wormball.version = "03.11.2021.1" wormball.player_texture_save = {} wormball.storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() --lookup tables --colors: a list of color codes, indexed by name wormball.colors = {yellow = "fcba0388", orangered = "fc280388", darkred = "a1000088", lightgreen = "80ff0088", aqua = "00ff8488", lightblue = "0084ff88", darkblue = "0d00ff88", purple = "8000ff88", lightpurple = "ee00ff88", pink = "ff006f88"} --color_names: a list of color names, indexed by number wormball.color_names = {} local i=1 for color,code in pairs(wormball.colors) do wormball.color_names[i] = color i=i+1 end --reference tables for placing node rotations properly wormball.straight = {pxpx = 1,pzpz=0,pypy=4, nxnx = 1,nznz=0,nyny=4, nxpx = 1,nzpz=0,nypy=4, pxnx = 1,pznz=0,pyny=4, } --format: axis --format: sign,axis to sign,axis wormball.corner = { --from, to nynx=13,pynx=15,pznx=12, nypz=10,pypz=2,pzpx=7, nypx=21,pypx=17,nzpx=11, nynz=20,pynz=0 ,nznx=9, nxny=17,nxpy=19,nxpz=18, pzny=0,pzpy=20,pxpz=9, pxny=15,pxpy=13,pxnz=12, nzny=2,nzpy=10 ,nxnz=7, } --format: dir pitch(h,u,d)for horiz, up or down ; dir facing wormball.head = { hpz=0,hpx=1,hnz=2,hnx=3, dpz=4,dpx=13,dnz=10,dnx=19, upz=8,upx=17,unz=6,unx=15,} -- timer: a counter for keeping track of global step stuff wormball.timer = 0 --place_node: a custom function for placing the head and second segment every movement. Uses rotation lookup tables above --when I do a place_node, I place the head in the facing dir and the pitch, and I update where the head (last ) function wormball.place_node(nodes,dir,old_dir,look_dir,color) --dir should be:{x=1[-1],y=1[-1],z=1[-1]} --lookdir should be: 'px','nx','pz',or 'nz' if not look_dir then look_dir = 'py' end local dircode ='' local old_dircode='' local type = 'straight' --type will be: straight, corner local axis = '' local old_axis = '' --dircode should ALWAYS be set, unless for some reason dir = {0,0,0}, which it shouldnt. Check this if dir.x ~= 0 then axis = 'x' if dir.x > 0 then dircode = 'px' else dircode = 'nx' end elseif dir.y ~= 0 then axis = 'y' if dir.y >0 then dircode = 'py' else dircode = 'ny' end elseif dir.z ~= 0 then axis = 'z' if dir.z > 0 then dircode = 'pz' else dircode = 'nz' end end if old_dir then if old_dir.x ~= 0 then old_axis = 'x' if old_dir.x > 0 then old_dircode = 'px' else old_dircode = 'nx' end elseif old_dir.y ~= 0 then old_axis = 'y' if old_dir.y > 0 then old_dircode = 'py' else old_dircode = 'ny' end elseif old_dir.z ~= 0 then old_axis = 'z' if old_dir.z > 0 then old_dircode = 'pz' else old_dircode = 'nz' end end if axis == old_axis then type = 'straight' else type = 'corner' end local full_dircode = old_dircode..dircode --from dir..to dir if type == 'straight' and #nodes > 1 then minetest.set_node(nodes[2], {name="wormball:straight_"..color, param2 = wormball.straight[full_dircode]}) elseif type == 'corner' and #nodes > 1 then minetest.set_node(nodes[2], {name="wormball:corner_"..color, param2 = wormball.corner[full_dircode]}) end end local p_dir = 'h' --p, for pitch if dir.y == 1 then p_dir = 'u' elseif dir.y == -1 then p_dir = 'd' end local head_dir = p_dir..look_dir minetest.set_node(nodes[1], {name="wormball:head_"..color, param2 = wormball.head[head_dir]}) end --get_look_dir: a custom function that returns a simplified player look direction in the form of a direction code, that place_node uses function wormball.get_look_dir(arena,player) local yaw = player:get_look_horizontal() local look_dir --get look_dir if yaw < (3.14*.25) or yaw > (3.14 *(7/4)) then -- if we are looking in the +z direction, look_dir = 'pz' elseif yaw > (3.14*(1/4)) and yaw < (3.14 *(3/4)) then -- if we are looking in the -x direction look_dir = 'nx' elseif yaw > (3.14*(3/4)) and yaw < (3.14 *(5/4)) then -- if we are looking in the -z direction look_dir = 'nz' elseif yaw > (3.14*(5/4)) and yaw < (3.14 *(7/4)) then -- if we are looking in the +x direction look_dir = 'px' end return look_dir end -- detaches player, resets texture wormball.detach = function(p_name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(p_name) or nil --set texture back to normal... dont worry about disconnects... player_api handles setting textures on_join if player and wormball.player_texture_save[p_name] ~= nil then --nil checks player:set_properties({textures = wormball.player_texture_save[p_name]}) end --detach and remove attachment entity, play losing sound if player then local att = player:get_attach() player:set_detach() if att then att:remove() end end end