Source code of the Irrlicht Engine The complete source of the Irrlicht Engine can be found in this directory. Please note that YOU DO NOT NEED THIS SOURCE to develop 3d applications with the Irrlicht Engine. Instead, please use the .dll in the \bin directory, the .lib in the \lib directory and the header files in the \include directory. You will find a good tutorial how to set up your development environment and to use the engine in the \examples directory. (Try 1.helloworld) The source of the engine is only included because of the following reasons: - To let developers be able to debug the engine. - To let developers be able to make changes to the engine. - To let developers be able to compile their own versions of the engine. HOW TO COMPILE THE ENGINE WITH LINUX If you wish to compile the engine for Linux yourself, run a 'make' in the folder 'source/Irrlicht'. After this, you should be able to make all example applications in examples. Then just run them from the directory where they are built. For the necessary compiler and linker flags please check the provided Makefiles in the examples directories. Only the Software Drivers and the Null Driver will work on all Linux machines, while OpenGL support requires either GLX support of the X11 server (try glxinfo) or a software OpenGL solution such as Mesa. If you get a compiling/linking problem like undefined reference to `glXGetProcAddress' This is a problem introduced by the NVidia drivers. There are several solutions: A) Update your drivers. All versions with GLX 1.4 support (i.e. beginning with 12/2005) will work. B) Define the symbol _IRR_GETPROCADDRESS_WORKAROUND_ during compilation of COpenGLDriver.cpp, either by adding it to the compiler command line or by uncommenting the line defining this symbol inside the OpenGL driver source. This will force the use of glXGetProcAddressARB which has better chances to work on older systems. If you get compiling or runtime problems regarding XF86VidMode,, or the XFree86 VidMode extension you have also several solutions: A) Install the extension for your X server or the developer package in case of compiler/linker problems. B) Disable the VidMode usage by disabling the define _IRR_LINUX_X11_VIDMODE_ in include/IrrCompileConfig.h In this case you might give the RandR extension a try (by enabling the next define in that file) which also provides fullscreen support under Linux. If both extensions fail you won't have fullscreen support for Irrlicht.