// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "CGUIEnvironment.h" #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_ #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "CGUISkin.h" #include "CGUIButton.h" #include "CGUIWindow.h" #include "CGUIScrollBar.h" #include "CGUIFont.h" #include "CGUISpriteBank.h" #include "CGUIImage.h" #include "CGUIMeshViewer.h" #include "CGUICheckBox.h" #include "CGUIListBox.h" #include "CGUITreeView.h" #include "CGUIImageList.h" #include "CGUIFileOpenDialog.h" #include "CGUIColorSelectDialog.h" #include "CGUIStaticText.h" #include "CGUIEditBox.h" #include "CGUISpinBox.h" #include "CGUIInOutFader.h" #include "CGUIMessageBox.h" #include "CGUIModalScreen.h" #include "CGUITabControl.h" #include "CGUIContextMenu.h" #include "CGUIComboBox.h" #include "CGUIMenu.h" #include "CGUIToolBar.h" #include "CGUITable.h" #include "CDefaultGUIElementFactory.h" #include "IWriteFile.h" #include "IXMLWriter.h" #include "BuiltInFont.h" #include "os.h" namespace irr { namespace gui { const wchar_t* IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ENV = L"irr_gui"; const wchar_t* IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ELEMENT = L"element"; const wchar_t* IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ELEMENT_ATTR_TYPE = L"type"; //! constructor CGUIEnvironment::CGUIEnvironment(io::IFileSystem* fs, video::IVideoDriver* driver, IOSOperator* op) : IGUIElement(EGUIET_ELEMENT, 0, 0, 0, core::rect(core::position2d(0,0), driver ? core::dimension2d(driver->getScreenSize()) : core::dimension2d(0,0))), Driver(driver), Hovered(0), Focus(0), LastHoveredMousePos(0,0), CurrentSkin(0), FileSystem(fs), UserReceiver(0), Operator(op) { if (Driver) Driver->grab(); if (FileSystem) FileSystem->grab(); if (Operator) Operator->grab(); #ifdef _DEBUG IGUIEnvironment::setDebugName("CGUIEnvironment"); #endif // gui factory IGUIElementFactory* factory = new CDefaultGUIElementFactory(this); registerGUIElementFactory(factory); factory->drop(); loadBuiltInFont(); IGUISkin* skin = createSkin( gui::EGST_WINDOWS_METALLIC ); setSkin(skin); skin->drop(); //set tooltip default ToolTip.LastTime = 0; ToolTip.LaunchTime = 1000; ToolTip.Element = 0; // environment is root tab group Environment = this; setTabGroup(true); } //! destructor CGUIEnvironment::~CGUIEnvironment() { if (Hovered && Hovered != this) { Hovered->drop(); Hovered = 0; } if (Driver) { Driver->drop(); Driver = 0; } if (Focus) { Focus->drop(); Focus = 0; } if (ToolTip.Element) { ToolTip.Element->drop(); ToolTip.Element = 0; } if (FileSystem) { FileSystem->drop(); FileSystem = 0; } if (Operator) { Operator->drop(); Operator = 0; } // drop skin if (CurrentSkin) { CurrentSkin->drop(); CurrentSkin = 0; } u32 i; // delete all sprite banks for (i=0; idrop(); // delete all fonts for (i=0; idrop(); // remove all factories for (i=0; idrop(); } void CGUIEnvironment::loadBuiltInFont() { core::string filename = "#DefaultFont"; io::IReadFile* file = io::createMemoryReadFile(BuiltInFontData, BuiltInFontDataSize, filename, false); CGUIFont* font = new CGUIFont(this, filename ); if (!font->load(file)) { os::Printer::log("Error: Could not load built-in Font. Did you compile without the BMP loader?", ELL_ERROR); font->drop(); file->drop(); return; } SFont f; f.Filename = filename; f.Font = font; Fonts.push_back(f); file->drop(); } //! draws all gui elements void CGUIEnvironment::drawAll() { if (Driver) { core::dimension2d dim(Driver->getScreenSize()); if (AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.X != dim.Width || AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.Y != dim.Height) { // resize gui environment DesiredRect.LowerRightCorner = dim; AbsoluteClippingRect = DesiredRect; AbsoluteRect = DesiredRect; updateAbsolutePosition(); } } // make sure tooltip is always on top if (ToolTip.Element) bringToFront(ToolTip.Element); draw(); OnPostRender ( os::Timer::getTime () ); } //! sets the focus to an element bool CGUIEnvironment::setFocus(IGUIElement* element) { if (Focus == element) { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } // GUI Environment should not get the focus if (element == this) element = 0; // stop element from being deleted if (element) element->grab(); // focus may change or be removed in this call IGUIElement *currentFocus = 0; if (Focus) { currentFocus = Focus; currentFocus->grab(); SEvent e; e.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; e.GUIEvent.Caller = Focus; e.GUIEvent.Element = element; e.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST; if (Focus->OnEvent(e)) { if (element) element->drop(); currentFocus->drop(); _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } currentFocus->drop(); currentFocus = 0; } if (element) { currentFocus = Focus; if (currentFocus) currentFocus->grab(); // send focused event SEvent e; e.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; e.GUIEvent.Caller = element; e.GUIEvent.Element = Focus; e.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUSED; if (element->OnEvent(e)) { if (element) element->drop(); if (currentFocus) currentFocus->drop(); _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } } if (currentFocus) currentFocus->drop(); if (Focus) Focus->drop(); // element is the new focus so it doesn't have to be dropped Focus = element; return true; } //! returns the element with the focus IGUIElement* CGUIEnvironment::getFocus() const { return Focus; } //! removes the focus from an element bool CGUIEnvironment::removeFocus(IGUIElement* element) { if (Focus && Focus==element) { SEvent e; e.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; e.GUIEvent.Caller = Focus; e.GUIEvent.Element = 0; e.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST; if (Focus->OnEvent(e)) { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } } if (Focus) { Focus->drop(); Focus = 0; } return true; } //! Returns if the element has focus bool CGUIEnvironment::hasFocus(IGUIElement* element) const { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return (element == Focus); } //! returns the current video driver video::IVideoDriver* CGUIEnvironment::getVideoDriver() const { return Driver; } //! returns the current file system io::IFileSystem* CGUIEnvironment::getFileSystem() const { return FileSystem; } //! returns the current file system IOSOperator* CGUIEnvironment::getOSOperator() const { return Operator; } //! clear all GUI elements void CGUIEnvironment::clear() { // Remove the focus if (Focus) { Focus->drop(); Focus = 0; } if (Hovered && Hovered != this) { Hovered->drop(); Hovered = 0; } // get the root's children in case the root changes in future const core::list& children = getRootGUIElement()->getChildren(); while (!children.empty()) (*children.getLast())->remove(); } //! called by ui if an event happened. bool CGUIEnvironment::OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { bool ret = false; if (UserReceiver && (event.EventType != EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT) && (event.EventType != EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) && (event.EventType != EET_GUI_EVENT || event.GUIEvent.Caller != this)) { ret = UserReceiver->OnEvent(event); } _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return ret; } // void CGUIEnvironment::OnPostRender( u32 time ) { // check tooltip // launch tooltip if ( time - ToolTip.LastTime >= ToolTip.LaunchTime && Hovered && Hovered != this && ToolTip.Element == 0 && Hovered != ToolTip.Element && Hovered->getToolTipText().size() && getSkin() && getSkin()->getFont(EGDF_TOOLTIP) ) { core::rect pos; pos.UpperLeftCorner = LastHoveredMousePos; core::dimension2du dim = getSkin()->getFont(EGDF_TOOLTIP)->getDimension(Hovered->getToolTipText().c_str()); dim.Width += getSkin()->getSize(EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_X)*2; dim.Height += getSkin()->getSize(EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_Y)*2; pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y -= dim.Height+1; pos.LowerRightCorner.Y = pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y + dim.Height-1; pos.LowerRightCorner.X = pos.UpperLeftCorner.X + dim.Width; pos.constrainTo(getAbsolutePosition()); ToolTip.Element = addStaticText(Hovered->getToolTipText().c_str(), pos, true, true, this, -1, true); ToolTip.Element->setOverrideColor(getSkin()->getColor(EGDC_TOOLTIP)); ToolTip.Element->setBackgroundColor(getSkin()->getColor(EGDC_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND)); ToolTip.Element->setOverrideFont(getSkin()->getFont(EGDF_TOOLTIP)); ToolTip.Element->setSubElement(true); ToolTip.Element->grab(); s32 textHeight = ToolTip.Element->getTextHeight(); pos = ToolTip.Element->getRelativePosition(); pos.LowerRightCorner.Y = pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y + textHeight; ToolTip.Element->setRelativePosition(pos); } IGUIElement::OnPostRender ( time ); } // void CGUIEnvironment::updateHoveredElement(core::position2d mousePos) { IGUIElement* lastHovered = Hovered; LastHoveredMousePos = mousePos; Hovered = getElementFromPoint(mousePos); if (Hovered) { u32 now = os::Timer::getTime (); if (Hovered != this) Hovered->grab(); if (Hovered != lastHovered) { SEvent event; event.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; if (lastHovered) { event.GUIEvent.Caller = lastHovered; event.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_ELEMENT_LEFT; lastHovered->OnEvent(event); } if ( ToolTip.Element ) { ToolTip.Element->remove(); ToolTip.Element->drop(); ToolTip.Element = 0; ToolTip.LastTime += 500; } else { // boost tooltip generation for relaunch if ( now - ToolTip.LastTime < ToolTip.LastTime ) { ToolTip.LastTime += 500; } else { ToolTip.LastTime = now; } } event.GUIEvent.Caller = Hovered; event.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_ELEMENT_HOVERED; Hovered->OnEvent(event); } } if (lastHovered && lastHovered != this) lastHovered->drop(); } //! This sets a new event receiver for gui events. Usually you do not have to //! use this method, it is used by the internal engine. void CGUIEnvironment::setUserEventReceiver(IEventReceiver* evr) { UserReceiver = evr; } //! posts an input event to the environment bool CGUIEnvironment::postEventFromUser(const SEvent& event) { switch(event.EventType) { case EET_GUI_EVENT: // hey, why is the user sending gui events..? break; case EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT: updateHoveredElement(core::position2d(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y)); if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN) if ( (Hovered && Hovered != Focus) || !Focus ) { setFocus(Hovered); } // sending input to focus if (Focus && Focus->OnEvent(event)) return true; // focus could have died in last call if (!Focus && Hovered) { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return Hovered->OnEvent(event); } break; case EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT: { // send focus changing event if (event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT && event.KeyInput.PressedDown && event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_TAB) { IGUIElement *next = getNextElement(event.KeyInput.Shift, event.KeyInput.Control); if (next && next != Focus) { if (setFocus(next)) return true; } } if (Focus) { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return Focus->OnEvent(event); } } break; default: break; } // end switch _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } //! returns the current gui skin IGUISkin* CGUIEnvironment::getSkin() const { return CurrentSkin; } //! Sets a new GUI Skin void CGUIEnvironment::setSkin(IGUISkin* skin) { if (CurrentSkin==skin) return; if (CurrentSkin) CurrentSkin->drop(); CurrentSkin = skin; if (CurrentSkin) CurrentSkin->grab(); } //! Creates a new GUI Skin based on a template. /** \return Returns a pointer to the created skin. If you no longer need the skin, you should call IGUISkin::drop(). See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */ IGUISkin* CGUIEnvironment::createSkin(EGUI_SKIN_TYPE type) { IGUISkin* skin = new CGUISkin(type, Driver); IGUIFont* builtinfont = getBuiltInFont(); IGUIFontBitmap* bitfont = 0; if (builtinfont && builtinfont->getType() == EGFT_BITMAP) bitfont = (IGUIFontBitmap*)builtinfont; IGUISpriteBank* bank = 0; skin->setFont(builtinfont); if (bitfont) bank = bitfont->getSpriteBank(); skin->setSpriteBank(bank); return skin; } //! Returns the default element factory which can create all built in elements IGUIElementFactory* CGUIEnvironment::getDefaultGUIElementFactory() const { return getGUIElementFactory(0); } //! Adds an element factory to the gui environment. /** Use this to extend the gui environment with new element types which it should be able to create automaticly, for example when loading data from xml files. */ void CGUIEnvironment::registerGUIElementFactory(IGUIElementFactory* factoryToAdd) { if (factoryToAdd) { factoryToAdd->grab(); GUIElementFactoryList.push_back(factoryToAdd); } } //! Returns amount of registered scene node factories. u32 CGUIEnvironment::getRegisteredGUIElementFactoryCount() const { return GUIElementFactoryList.size(); } //! Returns a scene node factory by index IGUIElementFactory* CGUIEnvironment::getGUIElementFactory(u32 index) const { if (index < GUIElementFactoryList.size()) return GUIElementFactoryList[index]; else return 0; } //! adds a GUI Element using its name IGUIElement* CGUIEnvironment::addGUIElement(const c8* elementName, IGUIElement* parent) { IGUIElement* node=0; if (!parent) parent = this; for (u32 i=0; iaddGUIElement(elementName, parent); return node; } //! Saves the current gui into a file. //! \param filename: Name of the file . bool CGUIEnvironment::saveGUI(const core::string& filename, IGUIElement* start) { io::IWriteFile* file = FileSystem->createAndWriteFile(filename); if (!file) { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } bool ret = saveGUI(file, start); file->drop(); _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return ret; } //! Saves the current gui into a file. bool CGUIEnvironment::saveGUI(io::IWriteFile* file, IGUIElement* start) { if (!file) { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } io::IXMLWriter* writer = FileSystem->createXMLWriter(file); if (!writer) { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } writer->writeXMLHeader(); writeGUIElement(writer, start ? start : this); writer->drop(); return true; } //! Loads the gui. Note that the current gui is not cleared before. //! \param filename: Name of the file. bool CGUIEnvironment::loadGUI(const c16* filename, IGUIElement* parent) { io::IReadFile* read = FileSystem->createAndOpenFile(filename); if (!read) { os::Printer::log("Unable to open gui file", filename, ELL_ERROR); _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } bool ret = loadGUI(read, parent); read->drop(); _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return ret; } //! Loads the gui. Note that the current gui is not cleared before. bool CGUIEnvironment::loadGUI(io::IReadFile* file, IGUIElement* parent) { if (!file) { os::Printer::log("Unable to open GUI file", ELL_ERROR); _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } io::IXMLReader* reader = FileSystem->createXMLReader(file); if (!reader) { os::Printer::log("GUI is not a valid XML file", file->getFileName(), ELL_ERROR); _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } // read file while(reader->read()) { readGUIElement(reader, parent); } // finish up reader->drop(); return true; } //! reads an element void CGUIEnvironment::readGUIElement(io::IXMLReader* reader, IGUIElement* node) { if (!reader) return; io::EXML_NODE nodeType = reader->getNodeType(); if (nodeType == io::EXN_NONE || nodeType == io::EXN_UNKNOWN || nodeType == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) return; if (!wcscmp(IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ENV, reader->getNodeName())) { if (!node) node = this; // root } else if (!wcscmp(IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ELEMENT, reader->getNodeName())) { // find node type and create it const core::stringc attrName = reader->getAttributeValue(IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ELEMENT_ATTR_TYPE); node = addGUIElement(attrName.c_str(), node); if (!node) os::Printer::log("Could not create GUI element of unknown type", attrName.c_str()); } // read attributes while(reader->read()) { bool endreached = false; switch (reader->getNodeType()) { case io::EXN_ELEMENT_END: if (!wcscmp(IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ELEMENT, reader->getNodeName()) || !wcscmp(IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ENV, reader->getNodeName())) { endreached = true; } break; case io::EXN_ELEMENT: if (!wcscmp(L"attributes", reader->getNodeName())) { // read attributes io::IAttributes* attr = FileSystem->createEmptyAttributes(Driver); attr->read(reader, true); if (node) node->deserializeAttributes(attr); attr->drop(); } else if (!wcscmp(IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ELEMENT, reader->getNodeName()) || !wcscmp(IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ENV, reader->getNodeName())) { readGUIElement(reader, node); } else { os::Printer::log("Found unknown element in irrlicht GUI file", core::stringc(reader->getNodeName()).c_str()); } break; default: break; } if (endreached) break; } } //! writes an element void CGUIEnvironment::writeGUIElement(io::IXMLWriter* writer, IGUIElement* node) { if (!writer || !node ) return; const wchar_t* name = 0; // write properties io::IAttributes* attr = FileSystem->createEmptyAttributes(); node->serializeAttributes(attr); // all gui elements must have at least one attribute // if they have nothing then we ignore them. if (attr->getAttributeCount() != 0) { if (node == this) { name = IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ENV; writer->writeElement(name, false); } else { name = IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ELEMENT; writer->writeElement(name, false, IRR_XML_FORMAT_GUI_ELEMENT_ATTR_TYPE, core::stringw(node->getTypeName()).c_str()); } writer->writeLineBreak(); writer->writeLineBreak(); attr->write(writer); writer->writeLineBreak(); } // write children core::list::ConstIterator it = node->getChildren().begin(); for (; it != node->getChildren().end(); ++it) { if (!(*it)->isSubElement()) writeGUIElement(writer, (*it)); } // write closing brace if required if (attr->getAttributeCount() != 0) { writer->writeClosingTag(name); writer->writeLineBreak(); writer->writeLineBreak(); } attr->drop(); } //! Writes attributes of the environment void CGUIEnvironment::serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options) const { IGUISkin* skin = getSkin(); if (skin) { out->addEnum("Skin", getSkin()->getType(), GUISkinTypeNames); skin->serializeAttributes(out, options); } } //! Reads attributes of the environment void CGUIEnvironment::deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options) { if (in->existsAttribute("Skin")) { IGUISkin *skin = getSkin(); EGUI_SKIN_TYPE t = (EGUI_SKIN_TYPE) in->getAttributeAsEnumeration("Skin",GUISkinTypeNames); if ( !skin || t != skin->getType()) { skin = createSkin(t); setSkin(skin); skin->drop(); } skin = getSkin(); if (skin) { skin->deserializeAttributes(in, options); } } RelativeRect = AbsoluteRect = core::rect(core::position2d(0,0), Driver ? core::dimension2di(Driver->getScreenSize()) : core::dimension2d(0,0)); } //! adds a button. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIButton* CGUIEnvironment::addButton(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t *tooltiptext) { IGUIButton* button = new CGUIButton(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle); if (text) button->setText(text); if ( tooltiptext ) button->setToolTipText ( tooltiptext ); button->drop(); return button; } //! adds a window. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIWindow* CGUIEnvironment::addWindow(const core::rect& rectangle, bool modal, const wchar_t* text, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { parent = parent ? parent : this; if (modal) { parent = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1); parent->drop(); } IGUIWindow* win = new CGUIWindow(this, parent, id, rectangle); if (text) win->setText(text); win->drop(); return win; } //! adds a modal screen. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIElement* CGUIEnvironment::addModalScreen(IGUIElement* parent) { parent = parent ? parent : this; IGUIElement *win = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1); win->drop(); return win; } //! Adds a message box. IGUIWindow* CGUIEnvironment::addMessageBox(const wchar_t* caption, const wchar_t* text, bool modal, s32 flag, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { if (!CurrentSkin) return 0; parent = parent ? parent : this; core::rect rect; core::dimension2d screenDim, msgBoxDim; screenDim.Width = parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth(); screenDim.Height = parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight(); msgBoxDim.Width = CurrentSkin->getSize(gui::EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_WIDTH); msgBoxDim.Height = CurrentSkin->getSize(gui::EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_HEIGHT); rect.UpperLeftCorner.X = (screenDim.Width - msgBoxDim.Width) / 2; rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (screenDim.Height - msgBoxDim.Height) / 2; rect.LowerRightCorner.X = rect.UpperLeftCorner.X + msgBoxDim.Width; rect.LowerRightCorner.Y = rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + msgBoxDim.Height; if (modal) { parent = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1); parent->drop(); } IGUIWindow* win = new CGUIMessageBox(this, caption, text, flag, parent, id, rect); win->drop(); return win; } //! adds a scrollbar. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIScrollBar* CGUIEnvironment::addScrollBar(bool horizontal, const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { IGUIScrollBar* bar = new CGUIScrollBar(horizontal, this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle); bar->drop(); return bar; } //! Adds a table to the environment IGUITable* CGUIEnvironment::addTable(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, bool drawBackground) { CGUITable* b = new CGUITable(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle, true, drawBackground, false); b->drop(); return b; } //! Adds an image element. IGUIImage* CGUIEnvironment::addImage(video::ITexture* image, core::position2d pos, bool useAlphaChannel, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text) { core::dimension2d sz(0,0); if (image) sz = core::dimension2d(image->getOriginalSize()); IGUIImage* img = new CGUIImage(this, parent ? parent : this, id, core::rect(pos, sz)); if (text) img->setText(text); if (useAlphaChannel) img->setUseAlphaChannel(true); if (image) img->setImage(image); img->drop(); return img; } //! adds an image. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIImage* CGUIEnvironment::addImage(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text) { IGUIImage* img = new CGUIImage(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle); if (text) img->setText(text); img->drop(); return img; } //! adds an mesh viewer. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIMeshViewer* CGUIEnvironment::addMeshViewer(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text) { IGUIMeshViewer* v = new CGUIMeshViewer(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle); if (text) v->setText(text); v->drop(); return v; } //! adds a checkbox IGUICheckBox* CGUIEnvironment::addCheckBox(bool checked, const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text) { IGUICheckBox* b = new CGUICheckBox(checked, this, parent ? parent : this , id , rectangle); if (text) b->setText(text); b->drop(); return b; } //! adds a list box IGUIListBox* CGUIEnvironment::addListBox(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, bool drawBackground) { IGUIListBox* b = new CGUIListBox(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle, true, drawBackground, false); if (CurrentSkin && CurrentSkin->getSpriteBank()) { b->setSpriteBank(CurrentSkin->getSpriteBank()); } else if (getBuiltInFont() && getBuiltInFont()->getType() == EGFT_BITMAP) { b->setSpriteBank( ((IGUIFontBitmap*)getBuiltInFont())->getSpriteBank()); } b->drop(); return b; } //! adds a tree view IGUITreeView* CGUIEnvironment::addTreeView(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, bool drawBackground, bool scrollBarVertical, bool scrollBarHorizontal) { IGUITreeView* b = new CGUITreeView(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle, true, drawBackground, scrollBarVertical, scrollBarHorizontal); b->setIconFont ( getBuiltInFont () ); b->drop(); return b; } //! adds a file open dialog. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIFileOpenDialog* CGUIEnvironment::addFileOpenDialog(const wchar_t* title, bool modal, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { parent = parent ? parent : this; if (modal) { parent = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1); parent->drop(); } IGUIFileOpenDialog* d = new CGUIFileOpenDialog(title, this, parent, id); d->drop(); return d; } //! adds a color select dialog. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIColorSelectDialog* CGUIEnvironment::addColorSelectDialog(const wchar_t* title, bool modal, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { parent = parent ? parent : this; if (modal) { parent = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1); parent->drop(); } IGUIColorSelectDialog* d = new CGUIColorSelectDialog( title, this, parent, id); d->drop(); return d; } //! adds a static text. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIStaticText* CGUIEnvironment::addStaticText(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect& rectangle, bool border, bool wordWrap, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, bool background) { IGUIStaticText* d = new CGUIStaticText(text, border, this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle, background); d->setWordWrap(wordWrap); d->drop(); return d; } //! Adds an edit box. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIEditBox* CGUIEnvironment::addEditBox(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect& rectangle, bool border, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { IGUIEditBox* d = new CGUIEditBox(text, border, this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle); d->drop(); return d; } //! Adds a spin box to the environment IGUISpinBox* CGUIEnvironment::addSpinBox(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect &rectangle, bool border,IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { IGUISpinBox* d = new CGUISpinBox(text, border,this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle); d->drop(); return d; } //! Adds a tab control to the environment. IGUITabControl* CGUIEnvironment::addTabControl(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, bool fillbackground, bool border, s32 id) { IGUITabControl* t = new CGUITabControl(this, parent ? parent : this, rectangle, fillbackground, border, id); t->drop(); return t; } //! Adds tab to the environment. IGUITab* CGUIEnvironment::addTab(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { IGUITab* t = new CGUITab(-1, this, parent ? parent : this, rectangle, id); t->drop(); return t; } //! Adds a context menu to the environment. IGUIContextMenu* CGUIEnvironment::addContextMenu(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { IGUIContextMenu* c = new CGUIContextMenu(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle, true); c->drop(); return c; } //! Adds a menu to the environment. IGUIContextMenu* CGUIEnvironment::addMenu(IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { if (!parent) parent = this; IGUIContextMenu* c = new CGUIMenu(this, parent, id, core::rect(0,0, parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth(), parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight())); c->drop(); return c; } //! Adds a toolbar to the environment. It is like a menu is always placed on top //! in its parent, and contains buttons. IGUIToolBar* CGUIEnvironment::addToolBar(IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { if (!parent) parent = this; IGUIToolBar* b = new CGUIToolBar(this, parent, id, core::rect(0,0,10,10)); b->drop(); return b; } //! Adds an element for fading in or out. IGUIInOutFader* CGUIEnvironment::addInOutFader(const core::rect* rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { core::rect rect; if (rectangle) rect = *rectangle; else if (Driver) rect = core::rect(core::position2d(0,0), core::dimension2di(Driver->getScreenSize())); if (!parent) parent = this; IGUIInOutFader* fader = new CGUIInOutFader(this, parent, id, rect); fader->drop(); return fader; } //! Adds a combo box to the environment. IGUIComboBox* CGUIEnvironment::addComboBox(const core::rect& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) { IGUIComboBox* t = new CGUIComboBox(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle); t->drop(); return t; } //! returns the font IGUIFont* CGUIEnvironment::getFont(const core::string& filename) { // search existing font SFont f; IGUIFont* ifont=0; f.Filename = filename; f.Filename.make_lower(); s32 index = Fonts.binary_search(f); if (index != -1) return Fonts[index].Font; // font doesn't exist, attempt to load it // does the file exist? if (!FileSystem->existFile(filename)) { os::Printer::log("Could not load font because the file does not exist", f.Filename, ELL_ERROR); return 0; } io::IXMLReader *xml = FileSystem->createXMLReader(filename ); if (xml) { // this is an XML font, but we need to know what type EGUI_FONT_TYPE t = EGFT_CUSTOM; bool found=false; while(xml->read() && !found) { if (xml->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT) { if (core::stringw(L"font") == xml->getNodeName()) { if (core::stringw(L"vector") == xml->getAttributeValue(L"type")) { t = EGFT_VECTOR; found=true; } else if (core::stringw(L"bitmap") == xml->getAttributeValue(L"type")) { t = EGFT_BITMAP; found=true; } else found=true; } } } if (t==EGFT_BITMAP) { CGUIFont* font = new CGUIFont(this, filename); ifont = (IGUIFont*)font; // change working directory, for loading textures core::string workingDir = FileSystem->getWorkingDirectory(); FileSystem->changeWorkingDirectoryTo(FileSystem->getFileDir(f.Filename)); // load the font if (!font->load(xml)) { font->drop(); font = 0; ifont = 0; } // change working dir back again FileSystem->changeWorkingDirectoryTo( workingDir ); } else if (t==EGFT_VECTOR) { // todo: vector fonts os::Printer::log("Unable to load font, XML vector fonts are not supported yet", f.Filename.c_str(), ELL_ERROR); //CGUIFontVector* font = new CGUIFontVector(Driver); //ifont = (IGUIFont*)font; //if (!font->load(xml)) } xml->drop(); } if (!ifont) { CGUIFont* font = new CGUIFont(this, f.Filename ); ifont = (IGUIFont*)font; if (!font->load(f.Filename)) { font->drop(); return 0; } } // add to fonts. f.Font = ifont; Fonts.push_back(f); return ifont; } IGUISpriteBank* CGUIEnvironment::getSpriteBank(const core::string& filename) { // search for the file name SSpriteBank b; b.Filename = filename; b.Filename.make_lower(); s32 index = Banks.binary_search(b); if (index != -1) return Banks[index].Bank; // we don't have this sprite bank, we should load it if (!FileSystem->existFile(b.Filename)) { os::Printer::log("Could not load sprite bank because the file does not exist", filename, ELL_ERROR); return 0; } // todo: load it! return 0; } IGUISpriteBank* CGUIEnvironment::addEmptySpriteBank(const core::string& name) { // no duplicate names allowed SSpriteBank b; b.Filename = name; const s32 index = Banks.binary_search(b); if (index != -1) return 0; // create a new sprite bank b.Bank = new CGUISpriteBank(this); Banks.push_back(b); return b.Bank; } //! returns default font IGUIFont* CGUIEnvironment::getBuiltInFont() const { if (Fonts.empty()) return 0; return Fonts[0].Font; } //! Creates the image list from the given texture. IGUIImageList* CGUIEnvironment::createImageList( video::ITexture* texture, core::dimension2d imageSize, bool useAlphaChannel ) { CGUIImageList* imageList = new CGUIImageList( Driver ); if( !imageList->createImageList( texture, imageSize, useAlphaChannel ) ) { imageList->drop(); return 0; } return imageList; } //! Returns the root gui element. IGUIElement* CGUIEnvironment::getRootGUIElement() { return this; } //! Returns the next element in the tab group starting at the focused element IGUIElement* CGUIEnvironment::getNextElement(bool reverse, bool group) { // start the search at the root of the current tab group IGUIElement *startPos = Focus ? Focus->getTabGroup() : 0; s32 startOrder = -1; // if we're searching for a group if (group && startPos) { startOrder = startPos->getTabOrder(); } else if (!group && Focus && !Focus->isTabGroup()) { startOrder = Focus->getTabOrder(); if (startOrder == -1) { // this element is not part of the tab cycle, // but its parent might be... IGUIElement *el = Focus; while (el && el->getParent() && startOrder == -1) { el = el->getParent(); startOrder = el->getTabOrder(); } } } if (group || !startPos) startPos = this; // start at the root // find the element IGUIElement *closest = 0; IGUIElement *first = 0; startPos->getNextElement(startOrder, reverse, group, first, closest); if (closest) return closest; // we found an element else if (first) return first; // go to the end or the start else if (group) return this; // no group found? root group else return 0; } //! creates an GUI Environment IGUIEnvironment* createGUIEnvironment(io::IFileSystem* fs, video::IVideoDriver* Driver, IOSOperator* op) { return new CGUIEnvironment(fs, Driver, op); } } // end namespace gui } // end namespace irr #endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_