// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #ifndef __IRR_LINE_2D_H_INCLUDED__ #define __IRR_LINE_2D_H_INCLUDED__ #include "irrTypes.h" #include "vector2d.h" namespace irr { namespace core { //! 2D line between two points with intersection methods. template class line2d { public: line2d() : start(0,0), end(1,1) {} line2d(T xa, T ya, T xb, T yb) : start(xa, ya), end(xb, yb) {} line2d(const vector2d& start, const vector2d& end) : start(start), end(end) {} line2d(const line2d& other) : start(other.start), end(other.end) {} // operators line2d operator+(const vector2d& point) const { return line2d(start + point, end + point); } line2d& operator+=(const vector2d& point) { start += point; end += point; return *this; } line2d operator-(const vector2d& point) const { return line2d(start - point, end - point); } line2d& operator-=(const vector2d& point) { start -= point; end -= point; return *this; } bool operator==(const line2d& other) const { return (start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);} bool operator!=(const line2d& other) const { return !(start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);} // functions void setLine(const T& xa, const T& ya, const T& xb, const T& yb){start.set(xa, ya); end.set(xb, yb);} void setLine(const vector2d& nstart, const vector2d& nend){start.set(nstart); end.set(nend);} void setLine(const line2d& line){start.set(line.start); end.set(line.end);} //! Returns length of line //! \return Returns length of the line. f64 getLength() const { return start.getDistanceFrom(end); } //! Returns squared length of the line //! \return Returns squared length of line. T getLengthSQ() const { return start.getDistanceFromSQ(end); } //! Returns middle of the line vector2d getMiddle() const { return (start + end) * (T)0.5; } //! Returns the vector of the line. //! \return Returns the vector of the line. vector2d getVector() const { return vector2d(start.X - end.X, start.Y - end.Y); } //! Tests if this line intersects with another line. //! \param l: Other line to test intersection with. //! \param out: If there is an intersection, the location of the intersection will //! be stored in this vector. //! \return Returns true if there is an intersection, false if not. bool intersectWith(const line2d& l, vector2d& out) const { bool found=false; f32 a1,a2,b1,b2; // calculate slopes, deal with infinity if (end.X-start.X == 0) b1 = (f32)1e+10; else b1 = (end.Y-start.Y)/(end.X-start.X); if (l.end.X-l.start.X == 0) b2 = (f32)1e+10; else b2 = (l.end.Y-l.start.Y)/(l.end.X-l.start.X); // calculate position a1 = start.Y - b1 * start.X; a2 = l.start.Y - b2 * l.start.X; out.X = - (a1-a2)/(b1-b2); out.Y = a1 + b1*out.X; // did the lines cross? if ( (start.X-out.X) *(out.X-end.X) >= -ROUNDING_ERROR_32 && (l.start.X-out.X)*(out.X-l.end.X)>= -ROUNDING_ERROR_32 && (start.Y-out.Y) *(out.Y-end.Y) >= -ROUNDING_ERROR_32 && (l.start.Y-out.Y)*(out.Y-l.end.Y)>= -ROUNDING_ERROR_32 ) { found = true; } return found; } //! Returns unit vector of the line. //! \return Returns unit vector of this line. vector2d getUnitVector() const { T len = (T)(1.0 / getLength()); return vector2d((end.X - start.X) * len, (end.Y - start.Y) * len); } f64 getAngleWith(const line2d& l) const { vector2d vect = getVector(); vector2d vect2 = l.getVector(); return vect.getAngleWith(vect2); } //! Tells us if the given point lies to the left, //! right, or on the direction of the line //! \return Returns 0 if the point is on the line //! <0 if to the left, or >0 if to the right. T getPointOrientation(const vector2d& point) const { return ( (end.X - start.X) * (point.Y - start.Y) - (point.X - start.X) * (end.Y - start.Y) ); } //! Returns if the given point is a member of the line //! \return Returns true if bool isPointOnLine(const vector2d& point) const { T d = getPointOrientation(point); return (d == 0 && point.isBetweenPoints(start, end)); } //! Returns if the given point is between start and end of the //! line. Assumes that the point is already somewhere on the line. bool isPointBetweenStartAndEnd(const vector2d& point) const { return point.isBetweenPoints(start, end); } //! Returns the closest point on this line to a point vector2d getClosestPoint(const vector2d& point) const { vector2d c = point - start; vector2d v = end - start; T d = (T)v.getLength(); v /= d; T t = v.dotProduct(c); if (t < (T)0.0) return start; if (t > d) return end; v *= t; return start + v; } // member variables vector2d start; vector2d end; }; //! Typedef for a f32 line. typedef line2d line2df; //! Typedef for an integer line. typedef line2d line2di; } // end namespace core } // end namespace irr #endif