/*! Model Factory. create the additional scenenodes for ( bullets, health... ) Defines the Entities for Quake3 */ #ifndef __QUAKE3_FACTORY__H_INCLUDED__ #define __QUAKE3_FACTORY__H_INCLUDED__ #include using namespace irr; using namespace scene; using namespace gui; using namespace video; using namespace core; using namespace quake3; using namespace io; //! Defines to which group the entities belong enum eItemGroup { WEAPON, AMMO, ARMOR, HEALTH, POWERUP }; //! define a supgroup for the item. for e.q the Weapons enum eItemSubGroup { SUB_NONE = 0, GAUNTLET, MACHINEGUN, SHOTGUN, GRENADE_LAUNCHER, ROCKET_LAUNCHER, LIGHTNING, RAILGUN, PLASMAGUN, BFG, GRAPPLING_HOOK, NAILGUN, PROX_LAUNCHER, CHAINGUN, }; //! aplly a special effect to the shader enum eItemSpecialEffect { SPECIAL_SFX_NONE = 0, SPECIAL_SFX_ROTATE = 1, SPECIAL_SFX_BOUNCE = 2, SPECIAL_SFX_ROTATE_1 = 4, }; // a List for defining a model struct SItemElement { const c8 *key; const c8 *model[2]; const c8 *sound; const c8 *icon; const c8 *pickup; s32 value; eItemGroup group; eItemSubGroup sub; u32 special; }; //! Get's an entity based on it's key const SItemElement * getItemElement ( const stringc& key ); /*! Quake3 Model Factory. Takes the mesh buffers and creates scenenodes for their associated shaders */ void Q3ShaderFactory ( Q3LevelLoadParameter &loadParam, IrrlichtDevice *device, IQ3LevelMesh* mesh, eQ3MeshIndex meshIndex, ISceneNode *parent, IMetaTriangleSelector *meta, bool showShaderName ); /*! Creates Model based on the entity list */ void Q3ModelFactory ( Q3LevelLoadParameter &loadParam, IrrlichtDevice *device, IQ3LevelMesh* masterMesh, ISceneNode *parent, bool showShaderName ); /*! so we need a good starting Position in the level. we can ask the Quake3 Loader for all entities with class_name "info_player_deathmatch" */ s32 Q3StartPosition ( IQ3LevelMesh* mesh, ICameraSceneNode* camera, s32 startposIndex, const vector3df &translation ); /*! gets a accumulated force on a given surface */ vector3df getGravity ( const c8 * surface ); /* Dynamically load the Irrlicht Library */ funcptr_createDevice load_createDevice ( const c8 * filename); funcptr_createDeviceEx load_createDeviceEx ( const c8 * filename); //! Macro for save Dropping an Element #define dropElement(x) if (x) { x->remove(); x = 0; } /* get the current collision respone camera animator */ ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse* camCollisionResponse( IrrlichtDevice * device ); //! internal Animation enum eTimeFireFlag { FIRED = 1, }; struct TimeFire { u32 flags; u32 next; u32 delta; }; void setTimeFire ( TimeFire *t, u32 delta, u32 flags = 0 ); void checkTimeFire ( TimeFire *t, u32 listSize, u32 now ); #endif // __QUAKE3_FACTORY__H_INCLUDED__