nose correction

Alexsandro Percy 2022-05-01 15:24:23 -03:00
parent a22c0e829f
commit cd758a3b00
1 changed files with 10 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -576,23 +576,17 @@ function pa28.flightstep(self)
-- adjust pitch at ground
local tail_lift_min_speed = 2
local tail_lift_max_speed = 6
local tail_angle = 0
if math.abs(longit_speed) > tail_lift_min_speed and is_flying == false then
if math.abs(longit_speed) < tail_lift_max_speed then
local speed_range = tail_lift_max_speed - tail_lift_min_speed
percentage = 1-((math.abs(longit_speed) - tail_lift_min_speed)/speed_range)
if percentage > 1 then percentage = 1 end
if percentage < 0 then percentage = 0 end
local angle = tail_angle * percentage
local calculated_newpitch = math.rad(angle)
if newpitch < calculated_newpitch then newpitch = calculated_newpitch end --ja aproveita o pitch atual se ja estiver cerrto
if newpitch > math.rad(tail_angle) then newpitch = math.rad(tail_angle) end --não queremos arrastar o cauda no chão
if is_flying == false and longit_speed ~= 0 then
if newpitch < 0 then newpitch = 0 end
local min_speed = 4
if longit_speed < min_speed then
if newpitch > 0 then
local percentage = ((longit_speed * 100)/min_speed)/100
newpitch = newpitch * percentage
if newpitch < 0 then newpitch = 0 end
if math.abs(longit_speed) < tail_lift_min_speed then newpitch = math.rad(tail_angle) end
-- new yaw