// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h // Code contributed by skreamz #include "CPakReader.h" #include "os.h" #include "IrrCompileConfig.h" namespace irr { namespace io { CPakReader::CPakReader(IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) : File(file), IgnoreCase(ignoreCase), IgnorePaths(ignorePaths) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CPakReader"); #endif if (File) { File->grab(); // scan local headers scanLocalHeader(); // prepare file index for binary search FileList.sort(); } } CPakReader::~CPakReader() { if (File) File->drop(); } //! splits filename from zip file into useful filenames and paths void CPakReader::extractFilename(SPakFileEntry* entry) { s32 lorfn = 56; // length of real file name if (!lorfn) return; if (IgnoreCase) entry->pakFileName.make_lower(); const c8* p = entry->pakFileName.c_str() + lorfn; // suche ein slash oder den anfang. while (*p!='/' && p!=entry->pakFileName.c_str()) { --p; --lorfn; } bool thereIsAPath = p != entry->pakFileName.c_str(); if (thereIsAPath) { // there is a path ++p; ++lorfn; } entry->simpleFileName = p; entry->path = ""; // pfad auch kopieren if (thereIsAPath) { lorfn = (s32)(p - entry->pakFileName.c_str()); entry->path.append(entry->pakFileName, lorfn); } if (!IgnorePaths) entry->simpleFileName = entry->pakFileName; // thanks to Pr3t3nd3r for this fix } //! scans for a local header, returns false if there is no more local file header. bool CPakReader::scanLocalHeader() { c8 tmp[1024]; SPakFileEntry entry; entry.pos = 0; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(SPAKFileHeader)); File->read(&header, sizeof(SPAKFileHeader)); if (header.tag[0] != 'P' && header.tag[1] != 'A') return false; // local file headers end here. File->seek(header.offset); int count = header.length / ((sizeof(u32) * 2) + 56); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // read filename entry.pakFileName.reserve(56+2); File->read(tmp, 56); tmp[56] = 0x0; entry.pakFileName = tmp; #ifdef _DEBUG os::Printer::log(entry.pakFileName.c_str()); #endif extractFilename(&entry); File->read(&entry.pos, sizeof(u32)); File->read(&entry.length, sizeof(u32)); FileList.push_back(entry); } return true; } //! opens a file by file name IReadFile* CPakReader::openFile(const c8* filename) { s32 index = findFile(filename); if (index != -1) return openFile(index); return 0; } //! opens a file by index IReadFile* CPakReader::openFile(s32 index) { File->seek(FileList[index].pos); return createLimitReadFile(FileList[index].simpleFileName.c_str(), File, FileList[index].length); } //! returns count of files in archive s32 CPakReader::getFileCount() { return FileList.size(); } //! returns data of file const SPakFileEntry* CPakReader::getFileInfo(s32 index) const { return &FileList[index]; } //! deletes the path from a filename void CPakReader::deletePathFromFilename(core::stringc& filename) { // delete path from filename const c8* p = filename.c_str() + filename.size(); // suche ein slash oder den anfang. while (*p!='/' && *p!='\\' && p!=filename.c_str()) --p; core::stringc newName; if (p != filename.c_str()) { ++p; filename = p; } } //! returns fileindex s32 CPakReader::findFile(const c8* simpleFilename) { SPakFileEntry entry; entry.simpleFileName = simpleFilename; if (IgnoreCase) entry.simpleFileName.make_lower(); if (IgnorePaths) deletePathFromFilename(entry.simpleFileName); s32 res = FileList.binary_search(entry); #ifdef _DEBUG if (res == -1) { for (u32 i=0; i