Alexsandro Percy 371da4c9e5 improvements
2022-01-27 13:01:36 -03:00

147 lines
5.6 KiB

--lets assume that the rear axis is at object center, so we will use the distance only for front wheels
function automobiles_lib.ground_get_distances(self, radius, axis_distance)
--local mid_axis = (axis_length / 2)/10
local hip = axis_distance
--minetest.chat_send_all("entre-eixo "..hip)
local pitch = self._pitch --+90 for the calculations
local yaw = self.object:get_yaw()
local deg_yaw = math.deg(yaw)
local yaw_turns = math.floor(deg_yaw / 360)
deg_yaw = deg_yaw - (yaw_turns * 360)
yaw = math.rad(deg_yaw)
local pos = self.object:get_pos()
local r_x, r_z = automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(pos.x, pos.z, yaw, 0)
local r_y = pos.y
local rear_axis = {x=r_x, y=r_y, z=r_z}
local rear_obstacle_level = automobiles_lib.get_obstacle(rear_axis)
local f_x, f_z = automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(pos.x, pos.z, yaw, hip)
local x, f_y = automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(f_x, r_y, pitch - math.rad(90), hip) --the x is only a mock
--minetest.chat_send_all("r: "..r_y.." f: "..f_y .." - "..math.deg(pitch))
local front_axis = {x=f_x, y=f_y, z=f_z}
local front_obstacle_level = automobiles_lib.get_obstacle(front_axis)
--[[ here lets someting to smooth the detection using the middle os the car as reference]]--
--[[f_x, f_z = automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(pos.x, pos.z, yaw, hip/2)
x, f_y = automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(f_x, r_y, pitch - math.rad(90), hip/2) --the x is only a mock
--minetest.chat_send_all("r: "..r_y.." f: "..f_y .." - "..math.deg(pitch))
local mid_car = {x=f_x, y=f_y, z=f_z}
local mid_car_level = automobiles_lib.get_obstacle(mid_car)]]--
--[[local left_front = {x=0, y=f_y, z=0}
left_front.x, left_front.z = automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(f_x, f_z, yaw+math.rad(90), mid_axis)
local right_front = {x=0, y=f_y, z=0}
right_front.x, right_front.z = automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(f_x, f_z, yaw-math.rad(90), mid_axis)]]--
local rear_obstacle_level = automobiles_lib.get_obstacle(rear_axis, 0.2, 0.25)]]--
--[[local left_rear = {x=0, y=r_y, z=0}
left_rear.x, left_rear.z = automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(r_x, r_z, yaw+math.rad(90), mid_axis)
local right_rear = {x=0, y=r_y, z=0}
right_rear.x, right_rear.z = automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(r_x, r_z, yaw-math.rad(90), mid_axis)]]--
--lets try to get the pitch
if front_obstacle_level.y ~= nil and rear_obstacle_level.y ~= nil then
local deltaX = axis_distance;
local deltaY = front_obstacle_level.y - rear_obstacle_level.y;
--minetest.chat_send_all("deutaY "..deltaY)
local m = (deltaY/deltaX)
pitch = math.atan(m) --math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX);
--minetest.chat_send_all("m: "..m.." pitch ".. math.deg(pitch))
--[[if mid_car_level then
deltaX = axis_distance/2;
if mid_car_level.y ~= nil then
deltaY = mid_car_level.y - rear_obstacle_level.y;
m = (deltaY/deltaX)
local midpitch = math.atan(m)
if math.abs(math.deg(pitch) - math.deg(midpitch)) < 20 then
pitch = pitch + ((pitch - midpitch) / 2)
self._pitch = 0
if math.abs(math.deg(pitch)) <= 45 and math.abs(math.deg(pitch - self._pitch)) < 20 then
self._pitch = pitch
self._pitch = 0
function automobiles_lib.get_xz_from_hipotenuse(orig_x, orig_z, yaw, distance)
--cara, o minetest é bizarro, ele considera o eixo no sentido ANTI-HORÁRIO... Então pra equação funcionar, subtrair o angulo de 360 antes
yaw = math.rad(360) - yaw
local z = (math.cos(yaw)*distance) + orig_z
local x = (math.sin(yaw)*distance) + orig_x
return x, z
function automobiles_lib.get_obstacle(ref_pos)
--lets clone the table
local retval = {x=ref_pos.x, y=ref_pos.y, z=ref_pos.z}
--minetest.chat_send_all("aa y: " .. dump(retval.y))
local i_pos = {x=ref_pos.x, y=ref_pos.y, z=ref_pos.z}
--minetest.chat_send_all("bb y: " .. dump(i_pos.y))
local y = automobiles_lib.eval_interception(i_pos, {x=i_pos.x, y=i_pos.y - 2, z=i_pos.z})
retval.y = y
--minetest.chat_send_all("y: " .. dump(ref_pos.y) .. " ye: ".. dump(retval.y))
return retval
local function get_nodedef_field(nodename, fieldname)
if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] then
return nil
return minetest.registered_nodes[nodename][fieldname]
function automobiles_lib.eval_interception(initial_pos, end_pos)
local ret_y = nil
local cast = minetest.raycast(initial_pos, end_pos, true, false)
local thing = cast:next()
while thing do
if thing.type == "node" then
local pos = thing.intersection_point
if pos then
local nodename = minetest.get_node(thing.under).name
local drawtype = get_nodedef_field(nodename, "drawtype")
if drawtype ~= "plantlike" then
ret_y = pos.y
--minetest.chat_send_all("ray intercection: " .. dump(pos.y) .. " -- " .. nodename)
thing = cast:next()
return ret_y
function automobiles_lib.get_node_below(pos, dist)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local pos_below = pos
pos_below.y = pos_below.y - (dist + 0.1)
local node_below = minetest.get_node(pos_below)
return node_below