/* Copyright (c) 2013 yvt based on code of pysnip (c) Mathias Kaerlev 2011-2012. This file is part of OpenSpades. OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenSpades. If not, see . */ #include "Client.h" #include #include #include #include "IAudioChunk.h" #include "IAudioDevice.h" #include "CenterMessageView.h" #include "ChatWindow.h" #include "ClientPlayer.h" #include "ClientUI.h" #include "Corpse.h" #include "FallingBlock.h" #include "HurtRingView.h" #include "ILocalEntity.h" #include "LimboView.h" #include "MapView.h" #include "PaletteView.h" #include "Tracer.h" #include "GameMap.h" #include "Grenade.h" #include "Weapon.h" #include "World.h" #include "NetClient.h" DEFINE_SPADES_SETTING(cg_ragdoll, "1"); SPADES_SETTING(cg_blood); DEFINE_SPADES_SETTING(cg_ejectBrass, "1"); DEFINE_SPADES_SETTING(cg_hitFeedbackSoundGain, "0.2"); SPADES_SETTING(cg_alerts); SPADES_SETTING(cg_centerMessage); SPADES_SETTING(cg_shake); SPADES_SETTING(cg_holdAimDownSight); namespace spades { namespace client { #pragma mark - World States float Client::GetSprintState() { if (!world) return 0.f; if (!world->GetLocalPlayer()) return 0.f; ClientPlayer *p = clientPlayers[(int)world->GetLocalPlayerIndex()]; if (!p) return 0.f; return p->GetSprintState(); } float Client::GetAimDownState() { if (!world) return 0.f; if (!world->GetLocalPlayer()) return 0.f; ClientPlayer *p = clientPlayers[(int)world->GetLocalPlayerIndex()]; if (!p) return 0.f; return p->GetAimDownState(); } bool Client::CanLocalPlayerUseToolNow() { if (!world || !world->GetLocalPlayer() || !world->GetLocalPlayer()->IsAlive()) { return false; } if (GetSprintState() > 0 || world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetInput().sprint) { // Player is unable to use a tool while/soon after sprinting return false; } auto *clientPlayer = GetLocalClientPlayer(); SPAssert(clientPlayer); if (clientPlayer->IsChangingTool()) { // Player is unable to use a tool while switching to another tool return false; } return true; } ClientPlayer *Client::GetLocalClientPlayer() { if (!world || !world->GetLocalPlayer()) { return nullptr; } return clientPlayers.at(static_cast(world->GetLocalPlayerIndex())); } #pragma mark - World Actions /** Captures the color of the block player is looking at. */ void Client::CaptureColor() { if (!world) return; Player *p = world->GetLocalPlayer(); if (!p) return; if (!p->IsAlive()) return; IntVector3 outBlockCoord; uint32_t col; if (!world->GetMap()->CastRay(p->GetEye(), p->GetFront(), 256.f, outBlockCoord)) { auto c = world->GetFogColor(); col = c.x | c.y << 8 | c.z << 16; } else { col = world->GetMap()->GetColorWrapped(outBlockCoord.x, outBlockCoord.y, outBlockCoord.z); } IntVector3 colV; colV.x = (uint8_t)(col); colV.y = (uint8_t)(col >> 8); colV.z = (uint8_t)(col >> 16); p->SetHeldBlockColor(colV); net->SendHeldBlockColor(); } void Client::SetSelectedTool(Player::ToolType type, bool quiet) { if (type == world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTool()) return; lastTool = world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTool(); hasLastTool = true; world->GetLocalPlayer()->SetTool(type); net->SendTool(); if (!quiet) { Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/SwitchLocal.opus"); audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, MakeVector3(.4f, -.3f, .5f), AudioParam()); } } #pragma mark - World Update void Client::UpdateWorld(float dt) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); Player *player = world->GetLocalPlayer(); if (player) { // disable input when UI is open if (scriptedUI->NeedsInput()) { weapInput.primary = false; if (player->GetTeamId() >= 2 || player->GetTool() != Player::ToolWeapon) { weapInput.secondary = false; } playerInput = PlayerInput(); } if (player->GetTeamId() >= 2) { UpdateLocalSpectator(dt); } else { UpdateLocalPlayer(dt); } } #if 0 // dynamic time step // physics diverges from server world->Advance(dt); #else // accurately resembles server's physics // but not smooth if (dt > 0.f) worldSubFrame += dt; float frameStep = 1.f / 60.f; while (worldSubFrame >= frameStep) { world->Advance(frameStep); worldSubFrame -= frameStep; } #endif // update player view (doesn't affect physics/game logics) for (size_t i = 0; i < clientPlayers.size(); i++) { if (clientPlayers[i]) { clientPlayers[i]->Update(dt); } } // corpse never accesses audio nor renderer, so // we can do it in the separate thread class CorpseUpdateDispatch : public ConcurrentDispatch { Client *client; float dt; public: CorpseUpdateDispatch(Client *c, float dt) : client(c), dt(dt) {} void Run() override { for (auto &c : client->corpses) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) c->Update(dt / 4.f); } } }; CorpseUpdateDispatch corpseDispatch(this, dt); corpseDispatch.Start(); // local entities should be done in the client thread { decltype(localEntities)::iterator it; std::vector its; for (it = localEntities.begin(); it != localEntities.end(); it++) { if (!(*it)->Update(dt)) its.push_back(it); } for (size_t i = 0; i < its.size(); i++) { localEntities.erase(its[i]); } } corpseDispatch.Join(); if (grenadeVibration > 0.f) { grenadeVibration -= dt; if (grenadeVibration < 0.f) grenadeVibration = 0.f; } if (grenadeVibrationSlow > 0.f) { grenadeVibrationSlow -= dt; if (grenadeVibrationSlow < 0.f) grenadeVibrationSlow = 0.f; } if (hitFeedbackIconState > 0.f) { hitFeedbackIconState -= dt * 4.f; if (hitFeedbackIconState < 0.f) hitFeedbackIconState = 0.f; } if (time > lastPosSentTime + 1.f && world->GetLocalPlayer()) { Player *p = world->GetLocalPlayer(); if (p->IsAlive() && p->GetTeamId() < 2) { net->SendPosition(); lastPosSentTime = time; } } } /** Handles movement of spectating local player. */ void Client::UpdateLocalSpectator(float dt) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); auto &sharedState = followAndFreeCameraState; auto &freeState = freeCameraState; Vector3 lastPos = freeState.position; freeState.velocity *= powf(.3f, dt); freeState.position += freeState.velocity * dt; if (freeState.position.x < 0.f) { freeState.velocity.x = fabsf(freeState.velocity.x) * 0.2f; freeState.position = lastPos + freeState.velocity * dt; } if (freeState.position.y < 0.f) { freeState.velocity.y = fabsf(freeState.velocity.y) * 0.2f; freeState.position = lastPos + freeState.velocity * dt; } if (freeState.position.x > (float)GetWorld()->GetMap()->Width()) { freeState.velocity.x = fabsf(freeState.velocity.x) * -0.2f; freeState.position = lastPos + freeState.velocity * dt; } if (freeState.position.y > (float)GetWorld()->GetMap()->Height()) { freeState.velocity.y = fabsf(freeState.velocity.y) * -0.2f; freeState.position = lastPos + freeState.velocity * dt; } GameMap::RayCastResult minResult; float minDist = 1.e+10f; Vector3 minShift; // check collision if (freeState.velocity.GetLength() < .01) { freeState.position = lastPos; freeState.velocity *= 0.f; } else { for (int sx = -1; sx <= 1; sx++) for (int sy = -1; sy <= 1; sy++) for (int sz = -1; sz <= 1; sz++) { GameMap::RayCastResult result; Vector3 shift = {sx * .1f, sy * .1f, sz * .1f}; result = map->CastRay2(lastPos + shift, freeState.position - lastPos, 256); if (result.hit && !result.startSolid && Vector3::Dot(result.hitPos - freeState.position - shift, freeState.position - lastPos) < 0.f) { float dist = Vector3::Dot(result.hitPos - freeState.position - shift, (freeState.position - lastPos).Normalize()); if (dist < minDist) { minResult = result; minDist = dist; minShift = shift; } } } } if (minDist < 1.e+9f) { GameMap::RayCastResult result = minResult; Vector3 shift = minShift; freeState.position = result.hitPos - shift; freeState.position.x += result.normal.x * .02f; freeState.position.y += result.normal.y * .02f; freeState.position.z += result.normal.z * .02f; // bounce Vector3 norm = {(float)result.normal.x, (float)result.normal.y, (float)result.normal.z}; float dot = Vector3::Dot(freeState.velocity, norm); freeState.velocity -= norm * (dot * 1.2f); } // acceleration Vector3 front; Vector3 up = {0, 0, -1}; front.x = -cosf(sharedState.yaw) * cosf(sharedState.pitch); front.y = -sinf(sharedState.yaw) * cosf(sharedState.pitch); front.z = sinf(sharedState.pitch); Vector3 right = -Vector3::Cross(up, front).Normalize(); Vector3 up2 = Vector3::Cross(right, front).Normalize(); float scale = 10.f * dt; if (playerInput.sprint) { scale *= 3.f; } front *= scale; right *= scale; up2 *= scale; if (playerInput.moveForward) { freeState.velocity += front; } else if (playerInput.moveBackward) { freeState.velocity -= front; } if (playerInput.moveLeft) { freeState.velocity -= right; } else if (playerInput.moveRight) { freeState.velocity += right; } if (playerInput.jump) { freeState.velocity += up2; } else if (playerInput.crouch) { freeState.velocity -= up2; } SPAssert(freeState.velocity.GetLength() < 100.f); } /** Handles movement of joined local player. */ void Client::UpdateLocalPlayer(float dt) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); auto *player = world->GetLocalPlayer(); auto clientPlayer = clientPlayers[world->GetLocalPlayerIndex()]; PlayerInput inp = playerInput; WeaponInput winp = weapInput; Vector3 velocity = player->GetVelocty(); Vector3 horizontalVelocity{velocity.x, velocity.y, 0.0f}; if (horizontalVelocity.GetLength() < 0.1f) { inp.sprint = false; } // Can't use a tool while sprinting or switching to another tool, etc. if (!CanLocalPlayerUseToolNow()) { winp.primary = false; winp.secondary = false; } // don't allow to stand up when ceilings are too low if (inp.crouch == false) { if (player->GetInput().crouch) { if (!player->TryUncrouch(false)) { inp.crouch = true; } } } // don't allow jumping in the air if (inp.jump) { if (!player->IsOnGroundOrWade()) inp.jump = false; } if (player->GetTool() == Player::ToolWeapon) { // disable weapon while reloading (except shotgun) if (player->IsAwaitingReloadCompletion() && !player->GetWeapon()->IsReloadSlow()) { winp.primary = false; winp.secondary = false; } // stop firing if the player is out of ammo if (player->GetWeapon()->GetAmmo() == 0) { winp.primary = false; } } player->SetInput(inp); player->SetWeaponInput(winp); // send player input { PlayerInput sentInput = inp; WeaponInput sentWeaponInput = winp; // FIXME: send only there are any changed? net->SendPlayerInput(sentInput); net->SendWeaponInput(sentWeaponInput); } if (hasDelayedReload) { world->GetLocalPlayer()->Reload(); net->SendReload(); hasDelayedReload = false; } // PlayerInput actualInput = player->GetInput(); WeaponInput actualWeapInput = player->GetWeaponInput(); if (!(actualWeapInput.secondary && player->IsToolWeapon() && player->IsAlive()) && !(cg_holdAimDownSight && weapInput.secondary)) { if (player->IsToolWeapon()) { // there is a possibility that player has respawned or something. // stop aiming down weapInput.secondary = false; } } // is the selected tool no longer usable (ex. out of ammo)? if (!player->IsToolSelectable(player->GetTool())) { // release mouse button before auto-switching tools winp.primary = false; winp.secondary = false; weapInput = winp; net->SendWeaponInput(weapInput); actualWeapInput = winp = player->GetWeaponInput(); // select another tool Player::ToolType t = player->GetTool(); do { switch (t) { case Player::ToolSpade: t = Player::ToolGrenade; break; case Player::ToolBlock: t = Player::ToolSpade; break; case Player::ToolWeapon: t = Player::ToolBlock; break; case Player::ToolGrenade: t = Player::ToolWeapon; break; } } while (!world->GetLocalPlayer()->IsToolSelectable(t)); SetSelectedTool(t); } // send orientation Vector3 curFront = player->GetFront(); if (curFront.x != lastFront.x || curFront.y != lastFront.y || curFront.z != lastFront.z) { lastFront = curFront; net->SendOrientation(curFront); } lastKills = world->GetPlayerPersistent(player->GetId()).kills; // show block count when building block lines. if (player->IsAlive() && player->GetTool() == Player::ToolBlock && player->GetWeaponInput().secondary && player->IsBlockCursorDragging()) { if (player->IsBlockCursorActive()) { auto blocks = std::move(world->CubeLine(player->GetBlockCursorDragPos(), player->GetBlockCursorPos(), 256)); auto msg = _TrN("Client", "{0} block", "{0} blocks", blocks.size()); AlertType type = static_cast(blocks.size()) > player->GetNumBlocks() ? AlertType::Warning : AlertType::Notice; ShowAlert(msg, type, 0.f, true); } else { // invalid auto msg = _Tr("Client", "-- blocks"); AlertType type = AlertType::Warning; ShowAlert(msg, type, 0.f, true); } } if (player->IsAlive()) lastAliveTime = time; if (player->GetHealth() < lastHealth) { // ouch! lastHealth = player->GetHealth(); lastHurtTime = world->GetTime(); Handle c; switch (SampleRandomInt(0, 3)) { case 0: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/FleshLocal1.opus"); break; case 1: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/FleshLocal2.opus"); break; case 2: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/FleshLocal3.opus"); break; case 3: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/FleshLocal4.opus"); break; } audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, AudioParam()); float hpper = player->GetHealth() / 100.f; int cnt = 18 - (int)(player->GetHealth() / 100.f * 8.f); hurtSprites.resize(std::max(cnt, 6)); for (size_t i = 0; i < hurtSprites.size(); i++) { HurtSprite &spr = hurtSprites[i]; spr.angle = SampleRandomFloat() * (2.f * static_cast(M_PI)); spr.scale = .2f + SampleRandomFloat() * SampleRandomFloat() * .7f; spr.horzShift = SampleRandomFloat(); spr.strength = .3f + SampleRandomFloat() * .7f; if (hpper > .5f) { spr.strength *= 1.5f - hpper; } } } else { lastHealth = player->GetHealth(); } inp.jump = false; } #pragma mark - IWorldListener Handlers void Client::PlayerObjectSet(int id) { if (clientPlayers[id]) { clientPlayers[id]->Invalidate(); clientPlayers[id] = nullptr; } Player *p = world->GetPlayer(id); if (p) clientPlayers[id].Set(new ClientPlayer(p, this), false); } void Client::PlayerJumped(spades::client::Player *p) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!IsMuted()) { Handle c = p->GetWade() ? audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Player/WaterJump.opus") : audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Player/Jump.opus"); audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetOrigin(), AudioParam()); } } void Client::PlayerLanded(spades::client::Player *p, bool hurt) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!IsMuted()) { Handle c; if (hurt) c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Player/FallHurt.opus"); else if (p->GetWade()) c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Player/WaterLand.opus"); else c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Player/Land.opus"); audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetOrigin(), AudioParam()); } } void Client::PlayerMadeFootstep(spades::client::Player *p) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!IsMuted()) { std::array snds = {"Sounds/Player/Footstep1.opus", "Sounds/Player/Footstep2.opus", "Sounds/Player/Footstep3.opus", "Sounds/Player/Footstep4.opus", "Sounds/Player/Footstep5.opus", "Sounds/Player/Footstep6.opus", "Sounds/Player/Footstep7.opus", "Sounds/Player/Footstep8.opus"}; std::array rsnds = { "Sounds/Player/Run1.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run2.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run3.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run4.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run5.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run6.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run7.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run8.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run9.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run10.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run11.opus", "Sounds/Player/Run12.opus", }; std::array wsnds = {"Sounds/Player/Wade1.opus", "Sounds/Player/Wade2.opus", "Sounds/Player/Wade3.opus", "Sounds/Player/Wade4.opus", "Sounds/Player/Wade5.opus", "Sounds/Player/Wade6.opus", "Sounds/Player/Wade7.opus", "Sounds/Player/Wade8.opus"}; bool sprinting = clientPlayers[p->GetId()] ? clientPlayers[p->GetId()]->GetSprintState() > 0.5f : false; Handle c = p->GetWade() ? audioDevice->RegisterSound(SampleRandomElement(wsnds)) : audioDevice->RegisterSound(SampleRandomElement(snds)); audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetOrigin(), AudioParam()); if (sprinting && !p->GetWade()) { AudioParam param; param.volume *= clientPlayers[p->GetId()]->GetSprintState(); c = audioDevice->RegisterSound(SampleRandomElement(rsnds)); audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetOrigin(), param); } } } void Client::PlayerFiredWeapon(spades::client::Player *p) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (p == world->GetLocalPlayer()) { localFireVibrationTime = time; } clientPlayers[p->GetId()]->FiredWeapon(); } void Client::PlayerDryFiredWeapon(spades::client::Player *p) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!IsMuted()) { bool isLocal = p == world->GetLocalPlayer(); Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/DryFire.opus"); if (isLocal) audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, MakeVector3(.4f, -.3f, .5f), AudioParam()); else audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetEye() + p->GetFront() * 0.5f - p->GetUp() * .3f + p->GetRight() * .4f, AudioParam()); } } void Client::PlayerReloadingWeapon(spades::client::Player *p) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); clientPlayers[p->GetId()]->ReloadingWeapon(); } void Client::PlayerReloadedWeapon(spades::client::Player *p) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); clientPlayers[p->GetId()]->ReloadedWeapon(); } void Client::PlayerChangedTool(spades::client::Player *p) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!IsMuted()) { bool isLocal = p == world->GetLocalPlayer(); Handle c; if (isLocal) { // played by ClientPlayer::Update return; } else { c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Switch.opus"); } if (isLocal) audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, MakeVector3(.4f, -.3f, .5f), AudioParam()); else audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetEye() + p->GetFront() * 0.5f - p->GetUp() * .3f + p->GetRight() * .4f, AudioParam()); } } void Client::PlayerRestocked(spades::client::Player *p) { if (!IsMuted()) { bool isLocal = p == world->GetLocalPlayer(); Handle c = isLocal ? audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/RestockLocal.opus") : audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Restock.opus"); if (isLocal) audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, MakeVector3(.4f, -.3f, .5f), AudioParam()); else audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetEye() + p->GetFront() * 0.5f - p->GetUp() * .3f + p->GetRight() * .4f, AudioParam()); } } void Client::PlayerThrownGrenade(spades::client::Player *p, Grenade *g) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!IsMuted()) { bool isLocal = p == world->GetLocalPlayer(); Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/Throw.opus"); if (g && isLocal) { net->SendGrenade(g); } if (isLocal) audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, MakeVector3(.4f, 0.1f, .3f), AudioParam()); else audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetEye() + p->GetFront() * 0.5f - p->GetUp() * .2f + p->GetRight() * .3f, AudioParam()); } } void Client::PlayerMissedSpade(spades::client::Player *p) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!IsMuted()) { bool isLocal = p == world->GetLocalPlayer(); Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Spade/Miss.opus"); if (isLocal) audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, MakeVector3(.2f, -.1f, 0.7f), AudioParam()); else audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetOrigin() + p->GetFront() * 0.8f - p->GetUp() * .2f, AudioParam()); } } void Client::PlayerHitBlockWithSpade(spades::client::Player *p, Vector3 hitPos, IntVector3 blockPos, IntVector3 normal) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); uint32_t col = map->GetColor(blockPos.x, blockPos.y, blockPos.z); IntVector3 colV = {(uint8_t)col, (uint8_t)(col >> 8), (uint8_t)(col >> 16)}; Vector3 shiftedHitPos = hitPos; shiftedHitPos.x += normal.x * .05f; shiftedHitPos.y += normal.y * .05f; shiftedHitPos.z += normal.z * .05f; EmitBlockFragments(shiftedHitPos, colV); if (p == world->GetLocalPlayer()) { localFireVibrationTime = time; } if (!IsMuted()) { bool isLocal = p == world->GetLocalPlayer(); Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Spade/HitBlock.opus"); if (isLocal) audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, MakeVector3(.1f, -.1f, 1.2f), AudioParam()); else audioDevice->Play(c, p->GetOrigin() + p->GetFront() * 0.5f - p->GetUp() * .2f, AudioParam()); } } void Client::PlayerKilledPlayer(spades::client::Player *killer, spades::client::Player *victim, KillType kt) { // play hit sound if (kt == KillTypeWeapon || kt == KillTypeHeadshot) { // don't play on local: see BullethitPlayer if (victim != world->GetLocalPlayer()) { if (!IsMuted()) { Handle c; switch (SampleRandomInt(0, 2)) { case 0: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Flesh1.opus"); break; case 1: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Flesh2.opus"); break; case 2: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Flesh3.opus"); break; } AudioParam param; param.volume = 4.f; audioDevice->Play(c, victim->GetEye(), param); } } } // The local player is dead; initialize the look-you-are-dead cam if (victim == world->GetLocalPlayer()) { followCameraState.enabled = false; Vector3 v = -victim->GetFront(); followAndFreeCameraState.yaw = atan2(v.y, v.x); followAndFreeCameraState.pitch = 30.f * M_PI / 180.f; } // emit blood (also for local player) // FIXME: emiting blood for either // client-side or server-side hit? switch (kt) { case KillTypeGrenade: case KillTypeHeadshot: case KillTypeMelee: case KillTypeWeapon: Bleed(victim->GetEye()); break; default: break; } // create ragdoll corpse if (cg_ragdoll && victim->GetTeamId() < 2) { Corpse *corp; corp = new Corpse(renderer, map, victim); if (victim == world->GetLocalPlayer()) lastMyCorpse = corp; if (killer != victim && kt != KillTypeGrenade) { Vector3 dir = victim->GetPosition() - killer->GetPosition(); dir = dir.Normalize(); if (kt == KillTypeMelee) { dir *= 6.f; } else { if (killer->GetWeapon()->GetWeaponType() == SMG_WEAPON) { dir *= 2.8f; } else if (killer->GetWeapon()->GetWeaponType() == SHOTGUN_WEAPON) { dir *= 4.5f; } else { dir *= 3.5f; } } corp->AddImpulse(dir); } else if (kt == KillTypeGrenade) { corp->AddImpulse(MakeVector3(0, 0, -4.f - SampleRandomFloat() * 4.f)); } corp->AddImpulse(victim->GetVelocty() * 32.f); corpses.emplace_back(corp); if (corpses.size() > corpseHardLimit) { corpses.pop_front(); } else if (corpses.size() > corpseSoftLimit) { RemoveInvisibleCorpses(); } } // add chat message std::string s; s = ChatWindow::TeamColorMessage(killer->GetName(), killer->GetTeamId()); std::string cause; bool isFriendlyFire = killer->GetTeamId() == victim->GetTeamId(); if (killer == victim) isFriendlyFire = false; Weapon *w = killer ? killer->GetWeapon() : nullptr; // only used in case of KillTypeWeapon switch (kt) { case KillTypeWeapon: switch (w ? w->GetWeaponType() : RIFLE_WEAPON) { case RIFLE_WEAPON: cause += _Tr("Client", "Rifle"); break; case SMG_WEAPON: cause += _Tr("Client", "SMG"); break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: cause += _Tr("Client", "Shotgun"); break; } break; case KillTypeFall: //! A cause of death shown in the kill feed. cause += _Tr("Client", "Fall"); break; case KillTypeMelee: //! A cause of death shown in the kill feed. cause += _Tr("Client", "Melee"); break; case KillTypeGrenade: cause += _Tr("Client", "Grenade"); break; case KillTypeHeadshot: //! A cause of death shown in the kill feed. cause += _Tr("Client", "Headshot"); break; case KillTypeTeamChange: //! A cause of death shown in the kill feed. cause += _Tr("Client", "Team Change"); break; case KillTypeClassChange: //! A cause of death shown in the kill feed. cause += _Tr("Client", "Weapon Change"); break; default: cause += "???"; break; } s += " ["; if (isFriendlyFire) s += ChatWindow::ColoredMessage(cause, MsgColorFriendlyFire); else if (killer == world->GetLocalPlayer() || victim == world->GetLocalPlayer()) s += ChatWindow::ColoredMessage(cause, MsgColorGray); else s += cause; s += "] "; if (killer != victim) { s += ChatWindow::TeamColorMessage(victim->GetName(), victim->GetTeamId()); } killfeedWindow->AddMessage(s); // log to netlog if (killer != victim) { NetLog("%s (%s) [%s] %s (%s)", killer->GetName().c_str(), world->GetTeam(killer->GetTeamId()).name.c_str(), cause.c_str(), victim->GetName().c_str(), world->GetTeam(victim->GetTeamId()).name.c_str()); } else { NetLog("%s (%s) [%s]", killer->GetName().c_str(), world->GetTeam(killer->GetTeamId()).name.c_str(), cause.c_str()); } // show big message if player is involved if (victim != killer) { Player *local = world->GetLocalPlayer(); if (killer == local || victim == local) { std::string msg; if (killer == local) { if ((int)cg_centerMessage == 2) msg = _Tr("Client", "You have killed {0}", victim->GetName()); } else { msg = _Tr("Client", "You were killed by {0}", killer->GetName()); } centerMessageView->AddMessage(msg); } } } void Client::BulletHitPlayer(spades::client::Player *hurtPlayer, HitType type, spades::Vector3 hitPos, spades::client::Player *by) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); SPAssert(type != HitTypeBlock); // don't bleed local player if (!IsFirstPerson(GetCameraMode()) || &GetCameraTargetPlayer() != hurtPlayer) { Bleed(hitPos); } if (hurtPlayer == world->GetLocalPlayer()) { // don't player hit sound now; // local bullet impact sound is // played by checking the decrease of HP return; } if (!IsMuted()) { if (type == HitTypeMelee) { Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Spade/HitPlayer.opus"); audioDevice->Play(c, hitPos, AudioParam()); } else { Handle c; switch (SampleRandomInt(0, 2)) { case 0: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Flesh1.opus"); break; case 1: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Flesh2.opus"); break; case 2: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Flesh3.opus"); break; } AudioParam param; param.volume = 4.f; audioDevice->Play(c, hitPos, param); } } if (by == world->GetLocalPlayer() && hurtPlayer) { net->SendHit(hurtPlayer->GetId(), type); if (type == HitTypeHead) { Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Feedback/HeadshotFeedback.opus"); AudioParam param; param.volume = cg_hitFeedbackSoundGain; audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, param); } hitFeedbackIconState = 1.f; if (hurtPlayer->GetTeamId() == world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId()) { hitFeedbackFriendly = true; } else { hitFeedbackFriendly = false; } } } void Client::BulletHitBlock(Vector3 hitPos, IntVector3 blockPos, IntVector3 normal) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); uint32_t col = map->GetColor(blockPos.x, blockPos.y, blockPos.z); IntVector3 colV = {(uint8_t)col, (uint8_t)(col >> 8), (uint8_t)(col >> 16)}; Vector3 shiftedHitPos = hitPos; shiftedHitPos.x += normal.x * .05f; shiftedHitPos.y += normal.y * .05f; shiftedHitPos.z += normal.z * .05f; if (blockPos.z == 63) { BulletHitWaterSurface(shiftedHitPos); if (!IsMuted()) { AudioParam param; param.volume = 2.f; Handle c; param.pitch = .9f + SampleRandomFloat() * 0.2f; switch (SampleRandomInt(0, 3)) { case 0: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Water1.opus"); break; case 1: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Water2.opus"); break; case 2: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Water3.opus"); break; case 3: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Water4.opus"); break; } audioDevice->Play(c, shiftedHitPos, param); } } else { EmitBlockFragments(shiftedHitPos, colV); if (!IsMuted()) { AudioParam param; param.volume = 2.f; Handle c; c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Block.opus"); audioDevice->Play(c, shiftedHitPos, param); param.pitch = .9f + SampleRandomFloat() * 0.2f; param.volume = 2.f; switch (SampleRandomInt(0, 3)) { case 0: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Ricochet1.opus"); break; case 1: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Ricochet2.opus"); break; case 2: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Ricochet3.opus"); break; case 3: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Impacts/Ricochet4.opus"); break; } audioDevice->Play(c, shiftedHitPos, param); } } } void Client::AddBulletTracer(spades::client::Player *player, spades::Vector3 muzzlePos, spades::Vector3 hitPos) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); // Do not display tracers for bullets fired by the local player if (IsFirstPerson(GetCameraMode()) && GetCameraTargetPlayerId() == player->GetId()) { return; } float vel; switch (player->GetWeapon()->GetWeaponType()) { case RIFLE_WEAPON: vel = 700.f; break; case SMG_WEAPON: vel = 360.f; break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: return; } AddLocalEntity(new Tracer(this, muzzlePos, hitPos, vel)); AddLocalEntity(new MapViewTracer(muzzlePos, hitPos, vel)); } void Client::BlocksFell(std::vector blocks) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (blocks.empty()) return; FallingBlock *b = new FallingBlock(this, blocks); AddLocalEntity(b); if (!IsMuted()) { IntVector3 v = blocks[0]; Vector3 o; o.x = v.x; o.y = v.y; o.z = v.z; o += .5f; Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Misc/BlockFall.opus"); audioDevice->Play(c, o, AudioParam()); } } void Client::GrenadeBounced(spades::client::Grenade *g) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (g->GetPosition().z < 63.f) { if (!IsMuted()) { Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/Bounce.opus"); audioDevice->Play(c, g->GetPosition(), AudioParam()); } } } void Client::GrenadeDroppedIntoWater(spades::client::Grenade *g) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!IsMuted()) { Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/DropWater.opus"); audioDevice->Play(c, g->GetPosition(), AudioParam()); } } void Client::GrenadeExploded(spades::client::Grenade *g) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); bool inWater = g->GetPosition().z > 63.f; if (inWater) { if (!IsMuted()) { Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/WaterExplode.opus"); AudioParam param; param.volume = 10.f; audioDevice->Play(c, g->GetPosition(), param); c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/WaterExplodeFar.opus"); param.volume = 6.f; param.referenceDistance = 10.f; audioDevice->Play(c, g->GetPosition(), param); c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/WaterExplodeStereo.opus"); param.volume = 2.f; audioDevice->Play(c, g->GetPosition(), param); } GrenadeExplosionUnderwater(g->GetPosition()); } else { GrenadeExplosion(g->GetPosition()); if (!IsMuted()) { Handle c, cs; switch (SampleRandomInt(0, 1)) { case 0: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/Explode1.opus"); cs = audioDevice->RegisterSound( "Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/ExplodeStereo1.opus"); break; case 1: c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/Explode2.opus"); cs = audioDevice->RegisterSound( "Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/ExplodeStereo2.opus"); break; } AudioParam param; param.volume = 30.f; param.referenceDistance = 5.f; audioDevice->Play(c, g->GetPosition(), param); param.referenceDistance = 1.f; audioDevice->Play(cs, g->GetPosition(), param); c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/ExplodeFar.opus"); param.volume = 6.f; param.referenceDistance = 40.f; audioDevice->Play(c, g->GetPosition(), param); c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/ExplodeFarStereo.opus"); param.referenceDistance = 10.f; audioDevice->Play(c, g->GetPosition(), param); // debri sound c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/Debris.opus"); param.volume = 5.f; param.referenceDistance = 3.f; IntVector3 outPos; Vector3 soundPos = g->GetPosition(); if (world->GetMap()->CastRay(soundPos, MakeVector3(0, 0, 1), 8.f, outPos)) { soundPos.z = (float)outPos.z - .2f; } audioDevice->Play(c, soundPos, param); } } } void Client::LocalPlayerPulledGrenadePin() { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!IsMuted()) { Handle c = audioDevice->RegisterSound("Sounds/Weapons/Grenade/Fire.opus"); audioDevice->PlayLocal(c, MakeVector3(.4f, -.3f, .5f), AudioParam()); } } void Client::LocalPlayerBlockAction(spades::IntVector3 v, BlockActionType type) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); net->SendBlockAction(v, type); } void Client::LocalPlayerCreatedLineBlock(spades::IntVector3 v1, spades::IntVector3 v2) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); net->SendBlockLine(v1, v2); } void Client::LocalPlayerHurt(HurtType type, bool sourceGiven, spades::Vector3 source) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (sourceGiven) { Player *p = world->GetLocalPlayer(); if (!p) return; Vector3 rel = source - p->GetEye(); rel.z = 0.f; rel = rel.Normalize(); hurtRingView->Add(rel); } } void Client::LocalPlayerBuildError(BuildFailureReason reason) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); if (!cg_alerts) { PlayAlertSound(); return; } switch (reason) { case BuildFailureReason::InsufficientBlocks: ShowAlert(_Tr("Client", "Insufficient blocks."), AlertType::Error); break; case BuildFailureReason::InvalidPosition: ShowAlert(_Tr("Client", "You cannot place a block there."), AlertType::Error); break; } } } }