2020-03-29 14:36:38 +02:00
2020-03-29 14:36:38 +02:00
2020-03-26 02:52:43 +01:00
2020-02-25 15:40:22 +01:00
2020-03-26 02:52:43 +01:00

Drop Functions

mokapi.drop_item(self, item, num)

Mob drops only one item.

mokapi.drop_items(self, killed_by_player)

Mob drops a table list of items defined in the entity.

Example of the 'drops' definition:

drops = {
	{name = "petz:mini_lamb_chop", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 1,},
	{name = "petz:bone", chance = 5, min = 1, max = 1,},


Node drops the "drops" list saved in the node metadata.

Sound Functions

mokapi.make_misc_sound(self, chance, max_hear_distance)

Make a random sound from the "misc" sound definition. The misc definition can be a single sound or a table of sounds. Example of the 'misc' definition:

sounds = {
	misc = {"petz_kitty_meow", "petz_kitty_meow2", "petz_kitty_meow3"},

mokapi.make_sound(dest_type, dest, soundfile, max_hear_distance)

Make a sound on dest accordingly dest_type.

dest_type can be "object, "player" or "pos".

Replace Function

mokapi.replace(self, sound_name, max_hear_distance)

Replace a node to another. Useful for eating grass.

'sound_name' & 'max_hear_distance' are optionals.

Example of the 'replace_what' definition:

replace_rate = 10,
replace_offset = 0,
replace_what = {
	{"group:grass", "air", -1},
	{"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt", -2}

3 parameters for 'replace_what': replace_what, replace_with and y_offset

Feed & Tame Functions

function mokapi.feed(self, clicker, feed_rate, msg_full_health, sound_type)

It returns true if fed.

It checks against a string, a stringlist separated by commas or a table of 'self.follow' items or groups.

self.follow = "farming:wheat"
self.follow = "group:food_meat_raw, mobs:raw_chicken"
self.follow = {"group:food_meat_raw", "mobs:raw_chicken"}

'feed_rate' (from 0.0 to 1.0) is the percentage to heal referenced to self.max_hp

msg_full_health is optional

sound_type is the self.sound type

function mokapi.tame(self, feed_count, owner_name, msg_tamed)

It returns true if tamed.

'feed_count' is the amount of food to get the mob tamed.

function mokapi.set_owner(self, owner_name)

Put 'self.tamed' to true and the 'self.owner' name.

function mokapi.remove_owner(self)

Put 'self.tamed' to false and the 'self.owner' to nil.

function mokapi.set_health(self, rate)

'rate' (from 0.0 to 1.0) is the percentage of self.max_hp

rate can be positive or negative

Helper Functions

function mokapi.remove_mob(self)

It clears the mob HQ and LQ behaviours and then remove it from the world.


clear_mobs modname

It clears all the mobkit non-tamed mobs in the closest range.

Modname is the mod ogf the mobs to clear.