# version 0.8.0-dev # author(s): # reviewer(s): # textdomain: block_league # init.lua orange= blue= Tie!= # commands.lua mod management= [!] You can't perform this action right now!= # player_manager.lua Back in the game in @1= # privs.lua It allows to use the /bladmin command= # arena_lib/arena_editor.lua Mode, waiting rooms and more= Change mode (LMB TD, RMB DM)= Set waiting room (LMB orange, RMB blue)= Set team goal (LMB orange, RMB blue)= Set ball spawn point= Set minimum Y (death below)= # arena_lib/arena_manager.lua The game will start soon= [!] Tutorial can't be spectated!= # arena_lib/arena_timer.lua Looks like it was taking you too much time to finish the tutorial :(= # debug/testkit.lua Leave test mode= You already are in test mode!= You've entered test mode= You've left test mode= # GUI/gui_profile.lua Welcome to your Block League profile!= Here you can learn about weapons and change your passive skill: select one from the panel on the left to know more about it= More customisations will be possible in the future@1 (donations help)= EQUIP= Weapons= Skills= Soon= # HUD/hud_critical.lua CRITICAL!= # HUD/hud_info_panel.lua TDs= Deaths= Points= Team= # game/misc/rays.lua Rays= # game/TD/ball.lua Ball reset= NICE POINT!= ENEMY TEAM HAS SCORED...= Your team has lost the ball!= Enemy team has lost the ball!= Your team has got the ball!= You've got the ball!= Enemy team has got the ball!= # player/achievements.lua two in one= three in one= [!] This player doesn't exist!= @1 ACHIEVEMENTS= # skills/hp.lua Increases your health points by 5 @1(20>25)= Great for remaining in action longer, providing firepower to sustain your team. Get tanky!= # skills/sp.lua Increases your stamina points by 25 @1(100>125)= Great choice for strikers, as it allows players to run more and perform tricks more often.= # weapons/pixelgun.lua Pixelgun= Sniping weapon: you'll never be too far away= piercing shot, @1♥= zoom= # weapons/rocket_launcher.lua Rocket Launcher= # weapons/smg.lua Submachine Gun= Your go-to weapon for close combat= shoot, decrease damage with distance, @1♥= slower steadier shot with less reach, @1♥ @2►= # weapons/sword.lua 2H Sword= Keep your friends close and your enemies further -Sun Tzu= push, @1♥= dash forward, @1♥= # weapons/weapons.lua has killed @1 players in a row!= YOU'VE KILLED @1= You've been killed by @1= @1 HAS KILLED @2= @1 has been killed by @2= YOU'VE CONTRIBUTED TO KILL @1= @1 HAS CONTRIBUTED TO KILL @2= You've killed yourself=