# Skins collectible docs > THIS IS AN ALPHA, EXPECT BREAKAGES # Table of Contents * [1 Skins](#1-skins) * [2 API](#2-api) * [2.1 Skins handlers](#21-skins-handlers) * [2.2 Utils](#22-utils) * [2.3 Getters](#23-getters) * [2.4 Setters](#24-setters) * [2.5 Callbacks](#25-callbacks) * [3 About the author(s)](#3-about-the-authors) TODO: documentare comandi? Se sì, qui e basta o anche nel README? ## 1 Skins (TODO, check the README for now) ## 2 API TODO: spiega ### 2.1 Skins handlers * `skins_collectible.unlock_skin(p_name, skin_ID)`: unlock skin with ID `skin_ID` for `p_name` * `skins_collectible.remove_skin(p_name, skin_ID)`: remove skin with ID `skin_ID` from `p_name` ### 2.2 Utils * `skins_collectible.is_skin_unlocked(p_name, skin_ID)`: returns whether `p_name` has the skin with ID `skin_ID`, as a boolean ### 2.3 Getters * `skins_collectible.get_skins()`: returns a table with all the loaded skins, with their IDs as a key and the skin as a value * `skins_collectible.get_skin(skin_ID)`: returns the skin corresponding to `skin_ID`, if any * `skins_collectible.get_player_skin(p_name)`: returns the skin that `p_name` has currently equipped * `skins_collectible.get_player_skin_ID(p_name)`: returns the ID of the skin that `p_name` has currently equipped ### 2.4 Setters * `skins_collectible.set_skin(player, skin_ID, )`: set skin with ID `skin_ID` to `player`. `is_permanent` is an optional boolean indicating whether the skin should be remembered the next time they log in if they didn't change it before logging out (defaults to `false`) ### 2.5 Callbacks * `skins_collectible.register_on_set_skin(p_name, skin_ID)`: additional behaviour when a player changes skin ## 3. About the author(s) I'm Zughy (Marco), a professional Italian pixel artist who fights for FOSS and digital ethics. If this library spared you a lot of time and you want to support me somehow, please consider donating on [Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/Zughy/). Also, this project wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't been for some friends who helped me testing through: `Giov4`, `SonoMichele`, `_Zaizen_` and `Xx_Crazyminer_xX`