/** * STB Proxy desktop browser (client) part * @constructor * @author Stanislav Kalashnik */ function proxyClient () { /** * proxy instance configuration * @namespace */ var config = { /** node.js server address */ host : '', /** http server port */ port : 8800, /** session name */ name : 'anonymous', /** cached url for posting requests */ urlPost : null, /** cached url for info collecting */ urlInfo : null }; // single ajax object for performance var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); /** * Prepares the connection * @param {Object} options set of initialization parameters (host, port, name, urlPost, urlInfo) */ this.init = function ( options ) { // validate and iterate input if ( options ) for ( var name in options ) { // rewrite defaults if ( options.hasOwnProperty(name) ) config[name] = options[name]; } // cache final request urls config.urlPost = 'http://' + config.host + ':' + config.port + '/' + config.name; config.urlInfo = 'http://' + config.host + ':' + config.port + '/info/' + config.name; }; /** * Sends a sync request to the STB device from the desktop browser * @param {Object} data JSON data to send * @return {*} execution result from the STB */ this.send = function ( data ) { // mandatory init check if ( !config.urlPost ) return false; // prepare var time = +new Date(), response; // make request xhr.open('post', config.urlPost, false); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); xhr.send(JSON.stringify(data)); // proceed the result try { response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); } catch ( e ) { response = {error:e}; } // detailed report console.groupCollapsed('%c%s\t%c%d/%d ms', 'color:' + (response.error ? 'red' : 'green'), data.method || data.code || 'unhandled STB call', 'color:#aaa;font-weight:normal', response.time || 0, +new Date() - time); console.log(data); console.log(response.error || response.data); console.groupEnd(); // ready return response.data; }; /** * Wrapper to send a line of js code to eval on the STB device * @param {string} code javascript source code to execute on the device * @return {*} execution result from the STB */ this.eval = function ( code ) { return this.send({type:'eval', code:code}); }; /** * Wrapper to send one function of js code with arguments to eval on the STB device * @param {string} method javascript function name (like "gSTB.Debug") * @param {Array} params list of the function arguments * @return {*} execution result from the STB */ this.call = function ( method, params ) { return this.send({type:'call', method:method, params:params}); }; /** * Gets the detailed info about the current connection * @return {{active:Boolean, count:Number}|{active:Boolean}|Boolean} */ this.info = function () { // mandatory init check if ( !config.urlInfo ) return false; // make request xhr.open('get', config.urlInfo, false); xhr.send(); return JSON.parse(xhr.responseText || false); }; }