// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #ifndef __I_GPU_PROGRAMMING_SERVICES_H_INCLUDED__ #define __I_GPU_PROGRAMMING_SERVICES_H_INCLUDED__ #include "EShaderTypes.h" #include "EMaterialTypes.h" #include "EPrimitiveTypes.h" #include "path.h" namespace irr { namespace io { class IReadFile; } // end namespace io namespace video { class IVideoDriver; class IShaderConstantSetCallBack; //! Interface making it possible to create and use programs running on the GPU. class IGPUProgrammingServices { public: //! Destructor virtual ~IGPUProgrammingServices() {} //! Adds a new high-level shading material renderer to the VideoDriver. /** Currently only HLSL/D3D9 and GLSL/OpenGL are supported. \param vertexShaderProgram: String containing the source of the vertex shader program. This can be 0 if no vertex program shall be used. \param vertexShaderEntryPointName: Name of the entry function of the vertexShaderProgram (p.e. "main") \param vsCompileTarget: Vertex shader version the high level shader shall be compiled to. \param pixelShaderProgram: String containing the source of the pixel shader program. This can be 0 if no pixel shader shall be used. \param pixelShaderEntryPointName: Entry name of the function of the pixelShaderProgram (p.e. "main") \param psCompileTarget: Pixel shader version the high level shader shall be compiled to. \param geometryShaderProgram: String containing the source of the geometry shader program. This can be 0 if no geometry shader shall be used. \param geometryShaderEntryPointName: Entry name of the function of the geometryShaderProgram (p.e. "main") \param gsCompileTarget: Geometry shader version the high level shader shall be compiled to. \param inType Type of vertices passed to geometry shader \param outType Type of vertices created by geometry shader \param verticesOut Maximal number of vertices created by geometry shader. If 0, maximal number supported is assumed. \param callback: Pointer to an implementation of IShaderConstantSetCallBack in which you can set the needed vertex, pixel, and geometry shader program constants. Set this to 0 if you don't need this. \param baseMaterial: Base material which renderstates will be used to shade the material. \param userData: a user data int. This int can be set to any value and will be set as parameter in the callback method when calling OnSetConstants(). In this way it is easily possible to use the same callback method for multiple materials and distinguish between them during the call. \return Number of the material type which can be set in SMaterial::MaterialType to use the renderer. -1 is returned if an error occured, e.g. if a shader program could not be compiled or a compile target is not reachable. The error strings are then printed to the error log and can be catched with a custom event receiver. */ virtual s32 addHighLevelShaderMaterial( const c8* vertexShaderProgram, const c8* vertexShaderEntryPointName, E_VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE vsCompileTarget, const c8* pixelShaderProgram, const c8* pixelShaderEntryPointName, E_PIXEL_SHADER_TYPE psCompileTarget, const c8* geometryShaderProgram, const c8* geometryShaderEntryPointName = "main", E_GEOMETRY_SHADER_TYPE gsCompileTarget = EGST_GS_4_0, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE inType = scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE outType = scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, u32 verticesOut = 0, IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID, s32 userData = 0 ) = 0; //! convenience function for use without geometry shaders s32 addHighLevelShaderMaterial( const c8* vertexShaderProgram, const c8* vertexShaderEntryPointName = "main", E_VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE vsCompileTarget = EVST_VS_1_1, const c8* pixelShaderProgram = 0, const c8* pixelShaderEntryPointName = "main", E_PIXEL_SHADER_TYPE psCompileTarget = EPST_PS_1_1, IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID, s32 userData = 0 ) { return addHighLevelShaderMaterial( vertexShaderProgram, vertexShaderEntryPointName, vsCompileTarget, pixelShaderProgram, pixelShaderEntryPointName, psCompileTarget, 0, "main", EGST_GS_4_0, scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, callback, baseMaterial, userData); } //! Like IGPUProgrammingServices::addShaderMaterial(), but loads from files. /** \param vertexShaderProgramFileName: Text file containing the source of the vertex shader program. Set to empty string if no vertex shader shall be created. \param vertexShaderEntryPointName: Name of the entry function of the vertexShaderProgram (p.e. "main") \param vsCompileTarget: Vertex shader version the high level shader shall be compiled to. \param pixelShaderProgramFileName: Text file containing the source of the pixel shader program. Set to empty string if no pixel shader shall be created. \param pixelShaderEntryPointName: Entry name of the function of the pixelShaderProgram (p.e. "main") \param psCompileTarget: Pixel shader version the high level shader shall be compiled to. \param geometryShaderProgramFileName: Name of the source of the geometry shader program. Set to empty string if no geometry shader shall be created. \param geometryShaderEntryPointName: Entry name of the function of the geometryShaderProgram (p.e. "main") \param gsCompileTarget: Geometry shader version the high level shader shall be compiled to. \param inType Type of vertices passed to geometry shader \param outType Type of vertices created by geometry shader \param verticesOut Maximal number of vertices created by geometry shader. If 0, maximal number supported is assumed. \param callback: Pointer to an implementation of IShaderConstantSetCallBack in which you can set the needed vertex, pixel, and geometry shader program constants. Set this to 0 if you don't need this. \param baseMaterial: Base material which renderstates will be used to shade the material. \param userData: a user data int. This int can be set to any value and will be set as parameter in the callback method when calling OnSetConstants(). In this way it is easily possible to use the same callback method for multiple materials and distinguish between them during the call. \return Number of the material type which can be set in SMaterial::MaterialType to use the renderer. -1 is returned if an error occured, e.g. if a shader program could not be compiled or a compile target is not reachable. The error strings are then printed to the error log and can be catched with a custom event receiver. */ virtual s32 addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles( const io::path& vertexShaderProgramFileName, const c8* vertexShaderEntryPointName, E_VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE vsCompileTarget, const io::path& pixelShaderProgramFileName, const c8* pixelShaderEntryPointName, E_PIXEL_SHADER_TYPE psCompileTarget, const io::path& geometryShaderProgramFileName, const c8* geometryShaderEntryPointName = "main", E_GEOMETRY_SHADER_TYPE gsCompileTarget = EGST_GS_4_0, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE inType = scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE outType = scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, u32 verticesOut = 0, IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID, s32 userData = 0) = 0; //! convenience function for use without geometry shaders s32 addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles( const io::path& vertexShaderProgramFileName, const c8* vertexShaderEntryPointName = "main", E_VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE vsCompileTarget = EVST_VS_1_1, const io::path& pixelShaderProgramFileName = "", const c8* pixelShaderEntryPointName = "main", E_PIXEL_SHADER_TYPE psCompileTarget = EPST_PS_1_1, IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID, s32 userData = 0) { return addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles( vertexShaderProgramFileName, vertexShaderEntryPointName, vsCompileTarget, pixelShaderProgramFileName, pixelShaderEntryPointName, psCompileTarget, "", "main", EGST_GS_4_0, scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, callback, baseMaterial, userData); } //! Like IGPUProgrammingServices::addShaderMaterial(), but loads from files. /** \param vertexShaderProgram: Text file handle containing the source of the vertex shader program. Set to 0 if no vertex shader shall be created. \param vertexShaderEntryPointName: Name of the entry function of the vertexShaderProgram \param vsCompileTarget: Vertex shader version the high level shader shall be compiled to. \param pixelShaderProgram: Text file handle containing the source of the pixel shader program. Set to 0 if no pixel shader shall be created. \param pixelShaderEntryPointName: Entry name of the function of the pixelShaderProgram (p.e. "main") \param psCompileTarget: Pixel shader version the high level shader shall be compiled to. \param geometryShaderProgram: Text file handle containing the source of the geometry shader program. Set to 0 if no geometry shader shall be created. \param geometryShaderEntryPointName: Entry name of the function of the geometryShaderProgram (p.e. "main") \param gsCompileTarget: Geometry shader version the high level shader shall be compiled to. \param inType Type of vertices passed to geometry shader \param outType Type of vertices created by geometry shader \param verticesOut Maximal number of vertices created by geometry shader. If 0, maximal number supported is assumed. \param callback: Pointer to an implementation of IShaderConstantSetCallBack in which you can set the needed vertex and pixel shader program constants. Set this to 0 if you don't need this. \param baseMaterial: Base material which renderstates will be used to shade the material. \param userData: a user data int. This int can be set to any value and will be set as parameter in the callback method when calling OnSetConstants(). In this way it is easily possible to use the same callback method for multiple materials and distinguish between them during the call. \return Number of the material type which can be set in SMaterial::MaterialType to use the renderer. -1 is returned if an error occured, e.g. if a shader program could not be compiled or a compile target is not reachable. The error strings are then printed to the error log and can be catched with a custom event receiver. */ virtual s32 addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles( io::IReadFile* vertexShaderProgram, const c8* vertexShaderEntryPointName, E_VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE vsCompileTarget, io::IReadFile* pixelShaderProgram, const c8* pixelShaderEntryPointName, E_PIXEL_SHADER_TYPE psCompileTarget, io::IReadFile* geometryShaderProgram, const c8* geometryShaderEntryPointName = "main", E_GEOMETRY_SHADER_TYPE gsCompileTarget = EGST_GS_4_0, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE inType = scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE outType = scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, u32 verticesOut = 0, IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID, s32 userData = 0) = 0; //! convenience function for use without geometry shaders s32 addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles( io::IReadFile* vertexShaderProgram, const c8* vertexShaderEntryPointName = "main", E_VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE vsCompileTarget = EVST_VS_1_1, io::IReadFile* pixelShaderProgram = 0, const c8* pixelShaderEntryPointName = "main", E_PIXEL_SHADER_TYPE psCompileTarget = EPST_PS_1_1, IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID, s32 userData = 0) { return addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles( vertexShaderProgram, vertexShaderEntryPointName, vsCompileTarget, pixelShaderProgram, pixelShaderEntryPointName, psCompileTarget, 0, "main", EGST_GS_4_0, scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, callback, baseMaterial, userData); } //! Adds a new ASM shader material renderer to the VideoDriver /** Note that it is a good idea to call IVideoDriver::queryFeature() in advance to check if the IVideoDriver supports the vertex and/or pixel shader version your are using. The material is added to the VideoDriver like with IVideoDriver::addMaterialRenderer() and can be used like it had been added with that method. \param vertexShaderProgram: String containing the source of the vertex shader program. This can be 0 if no vertex program shall be used. For DX8 programs, the will always input registers look like this: v0: position, v1: normal, v2: color, v3: texture cooridnates, v4: texture coordinates 2 if available. For DX9 programs, you can manually set the registers using the dcl_ statements. \param pixelShaderProgram: String containing the source of the pixel shader program. This can be 0 if you don't want to use a pixel shader. \param callback: Pointer to an implementation of IShaderConstantSetCallBack in which you can set the needed vertex and pixel shader program constants. Set this to 0 if you don't need this. \param baseMaterial: Base material which renderstates will be used to shade the material. \param userData: a user data int. This int can be set to any value and will be set as parameter in the callback method when calling OnSetConstants(). In this way it is easily possible to use the same callback method for multiple materials and distinguish between them during the call. \return Returns the number of the material type which can be set in SMaterial::MaterialType to use the renderer. -1 is returned if an error occured. -1 is returned for example if a vertex or pixel shader program could not be compiled, the error strings are then printed out into the error log, and can be catched with a custom event receiver. */ virtual s32 addShaderMaterial(const c8* vertexShaderProgram = 0, const c8* pixelShaderProgram = 0, IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID, s32 userData = 0) = 0; //! Like IGPUProgrammingServices::addShaderMaterial(), but loads from files. /** \param vertexShaderProgram: Text file containing the source of the vertex shader program. Set to 0 if no shader shall be created. \param pixelShaderProgram: Text file containing the source of the pixel shader program. Set to 0 if no shader shall be created. \param callback: Pointer to an IShaderConstantSetCallback object to which the OnSetConstants function is called. \param baseMaterial: baseMaterial \param userData: a user data int. This int can be set to any value and will be set as parameter in the callback method when calling OnSetConstants(). In this way it is easily possible to use the same callback method for multiple materials and distinguish between them during the call. \return Returns the number of the material type which can be set in SMaterial::MaterialType to use the renderer. -1 is returned if an error occured. -1 is returned for example if a vertex or pixel shader program could not be compiled, the error strings are then printed out into the error log, and can be catched with a custom event receiver. */ virtual s32 addShaderMaterialFromFiles(io::IReadFile* vertexShaderProgram, io::IReadFile* pixelShaderProgram, IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID, s32 userData = 0) = 0; //! Like IGPUProgrammingServices::addShaderMaterial(), but loads from files. /** \param vertexShaderProgramFileName: Text file name containing the source of the vertex shader program. Set to 0 if no shader shall be created. \param pixelShaderProgramFileName: Text file name containing the source of the pixel shader program. Set to 0 if no shader shall be created. \param callback: Pointer to an IShaderConstantSetCallback object on which the OnSetConstants function is called. \param baseMaterial: baseMaterial \param userData: a user data int. This int can be set to any value and will be set as parameter in the callback method when calling OnSetConstants(). In this way it is easily possible to use the same callback method for multiple materials and distinguish between them during the call. \return Returns the number of the material type which can be set in SMaterial::MaterialType to use the renderer. -1 is returned if an error occured. -1 is returned for example if a vertex or pixel shader program could not be compiled, the error strings are then printed out into the error log, and can be catched with a custom event receiver. */ virtual s32 addShaderMaterialFromFiles(const io::path& vertexShaderProgramFileName, const io::path& pixelShaderProgramFileName, IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID, s32 userData = 0) = 0; }; } // end namespace video } // end namespace irr #endif