2024-03-16 18:48:14 +08:00

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<title>Ble jammer installer</title>
content="Easily allow users to install Ble jammer."
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<div class="content">
<h1>BlUETOOTH Jammer Flasher</h1>
<p>Choose your hardware</p>
<ul class="radios">
<label><input type="radio" name="type" value="Ble1" /> Single Nrf24l01 Vspi (SCK = 18, MISO =19, MOSI = 23 ,CS =21 ,CE = 22)</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="type" value="Ble2" /> Dual Nrf24l01 Vspi and Hspi pins</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="type" value="Ble3" /> Single Nrf24l01 Hspi (SCK = 14, MISO = 12, MOSI = 13, CS = 15 , CE = 16)</label>
<p class="button-row" align="center">
<esp-web-install-button class="invisible"></esp-web-install-button>
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<a href="https://github.com/smoochiee/Ble-jammer/blob/main/GCash-MyQR-16032024181536.PNG.jpg"
> &mdash;
You can donate <a href="https://paypal.me/smoochieelee?country.x=PH&locale.x=en_US">PAypal</a> 🛠️
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