// Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #ifndef __I_SCENE_COLLISION_MANAGER_H_INCLUDED__ #define __I_SCENE_COLLISION_MANAGER_H_INCLUDED__ #include "IReferenceCounted.h" #include "vector3d.h" #include "triangle3d.h" #include "position2d.h" #include "line3d.h" namespace irr { namespace scene { class ISceneNode; class ICameraSceneNode; class ITriangleSelector; //! The Scene Collision Manager provides methods for performing collision tests and picking on scene nodes. class ISceneCollisionManager : public virtual IReferenceCounted { public: //! Destructor virtual ~ISceneCollisionManager() {} //! Finds the collision point of a line and lots of triangles, if there is one. /** \param ray: Line with witch collisions are tested. \param selector: TriangleSelector containing the triangles. It can be created for example using ISceneManager::createTriangleSelector() or ISceneManager::createTriangleOctTreeSelector(). \param outCollisionPoint: If a collision is detected, this will contain the position of the nearest collision. \param outTriangle: If a collision is detected, this will contain the triangle with which the ray collided. \return True if a collision was detected and false if not. */ virtual bool getCollisionPoint(const core::line3d& ray, ITriangleSelector* selector, core::vector3df& outCollisionPoint, core::triangle3df& outTriangle) = 0; //! Collides a moving ellipsoid with a 3d world with gravity and returns the resulting new position of the ellipsoid. /** This can be used for moving a character in a 3d world: The character will slide at walls and is able to walk up stairs. The method used how to calculate the collision result position is based on the paper "Improved Collision detection and Response" by Kasper Fauerby. \param selector: TriangleSelector containing the triangles of the world. It can be created for example using ISceneManager::createTriangleSelector() or ISceneManager::createTriangleOctTreeSelector(). \param ellipsoidPosition: Position of the ellipsoid. \param ellipsoidRadius: Radius of the ellipsoid. \param ellipsoidDirectionAndSpeed: Direction and speed of the movement of the ellipsoid. \param triout: Optional parameter where the last triangle causing a collision is stored, if there is a collision. \param outFalling: Is set to true if the ellipsoid is falling down, caused by gravity. \param slidingSpeed: DOCUMENTATION NEEDED. \param gravityDirectionAndSpeed: Direction and force of gravity. \return New position of the ellipsoid. */ virtual core::vector3df getCollisionResultPosition( ITriangleSelector* selector, const core::vector3df &ellipsoidPosition, const core::vector3df& ellipsoidRadius, const core::vector3df& ellipsoidDirectionAndSpeed, core::triangle3df& triout, bool& outFalling, f32 slidingSpeed = 0.0005f, const core::vector3df& gravityDirectionAndSpeed = core::vector3df(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) = 0; //! Returns a 3d ray which would go through the 2d screen coodinates. /** \param pos: Screen coordinates in pixels. \param camera: Camera from which the ray starts. If null, the active camera is used. \return Ray starting from the position of the camera and ending at a length of the far value of the camera at a position which would be behind the 2d screen coodinates. */ virtual core::line3d getRayFromScreenCoordinates( core::position2d pos, ICameraSceneNode* camera = 0) = 0; //! Calculates 2d screen position from a 3d position. /** \param pos: 3D position in world space to be transformed into 2d. \param camera: Camera to be used. If null, the currently active camera is used. \return 2d screen coordinates which a object in the 3d world would have if it would be rendered to the screen. If the 3d position is behind the camera, it is set to (-10000,-10000). In most cases you can ignore this fact, because if you use this method for drawing a decorator over a 3d object, it will be clipped by the screen borders. */ virtual core::position2d getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition( core::vector3df pos, ICameraSceneNode* camera=0) = 0; //! Gets the scene node, which is currently visible under the given screencoordinates, viewed from the currently active camera. /** The collision tests are done using a bounding box for each scene node. \param pos: Position in pixel screen coordinates, under which the returned scene node will be. \param idBitMask: Only scene nodes with an id with bits set like in this mask will be tested. If the BitMask is 0, this feature is disabled. \param bNoDebugObjects: Doesn't take debug objects into account when true. These are scene nodes with IsDebugObject() = true. \return Visible scene node under screen coordinates with matching bits in its id. If there is no scene node under this position, 0 is returned. */ virtual ISceneNode* getSceneNodeFromScreenCoordinatesBB(core::position2d pos, s32 idBitMask=0, bool bNoDebugObjects = false) = 0; //! Get the nearest scene node which collides with a 3d ray and whose id matches a bitmask. /** The collision tests are done using a bounding box for each scene node. \param ray: Line with witch collisions are tested. \param idBitMask: Only scene nodes with an id with bits set like in this mask will be tested. If the BitMask is 0, this feature is disabled. \param bNoDebugObjects: Doesn't take debug objects into account when true. These are scene nodes with IsDebugObject() = true. \return Scene node nearest to ray.start, which collides with the ray and matches the idBitMask, if the mask is not null. If no scene node is found, 0 is returned. */ virtual ISceneNode* getSceneNodeFromRayBB(core::line3d ray, s32 idBitMask=0, bool bNoDebugObjects = false) = 0; //! Get the scene node, which the overgiven camera is looking at and whose id matches the bitmask. /** A ray is simply casted from the position of the camera to the view target position, and all scene nodes are tested against this ray. The collision tests are done using a bounding box for each scene node. \param camera: Camera from which the ray is casted. \param idBitMask: Only scene nodes with an id with bits set like in this mask will be tested. If the BitMask is 0, this feature is disabled. \param bNoDebugObjects: Doesn't take debug objects into account when true. These are scene nodes with IsDebugObject() = true. \return Scene node nearest to the camera, which collides with the ray and matches the idBitMask, if the mask is not null. If no scene node is found, 0 is returned. */ virtual ISceneNode* getSceneNodeFromCameraBB(ICameraSceneNode* camera, s32 idBitMask=0, bool bNoDebugObjects = false) = 0; }; } // end namespace scene } // end namespace irr #endif