local S = minetest.get_translator("arena_lib") local function initialise_queue_container() end local function assign_team() end local function go_to_arena() end local function queue_format() end local players_in_queue = {} -- KEY: player name, VALUE: {(string) minigame, (int) arenaID} local active_queues = {} -- KEY: [mod] arena_name, VALUE: {(table) arena, (int) time_left, (table) was_second_run} -- inizializzo il contenitore delle code una volta che tutti i minigiochi sono stati caricati minetest.after(0.1, function() initialise_queue_container() end) ---------------------------------------- -- GESTIONE CONTO ALLA ROVESCIA SU GLOBALSTEP -- -- se usassi un normale `after`, all'entrare e uscire ripetutamente da una coda -- i giocatori riuscirebbero a impallarle, eseguendone due o più per la stessa -- arena. Nonostante ciò non vada a fondere il server, dimezza comunque i tempi -- d'attesa e riproduce il doppio dei suoni. Da qui il globalstep minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) for mod, ar_name in pairs(active_queues) do for _, info in pairs(ar_name) do info.time_left = info.time_left - dtime local arena = info.arena local time_left = math.ceil(info.time_left) -- per eseguire queste chiamate solo una volta al secondo, utilizzo un booleano if info.was_second_run[time_left] then return end if time_left == 0 then go_to_arena(mod, arena) elseif time_left <= 5 then arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("broadcast", arena, S("Game begins in @1!", time_left), nil, "arenalib_countdown") arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("hotbar", arena, queue_format(arena, S("Get ready!"))) else arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("hotbar", arena, queue_format(arena, S("@1 seconds for the match to start", time_left))) end info.was_second_run[time_left] = true end end end) ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------------------CORPO--------------------- ---------------------------------------------- function arena_lib.join_queue(mod, arena, p_name) -- se si è nell'editor if arena_lib.is_player_in_edit_mode(p_name) then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] You must leave the editor first!"))) return end local arena_name = arena.name local arenaID = arena_lib.get_arena_by_name(mod, arena_name) -- se c'è `parties` e si è in gruppo... if minetest.get_modpath("parties") and parties.is_player_in_party(p_name) and arena_lib.get_queueID_by_player(p_name) ~= arenaID then -- se non si è il capo gruppo if not parties.is_player_party_leader(p_name) then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] Only the party leader can enter the queue!"))) return end local party_members = parties.get_party_members(p_name) -- per tutti i membri... for _, pl_name in pairs(party_members) do -- se uno è in partita if arena_lib.is_player_in_arena(pl_name) then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] You must wait for all your party members to finish their ongoing games before entering a new one!"))) return end -- se uno è attaccato a qualcosa if minetest.get_player_by_name(pl_name):get_attach() then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] Can't enter a game if some of your party members are attached to something! (e.g. boats, horses etc.)"))) return end end --se non c'è spazio (no gruppo) if not arena.teams_enabled then if #party_members > arena.max_players - arena.players_amount then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] There is not enough space for the whole party!"))) return end -- se non c'è spazio (gruppo) else local free_space = false for _, amount in pairs(arena.players_amount_per_team) do if #party_members <= arena.max_players - amount then free_space = true break end end if not free_space then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] There is no team with enough space for the whole party!"))) return end end end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(p_name) -- se si è attaccati a qualcosa if player:get_attach() then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] You must detach yourself from the entity you're attached to before entering!"))) return end -- se non è abilitata if not arena.enabled then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] The arena is not enabled!"))) return end -- se l'arena è piena if arena.players_amount == arena.max_players * #arena.teams and arena_lib.get_queueID_by_player(p_name) ~= arenaID then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] The arena is already full!"))) return end -- se sta caricando o sta finendo if arena.in_loading or arena.in_celebration then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] The arena is loading, try again in a few seconds!"))) return end local mod_ref = arena_lib.mods[mod] -- se è in corso e non permette l'entrata if arena.in_game and mod_ref.join_while_in_progress == false then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] This minigame doesn't allow to join while in progress!"))) return end -- se il giocatore è già in coda if arena_lib.is_player_in_queue(p_name) then local queued_mod = arena_lib.get_mod_by_player(p_name) local queued_ID = arena_lib.get_queueID_by_player(p_name) -- se era in coda per la stessa arena, interrompo qua, sennò procedo per aggiungerlo nella nuova if queued_mod == mod and queued_ID == arenaID then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] You're already queuing for this arena!"))) return else arena_lib.remove_player_from_queue(p_name) end end -- controlli aggiuntivi if mod_ref.on_prejoin_queue then if not mod_ref.on_prejoin_queue(arena, p_name) then return end end for _, callback in ipairs(arena_lib.registered_on_prejoin_queue) do if not callback(mod_ref, arena, p_name) then return end end local p_team_ID -- determino eventuale squadra giocatore if arena.teams_enabled then p_team_ID = assign_team(mod_ref, arena, p_name) end local players_to_add = {} -- potrei avere o un giocatore o un intero gruppo da aggiungere. Quindi per evitare mille if, metto a prescindere il/i giocatore/i in una tabella per iterare in alcune operazioni successive if minetest.get_modpath("parties") and parties.is_player_in_party(p_name) then for k, v in pairs(parties.get_party_members(p_name)) do players_to_add[k] = v end else table.insert(players_to_add, p_name) end -- aggiungo il giocatore for _, pl_name in pairs(players_to_add) do arena.players[pl_name] = {kills = 0, deaths = 0, teamID = p_team_ID} arena.players_and_spectators[pl_name] = true end -- aumento il conteggio di giocatori in partita arena.players_amount = arena.players_amount + #players_to_add if arena.teams_enabled then arena.players_amount_per_team[p_team_ID] = arena.players_amount_per_team[p_team_ID] + #players_to_add end -- notifico i vari giocatori del nuovo giocatore if arena.in_game then for _, pl_name in pairs(players_to_add) do arena_lib.join_arena(mod, pl_name, arenaID) arena_lib.update_sign(arena) end return else for _, pl_name in pairs(players_to_add) do arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", minetest.colorize("#c8d692", arena_name .. " > " .. pl_name)) players_in_queue[pl_name] = {minigame = mod, arenaID = arenaID} end end local arena_max_players = arena.max_players * #arena.teams local has_queue_status_changed = false -- per il richiamo globale, o non hanno modo di saperlo (dato che viene chiamato all'ultimo) -- se la coda non è partita... if not arena.in_queue and not arena.in_game then local players_required = arena_lib.get_players_amount_left_to_start_queue(arena) -- ...e ci sono abbastanza giocatori, parte il timer d'attesa if players_required <= 0 then local timer = mod_ref.settings.queue_waiting_time arena.in_queue = true has_queue_status_changed = true active_queues[mod][arena_name] = { arena = arena, time_left = timer, was_second_run = {} } -- sennò aggiorno semplicemente la HUD else arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("hotbar", arena, queue_format(arena, S("Waiting for more players...")) .. " (" .. players_required .. ")") end end -- se raggiungo i giocatori massimi e la partita non è iniziata, accorcio eventualmente la durata if arena.players_amount == arena_max_players and arena.in_queue then if active_queues[mod][arena_name].time_left > 5 then active_queues[mod][arena_name].time_left = 5 end end -- richiami eventuali if mod_ref.on_join_queue then mod_ref.on_join_queue(arena, p_name) end for _, callback in ipairs(arena_lib.registered_on_join_queue) do callback(mod_ref, arena, p_name, has_queue_status_changed) end arena_lib.update_sign(arena) return true end function arena_lib.remove_player_from_queue(p_name) local mod = arena_lib.get_mod_by_player(p_name) local mod_ref = arena_lib.mods[mod] local arena = arena_lib.get_arena_by_player(p_name) if not arena then return end -- creo una tabella che andrò poi ad iterare, perché se parliamo di un gruppo, dovrò -- eseguire la rimozione per ogni singolo membro local players_to_remove = {} -- se è un gruppo if minetest.get_modpath("parties") and parties.is_player_in_party(p_name) then -- (se non è il capogruppo, annullo) if not parties.is_player_party_leader(p_name) then minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, minetest.colorize("#e6482e", S("[!] Only the party leader can leave the queue!"))) return end local party_members = parties.get_party_members(p_name) for _, pl_name in pairs(party_members) do players_to_remove[pl_name] = true end -- sennò singolo utente else players_to_remove[p_name] = true end local arena_name = arena.name for pl_name, _ in pairs(players_to_remove) do arena_lib.HUD_hide("all", pl_name) arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", minetest.colorize("#d69298", arena_name .. " < " .. pl_name)) players_in_queue[pl_name] = nil arena.players_amount = arena.players_amount - 1 if arena.teams_enabled then local p_team_ID = arena.players[pl_name].teamID arena.players_amount_per_team[p_team_ID] = arena.players_amount_per_team[p_team_ID] - 1 end arena.players[pl_name] = nil arena.players_and_spectators[pl_name] = nil end local players_required = arena_lib.get_players_amount_left_to_start_queue(arena) local has_queue_status_changed = false -- per il richiamo globale, o non hanno modo di saperlo (dato che viene chiamato all'ultimo) -- se l'arena era in coda e ora ci son troppi pochi giocatori, annullo la coda if arena.in_queue and players_required > 0 then local arena_max_players = arena.max_players * #arena.teams arena.in_queue = false has_queue_status_changed = true active_queues[mod][arena_name] = nil arena_lib.HUD_hide("broadcast", arena) arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("hotbar", arena, queue_format(arena, S("Waiting for more players...")) .. " (" .. players_required .. ")") arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", mod_ref.prefix .. S("The queue has been cancelled due to not enough players")) -- se già non era in coda, aggiorno HUD elseif players_required > 0 then arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("hotbar", arena, queue_format(arena, S("Waiting for more players...")) .. " (" .. players_required .. ")") -- idem se è rimasta in coda else local seconds = active_queues[mod][arena_name] arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("hotbar", arena, queue_format(arena, S("@1 seconds for the match to start", seconds))) end -- richiami eventuali if mod_ref.on_leave_queue then mod_ref.on_leave_queue(arena, p_name) end for _, callback in ipairs(arena_lib.registered_on_leave_queue) do callback(mod_ref, arena, p_name, has_queue_status_changed) end arena_lib.update_sign(arena) return true end ---------------------------------------------- -----------------GETTERS---------------------- ---------------------------------------------- function arena_lib.get_players_amount_left_to_start_queue(arena) if not arena or arena.in_game then return end local arena_min_players = arena.min_players * #arena.teams local players_required if arena.teams_enabled then players_required = 0 for _, amount in pairs(arena.players_amount_per_team) do if arena.min_players - amount > 0 then players_required = players_required + (arena.min_players - amount) end end else players_required = arena_min_players - arena.players_amount end return math.max(0, players_required) end function arena_lib.get_queueID_by_player(p_name) if players_in_queue[p_name] then return players_in_queue[p_name].arenaID end end -- internal use only, don't use it. It makes the API smoother for modders function arena_lib.get_mod_by_queuing_player(p_name) return players_in_queue[p_name].minigame end -- internal use only, don't use it. It makes the API smoother for modders function arena_lib.get_arena_by_queuing_player(p_name) local mod = players_in_queue[p_name].minigame local arenaID = players_in_queue[p_name].arenaID return arena_lib.mods[mod].arenas[arenaID] end ---------------------------------------------- --------------------UTILS--------------------- ---------------------------------------------- function arena_lib.is_player_in_queue(p_name, mod) if not players_in_queue[p_name] then return false else -- se il campo mod è specificato, controllo che sia lo stesso if mod then if players_in_queue[p_name].minigame == mod then return true else return false end end return true end end ---------------------------------------------- ---------------FUNZIONI LOCALI---------------- ---------------------------------------------- function initialise_queue_container() for mod, _ in pairs(arena_lib.mods) do active_queues[mod] = {} end end function assign_team(mod_ref, arena, p_name) local assigned_team_ID = 1 for i = 1, #arena.teams do if arena.players_amount_per_team[i] < arena.players_amount_per_team[assigned_team_ID] then assigned_team_ID = i end end local p_team = arena.teams[assigned_team_ID].name if minetest.get_modpath("parties") and parties.is_player_in_party(p_name) then for _, pl_name in pairs(parties.get_party_members(p_name)) do minetest.chat_send_player(pl_name, mod_ref.prefix .. S("You've joined team @1", minetest.colorize("#eea160", p_team))) end else minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, mod_ref.prefix .. S("You've joined team @1", minetest.colorize("#eea160", p_team))) end return assigned_team_ID end function go_to_arena(mod, arena) active_queues[mod][arena.name] = nil arena.in_queue = false arena.in_game = true arena_lib.update_sign(arena) for pl_name, _ in pairs(arena.players) do players_in_queue[pl_name] = nil end local arena_ID = arena_lib.get_arena_by_name(mod, arena.name) arena_lib.HUD_hide("all", arena) arena_lib.load_arena(mod, arena_ID) end -- es. Foresta | 3/4 | Il match inizierà a breve function queue_format(arena, msg) local arena_max_players = arena.max_players * #arena.teams return arena.name .. " | " .. arena.players_amount .. "/" .. arena_max_players .. " | " .. msg end