// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "CGUIWindow.h" #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_ #include "IGUISkin.h" #include "IGUIEnvironment.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "IGUIButton.h" #include "IGUIFont.h" #include "IGUIFontBitmap.h" namespace irr { namespace gui { //! constructor CGUIWindow::CGUIWindow(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect rectangle) : IGUIWindow(environment, parent, id, rectangle), Dragging(false) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CGUIWindow"); #endif IGUISkin* skin = 0; if (environment) skin = environment->getSkin(); IGUISpriteBank* sprites = 0; video::SColor color(255,255,255,255); s32 buttonw = 15; if (skin) { buttonw = skin->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH); sprites = skin->getSpriteBank(); color = skin->getColor(EGDC_WINDOW_SYMBOL); } s32 posx = RelativeRect.getWidth() - buttonw - 4; CloseButton = Environment->addButton(core::rect(posx, 3, posx + buttonw, 3 + buttonw), this, -1, L"", skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_WINDOW_CLOSE) : L"Close" ); CloseButton->setSubElement(true); CloseButton->setTabStop(false); CloseButton->setAlignment(EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); if (sprites) { CloseButton->setSpriteBank(sprites); CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), color); CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), color); } posx -= buttonw + 2; RestoreButton = Environment->addButton(core::rect(posx, 3, posx + buttonw, 3 + buttonw), this, -1, L"", skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_WINDOW_RESTORE) : L"Restore" ); RestoreButton->setVisible(false); RestoreButton->setSubElement(true); RestoreButton->setTabStop(false); RestoreButton->setAlignment(EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); if (sprites) { RestoreButton->setSpriteBank(sprites); RestoreButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_RESTORE), color); RestoreButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_RESTORE), color); } posx -= buttonw + 2; MinButton = Environment->addButton(core::rect(posx, 3, posx + buttonw, 3 + buttonw), this, -1, L"", skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_WINDOW_MINIMIZE) : L"Minimize" ); MinButton->setVisible(false); MinButton->setSubElement(true); MinButton->setTabStop(false); MinButton->setAlignment(EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); if (sprites) { MinButton->setSpriteBank(sprites); MinButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_MINIMIZE), color); MinButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_MINIMIZE), color); } MinButton->grab(); RestoreButton->grab(); CloseButton->grab(); // this element is a tab group setTabGroup(true); setTabStop(true); setTabOrder(-1); } //! destructor CGUIWindow::~CGUIWindow() { if (MinButton) MinButton->drop(); if (RestoreButton) RestoreButton->drop(); if (CloseButton) CloseButton->drop(); } //! called if an event happened. bool CGUIWindow::OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { if (IsEnabled) { switch(event.EventType) { case EET_GUI_EVENT: if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST) { Dragging = false; } else if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUSED) { if (Parent && ((event.GUIEvent.Caller == this) || isMyChild(event.GUIEvent.Caller))) Parent->bringToFront(this); } else if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED) { if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == CloseButton) { if (Parent) { // send close event to parent SEvent e; e.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; e.GUIEvent.Caller = this; e.GUIEvent.Element = 0; e.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_ELEMENT_CLOSED; // if the event was not absorbed if (!Parent->OnEvent(e)) remove(); return true; } else { remove(); return true; } } } break; case EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT: switch(event.MouseInput.Event) { case EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X; DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y; Dragging = true; if (Parent) Parent->bringToFront(this); return true; case EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP: Dragging = false; return true; case EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if (Dragging) { // gui window should not be dragged outside its parent if (Parent && (event.MouseInput.X < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.X +1 || event.MouseInput.Y < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.Y +1 || event.MouseInput.X > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.X -1 || event.MouseInput.Y > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.Y -1)) return true; move(core::position2d(event.MouseInput.X - DragStart.X, event.MouseInput.Y - DragStart.Y)); DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X; DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y; return true; } break; default: break; } default: break; } } return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event); } //! Updates the absolute position. void CGUIWindow::updateAbsolutePosition() { IGUIElement::updateAbsolutePosition(); } //! draws the element and its children void CGUIWindow::draw() { if (!IsVisible) return; IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin(); core::rect rect = AbsoluteRect; core::rect *cl = &AbsoluteClippingRect; // draw body fast rect = skin->draw3DWindowBackground(this, true, skin->getColor(EGDC_ACTIVE_BORDER), AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect); if (Text.size()) { rect.UpperLeftCorner.X += skin->getSize(EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_X); rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y += skin->getSize(EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_Y); rect.LowerRightCorner.X -= skin->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH) + 5; IGUIFont* font = skin->getFont(EGDF_WINDOW); if (font) font->draw(Text.c_str(), rect, skin->getColor(EGDC_ACTIVE_CAPTION), false, true, cl); } IGUIElement::draw(); } //! Returns pointer to the close button IGUIButton* CGUIWindow::getCloseButton() const { return CloseButton; } //! Returns pointer to the minimize button IGUIButton* CGUIWindow::getMinimizeButton() const { return MinButton; } //! Returns pointer to the maximize button IGUIButton* CGUIWindow::getMaximizeButton() const { return RestoreButton; } } // end namespace gui } // end namespace irr #endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_