
if add_lighting and (ceiling == coating_not_desert or ceiling == coating_desert or ceiling == glass_walls) and
minetest.get_node(pos).name == "air" and not minetest.is_protected(pos, user) and
minetest.find_node_near(pos, spacing, {name = lighting}) == nil then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = lighting})
local region2 = function(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
local pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=x, y=y, z=z})
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
local group_flammable = false
if minetest.registered_nodes[name] then
group_flammable = minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable and minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable > 0
if not(name == lighting or string.match(name, "dtrack")) and (add_dry_tunnels or not(add_dry_tunnels or string.match(name, "water"))) and (add_wide_passage or not(add_wide_passage or group_flammable)) then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "air"})
local region3 = function(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
local pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=x, y=y, z=z})
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
if add_dry_tunnels and string.match(name, "water") then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = glass_walls})
local group_flammable = false
if minetest.registered_nodes[name] then
group_flammable = minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable and minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable > 0
if not(string.match(name, "water") or name == "air" or name == glass_walls or (add_embankment and name == "tunnelmaker:embankment") or name == reference_marks or name == lighting or string.match(name, "dtrack")) and add_tough_tunnels then
if not group_flammable then
if is_desert(user, pos) then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_desert})
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_not_desert})
if add_wide_passage then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "air"})
-- Reference regions
local region4 = function(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
local pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=x, y=y, z=z})
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
if not string.match(name, "dtrack") then
-- Figure out what replacement material should be
local rep_mat
local group_flammable = false
if minetest.registered_nodes[name] then
group_flammable = minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable and minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable > 0
if add_embankment then
rep_mat = "tunnelmaker:embankment"
if base_coating or string.match(name, "water") or name == "air" or name == glass_walls or group_flammable then
if is_desert(user, pos) then
rep_mat = coating_desert
rep_mat = coating_not_desert
if add_reference_marks then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = reference_marks})
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("replace_with", rep_mat)
if base_coating or string.match(name, "water") or name == "air" or name == glass_walls or group_flammable then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = rep_mat})
-- Basic non-reference floor region
local region5 = function(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
local pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=x, y=y, z=z})
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
if not(name == reference_marks or string.match(name, "dtrack")) then
if add_embankment then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "tunnelmaker:embankment"})
local group_flammable = false
if minetest.registered_nodes[name] then
group_flammable = minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable and minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable > 0
if base_coating or string.match(name, "water") or name == "air" or name == glass_walls or group_flammable then
if is_desert(user, pos) then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_desert})
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_not_desert})
local region6 = function(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
local pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=x, y=y, z=z})
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
if not(name == coating_not_desert or name == reference_marks or string.match(name, "dtrack")) and add_embankment then
if is_desert(user, pos) then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_desert})
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_not_desert})
local region7 = function(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
local pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=x, y=y, z=z})
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
if not(name == coating_not_desert or name == reference_marks or string.match(name, "dtrack")) then
if is_desert(user, pos) then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_desert})
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_not_desert})
local region8 = function(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
local pos = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=x, y=y, z=z})
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
local group_flammable = false
if minetest.registered_nodes[name] then
group_flammable = minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable and minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.flammable > 0
if not(name == coating_not_desert or name == reference_marks or string.match(name, "dtrack")) and add_embankment and (add_wide_passage or not(add_wide_passage or group_flammable)) then
if is_desert(user, pos) then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_desert})
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = coating_not_desert})
local ggggg = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1, y0, -1 do
region3(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
local ggagg = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+2, z, user, pointed_thing)
if add_arches then
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1, y0+1, -1 do
region2(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region8(x, y0-2, z, user, pointed_thing)
local gaagg = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+2, z, user, pointed_thing)
if add_arches then
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1, y0+1, -1 do
region2(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region8(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
local gaggg = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+3, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+2, z, user, pointed_thing)
if add_arches then
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1, y0+1, -1 do
region2(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region8(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
local gaxgx = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+2, z, user, pointed_thing)
if add_arches then
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+3, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1, y0+1, -1 do
region2(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region8(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
local saagg = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+2, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1-1, y0+1, -1 do
region0(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region5(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region6(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
local ssaag = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1-1, y0+1, -1 do
region0(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region5(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region7(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region6(x, y0-2, z, user, pointed_thing)
local saaag = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1-1, y0+1, -1 do
region0(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region5(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region6(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
local baaag = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1-1, y0+1, -1 do
region0(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region4(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region6(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
local baagg = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+2, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1-1, y0+1, -1 do
region0(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region4(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region6(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
local sbaag = function(x, y0, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region3(x, y1+1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region2(x, y1, z, user, pointed_thing)
for y=y1-1, y0+1, -1 do
region0(x, y, z, user, pointed_thing)
region4(x, y0, z, user, pointed_thing)
region7(x, y0-1, z, user, pointed_thing)
region6(x, y0-2, z, user, pointed_thing)
-- Add flips and rotates so I only need to define the seven basic digging patterns.
-- For flip: 1 = vertical, -1 = horizontal, 2 = both.
-- For rotate: 1 = clockwise, -1 = counterclockwise.
local fliprot = function(pos, f, r)
local res = {}
if f == 2 then -- double flip
res.x = -pos.x
res.z = -pos.z
elseif f ~= 0 and r == 0 then -- single flip
res.x = f * pos.x
res.z = -f * pos.z
elseif f == 0 and r ~= 0 then -- rotate
res.x = r * pos.z
res.z = -r * pos.x
elseif f ~= 0 and r ~= 0 then -- flip + rotate
res.x = f * r * pos.z
res.z = f * r * pos.x
else -- identity
res.x = pos.x
res.z = pos.z
return res
-- To shorten the code, this function takes a list of lists with {function, x-coord, y-coord} and executes them in sequence.
local run_list = function(dir_list, f, r, user, pointed_thing)
for _,v in ipairs(dir_list) do
local pos = {}
pos.x = v[2]
pos.z = v[5]
local newpos = fliprot(pos, f, r)
v[1](newpos.x, v[3], v[4], newpos.z, user, pointed_thing)
-- Dig tunnel based on direction given.
local dig_tunnel = function(cdir, user, pointed_thing)
if minetest.check_player_privs(user, "tunneling") then
local ath = ith
if not add_arches then
ath = ith+1
local dig_patterns = {
-- Orthogonal (north reference).
[1] = { {ggggg,-3, 0, 5+ath, 3},{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg,-1, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 3},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 5+ath, 2},{gaagg,-2, 0, 4+ith, 2},{saaag,-1, 0, 5+ith, 2},{baaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 2},{saaag, 1, 0, 5+ith, 2},{gaagg, 2, 0, 4+ith, 2},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 2},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 5+ath, 1},{gaagg,-2, 0, 4+ith, 1},{saaag,-1, 0, 5+ith, 1},{saaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 1},{saaag, 1, 0, 5+ith, 1},{gaagg, 2, 0, 4+ith, 1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 1},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 5+ath, 0},{gaagg,-2, 0, 4+ith, 0},{saaag,-1, 0, 5+ith, 0},{baaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 0},{saaag, 1, 0, 5+ith, 0},{gaagg, 2, 0, 4+ith, 0},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 0},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 5+ath,-1},{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg,-1, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath,-1},
-- Knight move (north-northwest reference).
[2] = { {ggggg,-4, 0, 5+ath, 3},{ggggg,-3, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg,-1, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg, 2, 0, 5+ath, 3},
{ggggg,-4, 0, 5+ath, 2},{gaagg,-3, 0, 4+ith, 2},{saaag,-2, 0, 5+ith, 2},{baaag,-1, 0, 5+ith, 2},{saaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 2},{gaagg, 1, 0, 4+ith, 2},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith, 2},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 2},
{ggggg,-4, 0, 5+ath, 1},{gaagg,-3, 0, 4+ith, 1},{saaag,-2, 0, 5+ith, 1},{saaag,-1, 0, 5+ith, 1},{saaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 1},{saaag, 1, 0, 5+ith, 1},{gaagg, 2, 0, 4+ith, 1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 1},
{ggggg,-4, 0, 5+ath, 0},{ggggg,-3, 0, 6+ith, 0},{gaagg,-2, 0, 4+ith, 0},{saaag,-1, 0, 5+ith, 0},{baaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 0},{saaag, 1, 0, 5+ith, 0},{gaagg, 2, 0, 4+ith, 0},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 0},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 5+ath,-1},{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg,-1, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath,-1},
-- Diagonal (northwest reference).
[3] = { {ggggg,-1, 0, 5+ath, 4},{ggggg, 0, 0, 5+ath, 4},{ggggg, 1, 0, 5+ath, 4},
{ggggg,-1, 0, 6+ith, 3},{gaagg, 0, 0, 4+ith, 3},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith, 3},{ggggg, 2, 0, 5+ath, 3},
{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ith, 2},{ggggg,-1, 0, 6+ith, 2},{saaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 2},{gaagg, 1, 0, 4+ith, 2},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith, 2},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 2},
{ggggg,-4, 0, 5+ath, 1},{ggggg,-3, 0, 6+ith, 1},{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ith, 1},{baaag,-1, 0, 5+ith, 1},{saaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 1},{saaag, 1, 0, 5+ith, 1},{gaagg, 2, 0, 4+ith, 1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 1},
{ggggg,-4, 0, 5+ath, 0},{gaagg,-3, 0, 4+ith, 0},{saaag,-2, 0, 5+ith, 0},{saaag,-1, 0, 5+ith, 0},{baaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 0},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith, 0},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith, 0},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 0},
{ggggg,-4, 0, 5+ath,-1},{ggggg,-3, 0, 6+ith,-1},{gaagg,-2, 0, 4+ith,-1},{saaag,-1, 0, 5+ith,-1},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith,-1},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 5+ath,-2},{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ith,-2},{gaagg,-1, 0, 4+ith,-2},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith,-2},
{ggggg,-2, 0, 5+ath,-3},{ggggg,-1, 0, 5+ath,-3},{ggggg, 0, 0, 5+ath,-3},
-- Orthogonal slope down (north reference).
[10] = {{ggggg,-3,-1, 4+ath, 3},{ggggg,-2,-1, 5+ith, 3},{ggggg,-1,-1, 5+ith, 3},{ggggg, 0,-1, 5+ith, 3},{ggggg, 1,-1, 5+ith, 3},{ggggg, 2,-1, 5+ith, 3},{ggggg, 3,-1, 4+ath, 3},
{ggggg,-3,-1, 5+ath, 2},{gaggg,-2,-1, 3+ith, 2},{saagg,-1,-1, 4+ith, 2},{baagg, 0,-1, 4+ith, 2},{saagg, 1,-1, 4+ith, 2},{gaggg, 2,-1, 3+ith, 2},{ggggg, 3,-1, 5+ath, 2},
{ggggg,-3,-1, 5+ath, 1},{gaagg,-2,-1, 4+ith, 1},{saaag,-1,-1, 5+ith, 1},{saaag, 0,-1, 5+ith, 1},{saaag, 1,-1, 5+ith, 1},{gaagg, 2,-1, 4+ith, 1},{ggggg, 3,-1, 5+ath, 1},
{ggggg,-3,-1, 5+ath, 0},{ggagg,-2, 0, 4+ith, 0},{ssaag,-1, 0, 5+ith, 0},{sbaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 0},{ssaag, 1, 0, 5+ith, 0},{ggagg, 2, 0, 4+ith, 0},{ggggg, 3,-1, 5+ath, 0},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 5+ath,-1},{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg,-1, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath,-1},
-- Orthogonal slope up (north reference).
[11] = {{ggggg,-3, 1, 6+ath, 3},{ggggg,-2, 1, 7+ith, 3},{ggggg,-1, 1, 7+ith, 3},{ggggg, 0, 1, 7+ith, 3},{ggggg, 1, 1, 7+ith, 3},{ggggg, 2, 1, 7+ith, 3},{ggggg, 3, 1, 6+ath, 3},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 6+ath, 2},{ggagg,-2, 1, 5+ith, 2},{ssaag,-1, 1, 6+ith, 2},{sbaag, 0, 1, 6+ith, 2},{ssaag, 1, 1, 6+ith, 2},{ggagg, 2, 1, 5+ith, 2},{ggggg, 3, 0, 6+ath, 2},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 6+ath, 1},{gaagg,-2, 0, 5+ith, 1},{saaag,-1, 0, 6+ith, 1},{saaag, 0, 0, 6+ith, 1},{saaag, 1, 0, 6+ith, 1},{gaagg, 2, 0, 5+ith, 1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 6+ath, 1},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 6+ath, 0},{gaggg,-2, 0, 4+ith, 0},{saagg,-1, 0, 5+ith, 0},{baagg, 0, 0, 5+ith, 0},{saagg, 1, 0, 5+ith, 0},{gaggg, 2, 0, 4+ith, 0},{ggggg, 3, 0, 6+ath, 0},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 5+ath,-1},{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg,-1, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath,-1},
-- Diagonal slope down (northwest reference).
[30] = { {ggggg,-1,-1, 4+ath, 4},{ggggg, 0,-1, 4+ath, 4},{ggggg, 1,-1, 4+ath, 4},
{ggggg,-1,-1, 5+ith, 3},{gaxgx, 0,-1, 3+ith, 3},{ggggg, 1,-1, 5+ath, 3},{ggggg, 2,-1, 5+ath, 3},
{ggggg,-2,-1, 5+ith, 2},{ggggg,-1,-1, 6+ith, 2},{saagg, 0,-1, 4+ith, 2},{gaagg, 1,-1, 4+ith, 2},{ggggg, 2,-1, 6+ith, 2},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 2},
{ggggg,-4,-1, 4+ath, 1},{ggggg,-3,-1, 5+ith, 1},{ggggg,-2,-1, 6+ith, 1},{baagg,-1,-1, 4+ith, 1},{saaag, 0,-1, 5+ith, 1},{ssaag, 1, 0, 5+ith, 1},{ggagg, 2, 0, 4+ith, 1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 1},
{ggggg,-4,-1, 4+ath, 0},{gaxgx,-3,-1, 3+ith, 0},{saagg,-2,-1, 4+ith, 0},{saaag,-1,-1, 5+ith, 0},{sbaag, 0, 0, 5+ith, 0},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith, 0},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith, 0},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 0},
{ggggg,-4,-1, 4+ath,-1},{ggggg,-3,-1, 5+ath,-1},{gaagg,-2,-1, 4+ith,-1},{ssaag,-1, 0, 5+ith,-1},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith,-1},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith,-1},
{ggggg,-3,-1, 5+ath,-2},{ggggg,-2,-1, 6+ith,-2},{ggagg,-1, 0, 4+ith,-2},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith,-2},
{ggggg,-2, 0, 5+ath,-3},{ggggg,-1, 0, 5+ath,-3},{ggggg, 0, 0, 5+ath,-3},
-- Diagonal slope up (northwest reference).
[31] = { {ggggg,-1, 1, 6+ath, 4},{ggggg, 0, 1, 6+ath, 4},{ggggg, 1, 1, 6+ath, 4},
{ggggg,-1, 1, 7+ith, 3},{ggagg, 0, 1, 5+ith, 3},{ggggg, 1, 0, 7+ith, 3},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ath, 3},
{ggggg,-2, 1, 7+ith, 2},{ggggg,-1, 1, 7+ith, 2},{ssaag, 0, 1, 6+ith, 2},{gaagg, 1, 0, 5+ith, 2},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ath, 2},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 2},
{ggggg,-4, 1, 6+ath, 1},{ggggg,-3, 1, 7+ith, 1},{ggggg,-2, 1, 7+ith, 1},{sbaag,-1, 1, 6+ith, 1},{saaag, 0, 0, 6+ith, 1},{saagg, 1, 0, 5+ith, 1},{gaxgx, 2, 0, 4+ith, 1},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 1},
{ggggg,-4, 1, 6+ath, 0},{ggagg,-3, 1, 5+ith, 0},{ssaag,-2, 1, 6+ith, 0},{saaag,-1, 0, 6+ith, 0},{baagg, 0, 0, 5+ith, 0},{ggggg, 1, 0, 7+ith, 0},{ggggg, 2, 0, 6+ith, 0},{ggggg, 3, 0, 5+ath, 0},
{ggggg,-4, 1, 6+ath,-1},{ggggg,-3, 0, 7+ith,-1},{gaagg,-2, 0, 5+ith,-1},{saagg,-1, 0, 5+ith,-1},{ggggg, 0, 0, 7+ith,-1},{ggggg, 1, 0, 6+ith,-1},
{ggggg,-3, 0, 6+ath,-2},{ggggg,-2, 0, 6+ath,-2},{gaxgx,-1, 0, 4+ith,-2},{ggggg, 0, 0, 6+ith,-2},
{ggggg,-2, 0, 5+ath,-3},{ggggg,-1, 0, 5+ath,-3},{ggggg, 0, 0, 5+ath,-3},
local dig_lookup = { -- Defines dig pattern, flip, and rotation for each direction.
[0] = {1, 0, 0}, [1] = {2, 0, 0}, [2] = {3, 0, 0}, [3] = {2, 1, -1},
[4] = {1, 0, -1}, [5] = {2, 0, -1}, [6] = {3, 1, 0}, [7] = {2, 1, 0},
[8] = {1, 1, 0}, [9] = {2, 2, 0}, [10] = {3, 2, 0}, [11] = {2, 1, 1},
[12] = {1, 0, 1}, [13] = {2, 0, 1}, [14] = {3, 0, 1}, [15] = {2, -1, 0},
[16] = {11, 0, 0}, [17] = {31, 0, 0}, [18] = {11, 0, -1}, [19] = {31, 1, 0},
[20] = {11, 1, 0}, [21] = {31, 2, 0}, [22] = {11, 0, 1}, [23] = {31, -1, 0},
[24] = {10, 0, 0}, [25] = {30, 0, 0}, [26] = {10, 0, -1}, [27] = {30, 1, 0},
[28] = {10, 1, 0}, [29] = {30, 2, 0}, [30] = {10, 0, 1}, [31] = {30, -1, 0}
local dig_list = dig_patterns[dig_lookup[cdir][1]]
local flip = dig_lookup[cdir][2]
local rotation = dig_lookup[cdir][3]
run_list(dig_list, flip, rotation, user, pointed_thing)
region1(lighting_search_radius, user, pointed_thing)
local i
for i,img in ipairs(images) do
local inv = 1
if i == 2 then
inv = 0
description = "Tunnel Maker",
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=inv},
inventory_image = img,
wield_image = img,
stack_max = 1,
range = 7.0,
-- Dig single node with left mouse click.
on_use = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local pos = pointed_thing.under
local key_stats = player:get_player_control()
-- If sneak button held down when left-clicking tunnelmaker, brings up User Config formspec.
if key_stats.sneak then -- Configuration formspec
local remove_refs_on = false
if user_config[pname].remove_refs > 0 then
remove_refs_on = true
local formspec = "size[5,4]"..
"label[0.25,0.25;Tunnelmaker User Options]"..
"checkbox[0.25,0.75;continuous_updown;Continuous updown digging;"..tostring(user_config[pname].continuous_updown).."]"..
"checkbox[0.25,1.25;train_mode;Train mode;"..tostring(user_config[pname].train_mode).."]"..
"checkbox[0.25,1.75;remove_refs;Remove reference nodes;"..tostring(remove_refs_on).."]"..
local formspec_dm = ""
local dmat = ""
local use_desert_material = user_config[pname].use_desert_material
if add_desert_material and minetest.get_biome_data then
if not user_config[pname].lock_desert_mode then
use_desert_material = string.match(minetest.get_biome_name(minetest.get_biome_data(player:get_pos()).biome), "desert")
user_config[pname].use_desert_material = use_desert_material
if use_desert_material then
dmat = "Desert"
dmat = "Non-desert"
formspec_dm = "checkbox[0.25,2.25;lock_desert_mode;Lock desert mode to: "..dmat..";"..tostring(user_config[pname].lock_desert_mode).."]"
minetest.show_formspec(pname, "tunnelmaker:form", formspec..formspec_dm)
else -- Dig single node, if pointing to one
if pos ~= nil then
minetest.node_dig(pos, minetest.get_node(pos), player)
minetest.sound_play("default_dig_dig_immediate", {pos=pos, max_hear_distance = 8, gain = 0.5})
-- Dig tunnel with right mouse click (double tap on android)
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
local pname = placer and placer:get_player_name() or ""
-- If sneak button held down when right-clicking tunnelmaker, toggle updown dig direction: up, down, horizontal, ...
-- Rotating or moving will reset to horizontal.
if placer:get_player_control().sneak then
tunnelmaker[pname].updown = (tunnelmaker[pname].updown + 1) % 3
tunnelmaker[pname].lastpos = { x = placer:getpos().x, y = placer:getpos().y, z = placer:getpos().z }
-- Otherwise dig tunnel based on direction pointed and current updown direction
elseif pointed_thing.type=="node" then
-- if advtrains_track, I lower positions of pointed_thing to right below track, but keep name the same.
local name = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under).name
-- if minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.advtrains_track == 1 then
if string.match(name, "dtrack") then
pointed_thing.under = vector.add(pointed_thing.under, {x=0, y=-1, z=0})
--pointed_thing.above = vector.add(pointed_thing.above, {x=0, y=-1, z=0}) -- don't currently use this
minetest.sound_play("default_dig_dig_immediate", {pos=pointed_thing.under, max_hear_distance = 8, gain = 1.0})
dig_tunnel(i-1, placer, pointed_thing)
if not user_config[pname].continuous_updown then
tunnelmaker[pname].updown = 0 -- reset to horizontal after one use
-- Register configuration callback
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname ~= "tunnelmaker:form" then
return false
local pname = player:get_player_name()
if fields.remove_refs == "true" then
user_config[pname].remove_refs = remove_refs_enable_time
elseif fields.remove_refs == "false" then
user_config[pname].remove_refs = 0
elseif fields.train_mode == "true" then
user_config[pname].train_mode = true
ith = ith_config
add_arches = add_arches_config
add_embankment = add_embankment_config
base_coating = base_coating_config
add_reference_marks = add_reference_marks_config
add_tough_tunnels = add_tough_tunnels_config
add_wide_passage = add_wide_passage_config
elseif fields.train_mode == "false" then
user_config[pname].train_mode = false
ith = 0
add_arches = false
add_embankment = false
base_coating = false
add_reference_marks = false
add_tough_tunnels = false
add_wide_passage = false
elseif fields.continuous_updown == "true" then user_config[pname].continuous_updown = true
elseif fields.continuous_updown == "false" then user_config[pname].continuous_updown = false
elseif fields.lock_desert_mode == "false" then user_config[pname].lock_desert_mode = false
elseif fields.lock_desert_mode == "true" then user_config[pname].lock_desert_mode = true
return true
-- Decrement remove_refs countdown timers.
local players = minetest.get_connected_players()
for _,player in ipairs(players) do
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local rr = user_config[pname].remove_refs
if rr > 0 then
rr = rr - dtime
if rr <= 0 then
user_config[pname].remove_refs = 0
user_config[pname].remove_refs = rr
-- Remove reference marks
local remove_refs = function(player)
local ppos = player:get_pos()
local refpos = minetest.find_node_near(ppos, 1, reference_marks)
if refpos then
local meta = minetest.get_meta(refpos)
local rep_mat = meta:get("replace_with")
if rep_mat and string.len(rep_mat) > 0 then
minetest.set_node(refpos, {name = rep_mat})
-- Replaces reference marks with appropriate material.
for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
if user_config[player:get_player_name()].remove_refs > 0 then