// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "CGUIButton.h" #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_ #include "IGUISkin.h" #include "IGUIEnvironment.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "IGUIFont.h" #include "os.h" namespace irr { namespace gui { //! constructor CGUIButton::CGUIButton(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect rectangle, bool noclip) : IGUIButton(environment, parent, id, rectangle), Pressed(false), IsPushButton(false), UseAlphaChannel(false), Border(true), MouseOverTime(0), FocusTime(0), ClickTime(0), SpriteBank(0), OverrideFont(0), Image(0), PressedImage(0) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CGUIButton"); #endif setNotClipped(noclip); // reset sprites for (u32 i=0; idrop(); if (Image) Image->drop(); if (PressedImage) PressedImage->drop(); if (SpriteBank) SpriteBank->drop(); } //! Sets if the button should use the skin to draw its border void CGUIButton::setDrawBorder(bool border) { Border = border; } void CGUIButton::setSpriteBank(IGUISpriteBank* sprites) { if (sprites) sprites->grab(); if (SpriteBank) SpriteBank->drop(); SpriteBank = sprites; } void CGUIButton::setSprite(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state, s32 index, video::SColor color, bool loop) { if (SpriteBank) { ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Index = index; ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Color = color; ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Loop = loop; } else { ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Index = -1; } } //! called if an event happened. bool CGUIButton::OnEvent(SEvent event) { if (!IsEnabled) return Parent ? Parent->OnEvent(event) : false; switch(event.EventType) { case EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT: if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown && (event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RETURN || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE)) { if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(true); else setPressed(!Pressed); return true; } if (Pressed && !IsPushButton && event.KeyInput.PressedDown && event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_ESCAPE) { setPressed(false); return true; } else if (!event.KeyInput.PressedDown && Pressed && (event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RETURN || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE)) { //Environment->removeFocus(this); if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(false); if (Parent) { SEvent newEvent; newEvent.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; newEvent.GUIEvent.Caller = this; newEvent.GUIEvent.Element = 0; newEvent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED; Parent->OnEvent(newEvent); } return true; } break; case EET_GUI_EVENT: if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST) { if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == this && !IsPushButton) setPressed(false); } break; case EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT: if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN) { if (Environment->hasFocus(this) && !AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside(core::position2d(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y))) { Environment->removeFocus(this); return false; } if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(true); Environment->setFocus(this); return true; } else if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP) { bool wasPressed = Pressed; //Environment->removeFocus(this); if ( !AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside( core::position2d(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y ) ) ) { if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(false); return true; } if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(false); else { setPressed(!Pressed); } if ((!IsPushButton && wasPressed && Parent) || (IsPushButton && wasPressed != Pressed)) { SEvent newEvent; newEvent.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; newEvent.GUIEvent.Caller = this; newEvent.GUIEvent.Element = 0; newEvent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED; Parent->OnEvent(newEvent); } return true; } break; } return Parent ? Parent->OnEvent(event) : false; } //! draws the element and its children void CGUIButton::draw() { if (!IsVisible) return; IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin(); irr::video::IVideoDriver* driver = Environment->getVideoDriver(); IGUIFont* font = OverrideFont; if (!OverrideFont) font = skin->getFont(EGDF_BUTTON); core::rect rect = AbsoluteRect; // todo: move sprite up and text down if the pressed state has a sprite // draw sprites for focused and mouse-over core::position2di spritePos = AbsoluteRect.getCenter(); if (!Pressed) { if (Border) skin->draw3DButtonPaneStandard(this, rect, &AbsoluteClippingRect); if (Image) { core::position2d pos = AbsoluteRect.getCenter(); pos.X -= ImageRect.getWidth() / 2; pos.Y -= ImageRect.getHeight() / 2; driver->draw2DImage(Image, pos, ImageRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect, video::SColor(255,255,255,255), UseAlphaChannel); } if (SpriteBank && ButtonSprites[EGBS_BUTTON_UP].Index != -1) { // draw pressed sprite SpriteBank->draw2DSprite(ButtonSprites[EGBS_BUTTON_UP].Index, spritePos, &AbsoluteClippingRect, ButtonSprites[EGBS_BUTTON_UP].Color, ClickTime, os::Timer::getTime(), ButtonSprites[EGBS_BUTTON_UP].Loop, true); } } else { if (Border) skin->draw3DButtonPanePressed(this, rect, &AbsoluteClippingRect); if (PressedImage) { core::position2d pos = AbsoluteRect.getCenter(); pos.X -= PressedImageRect.getWidth() / 2; pos.Y -= PressedImageRect.getHeight() / 2; // patch by Alan Tyndall/Jonas Petersen if (Image == PressedImage) { pos.X += 1; pos.Y += 1; } driver->draw2DImage(PressedImage, pos, PressedImageRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect, video::SColor(255,255,255,255), UseAlphaChannel); } if (SpriteBank && ButtonSprites[EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN].Index != -1) { // draw sprite SpriteBank->draw2DSprite(ButtonSprites[EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN].Index, spritePos, &AbsoluteClippingRect, ButtonSprites[EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN].Color, ClickTime, os::Timer::getTime(), ButtonSprites[EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN].Loop, true); } } if (Text.size()) { rect = AbsoluteRect; if (Pressed) rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y += 2; if (font) font->draw(Text.c_str(), rect, skin->getColor(IsEnabled ? EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT : EGDC_GRAY_TEXT), true, true, &AbsoluteClippingRect); } IGUIElement::draw(); } //! sets another skin independent font. if this is set to zero, the button uses the font of the skin. void CGUIButton::setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font) { if (OverrideFont) OverrideFont->drop(); OverrideFont = font; if (OverrideFont) OverrideFont->grab(); } //! Sets an image which should be displayed on the button when it is in normal state. void CGUIButton::setImage(video::ITexture* image) { if (Image) Image->drop(); Image = image; if (image) ImageRect = core::rect(core::position2d(0,0), image->getOriginalSize()); if (Image) Image->grab(); if (!PressedImage) setPressedImage(Image); } //! Sets an image which should be displayed on the button when it is in normal state. void CGUIButton::setImage(video::ITexture* image, const core::rect& pos) { if (Image) Image->drop(); Image = image; ImageRect = pos; if (Image) Image->grab(); if (!PressedImage) setPressedImage(Image, pos); } //! Sets an image which should be displayed on the button when it is in pressed state. void CGUIButton::setPressedImage(video::ITexture* image) { if (PressedImage) PressedImage->drop(); PressedImage = image; if (image) PressedImageRect = core::rect(core::position2d(0,0), image->getOriginalSize()); if (PressedImage) PressedImage->grab(); } //! Sets an image which should be displayed on the button when it is in pressed state. void CGUIButton::setPressedImage(video::ITexture* image, const core::rect& pos) { if (PressedImage) PressedImage->drop(); PressedImage = image; PressedImageRect = pos; if (PressedImage) PressedImage->grab(); } //! Sets if the button should behave like a push button. Which means it //! can be in two states: Normal or Pressed. With a click on the button, //! the user can change the state of the button. void CGUIButton::setIsPushButton(bool isPushButton) { IsPushButton = isPushButton; } //! Returns if the button is currently pressed bool CGUIButton::isPressed() { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return Pressed; } //! Sets the pressed state of the button if this is a pushbutton void CGUIButton::setPressed(bool pressed) { if (Pressed != pressed) { ClickTime = os::Timer::getTime(); Pressed = pressed; } } //! Returns whether the button is a push button bool CGUIButton::isPushButton() { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return IsPushButton; } //! Sets if the alpha channel should be used for drawing images on the button (default is false) void CGUIButton::setUseAlphaChannel(bool useAlphaChannel) { UseAlphaChannel = useAlphaChannel; } //! Returns if the alpha channel should be used for drawing images on the button bool CGUIButton::isAlphaChannelUsed() { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return UseAlphaChannel; } bool CGUIButton::isDrawingBorder() { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return Border; } //! Writes attributes of the element. void CGUIButton::serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) { IGUIButton::serializeAttributes(out,options); out->addBool ("PushButton", IsPushButton ); if (IsPushButton) out->addBool ("Pressed", Pressed); out->addTexture ("Image", Image); out->addRect ("ImageRect", ImageRect); out->addTexture ("PressedImage", PressedImage); out->addRect ("PressedImageRect",PressedImageRect); out->addBool ("Border", Border); out->addBool ("UseAlphaChannel", UseAlphaChannel); // out->addString ("OverrideFont", OverrideFont); } //! Reads attributes of the element void CGUIButton::deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) { IGUIButton::deserializeAttributes(in,options); IsPushButton = in->getAttributeAsBool("PushButton"); Pressed = IsPushButton ? in->getAttributeAsBool("Pressed") : false; core::rect rec = in->getAttributeAsRect("ImageRect"); if (rec.isValid()) setImage( in->getAttributeAsTexture("Image"), rec); else setImage( in->getAttributeAsTexture("Image") ); rec = in->getAttributeAsRect("PressedImageRect"); if (rec.isValid()) setPressedImage( in->getAttributeAsTexture("PressedImage"), rec); else setPressedImage( in->getAttributeAsTexture("PressedImage") ); setDrawBorder(in->getAttributeAsBool("Border")); UseAlphaChannel = in->getAttributeAsBool("UseAlphaChannel"); // setOverrideFont(in->getAttributeAsString("OverrideFont")); updateAbsolutePosition(); } } // end namespace gui } // end namespace irr #endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_