(defpackage :ywatds (:use :cl) (:export :program-entry)) (in-package :ywatds) (defparameter *ildb* nil) (defun program-entry () (let* ((argv (uiop:command-line-arguments)) (worldpath (uiop:ensure-pathname (car argv) :defaults (uiop:getcwd) :ensure-directory t :want-existing t :ensure-absolute t)) (serverport (parse-integer (cadr argv))) (server (make-instance 'easy-routes:routes-acceptor :port serverport))) (macrolet ((savefilepath (n) `(uiop:subpathname worldpath (format nil "advtrains_~a" ,n))) (load-data () `(progn (setf *ildb* (atil:import-data (savefilepath "interlocking.ls"))) (hunchentoot:acceptor-log-message server :info "Database updated")))) (ywsw:safe-text-route dumpser ("/dumpser/:p" :method :get) (&path (p 'string)) ("Deserialize advtrains_p into a possibly nested associated list and return the result") (format nil "~s" (atsl:from-file (savefilepath p) :alist))) (ywsw:safe-text-route pretty-dump-interlocking ("/pretty_dump/interlocking" :method :get) () ("Return the interlocking database that is in use") (format nil "~s" *ildb*)) (ywsw:safe-json-route tcbinfo ("/tcbinfo" :method :get) () ("Return a list of TCBs and associated information") *ildb*) (ywsw:safe-json-route tcbinfo-pos ("/tcbinfo/:x/:y/:z" :method :get) (&get (ln :parameter-type 'string) (rc :parameter-type 'string) (side :parameter-type 'string) (next :parameter-type 'boolean) &path (x 'integer) (y 'integer) (z 'integer)) ("Return information on the TCB assigned to the track at (x,y,z). If side is provided, return only information related to side side of the TCB. If ln and/or rc is provided in addition to side, return the first route with ARS rule(s) matching the line ln or routing code rc. If next is specified in addition to side and any of ln and rc, return where the route ends.") (if (and x y z) (let ((tcb (atil:find-tcb-at *ildb* (aux:make-v3d :x x :y y :z z)))) (cond ((not tcb) nil) (side (let ((tcbs (cond ((string-equal side "a") (atil:tcb-side-a tcb)) ((string-equal side "b") (atil:tcb-side-b tcb)) (t nil)))) (cond ((not tcbs) nil) ((or ln rc) (let ((route (atil:match-route (atil:tcbdata-routes tcbs) (or ln "") (or rc "")))) (cond ((not route) nil) (next (atil:route-next route)) (t route)))) (t tcbs)))) (t tcb))))) (ywsw:safe-graphviz-route graph-ilroutes ("/graph/ilroutes" :method :get) () ("Return a simple graph of TCBs and available routes") (format nil "digraph{~{\"~a\"->\"~a\";~}}" (loop for pos being the hash-keys of (atil:ildb-tcbs *ildb*) using (hash-value tcb) append (loop with side = (atil:make-tcbside :pos pos :side 0) for i across (atil:tcbdata-routes (atil:tcb-side-a tcb)) append (list side (atil:route-next i))) append (loop with side = (atil:make-tcbside :pos pos :side 1) for i across (atil:tcbdata-routes (atil:tcb-side-b tcb)) append (list side (atil:route-next i)))))) (ywsw:defsafe docroute-master ("/doc" :method :get) () (let ((entries (loop for i being the hash-keys of easy-routes::*routes* for s = (string-downcase (string i)) when (string/= (subseq s 0 3) "doc") collect s))) (ywsw:wrap-html "Documentation" `("h2" () "Documentation") `("ul" () ,@(loop for i in (stable-sort entries #'string<) collect `("li" () ("a" ("href" ,(format nil "/doc/http_~a" i)) ,i))))))) (hunchentoot:start server) (hunchentoot:acceptor-log-message server :info "~s" (with-output-to-string (s) (describe easy-routes:*routes-mapper* s))) ;; loop until an error occurs (handler-case (loop do (load-data) (sleep 20)) (t (c) (format t "~&~a~%" c))) (ignore-errors (hunchentoot:stop server) (uiop:quit)))))