-- LUALOCALS < --------------------------------------------------------- local minetest, nodecore = minetest, nodecore -- LUALOCALS > --------------------------------------------------------- local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() -- ================================================================== -- local potsoil = "nc_tree_humus.png" local ceramic = modname.. "_ceramic.png" local earthen = "nc_concrete_adobe.png" local stonwar = ceramic.. "^[colorize:black:128" local porcela = "nc_concrete_cloudstone.png" -- ================================================================== -- local function register_flowerpot(material, desc, texture) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ local ceraform = texture.. "^[mask:nc_api_storebox_frame.png" local cerasoil = "(" ..potsoil.. ")^(" ..ceraform.. ")" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ local glaze = modname.. "_glaze.png" local glazpatt = modname.. "_glaze_pattern.png^[opacity:40" local glazform = "nc_api_storebox_frame.png^[opacity:40" local glazcera = "(" ..texture.. ")^(" ..glaze.. ")" local glazside = "(" ..glazcera.. ")^(" ..glazpatt.. ")" local glazetop = "(" ..glazcera.. ")^(" ..glazform.. ")^[mask:nc_api_storebox_frame.png" local glazsoil = "(" ..potsoil.. ")^(" ..glazetop.. ")" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ minetest.register_node(modname .. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_flowerpot", { description = desc.. " Flowerpot", tiles = { cerasoil, texture, texture }, selection_box = nodecore.fixedbox(), collision_box = nodecore.fixedbox(), groups = { soil = 4, cracky = 2, totable = 1, flowerpot = 1, scaling_time = 150 }, paramtype = "light", sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_optics_glassy") }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ minetest.register_node(modname .. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_flowerpot_glazed", { description = "Glazed " ..desc.. " Flowerpot", tiles = { glazsoil, glazcera, glazside }, selection_box = nodecore.fixedbox(), collision_box = nodecore.fixedbox(), groups = { soil = 4, cracky = 3, totable = 1, flowerpot = 1, scaling_time = 200, }, paramtype = "light", sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_optics_glassy") }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ nodecore.register_craft({ label = "fill " ..material.. " pot with compost", action = "stackapply", indexkeys = {modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_pot"}, wield = {groups = {humus = true}}, consumewield = 1, nodes = { { match = {name = modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_pot", empty = true}, replace = modname .. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_flowerpot" }, } }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ nodecore.register_craft({ label = "fill glazed " ..material.. " pot with compost", action = "stackapply", indexkeys = {modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_pot_glazed"}, wield = {groups = {humus = true}}, consumewield = 1, nodes = { { match = {name = modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_pot_glazed", empty = true}, replace = modname .. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_flowerpot_glazed" }, } }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ nodecore.register_craft({ label = "empty " ..material.. " flowerpot", action = "pummel", indexkeys = {modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_flowerpot"}, nodes = { {match = {name = modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_flowerpot"}, replace = modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_pot"} }, items = { {name = "nc_terrain:dirt_loose", count = 1, scatter = 1}, }, toolgroups = {crumbly = 2}, itemscatter = 1 }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ nodecore.register_craft({ label = "empty glazed " ..material.. " flowerpot", action = "pummel", indexkeys = {modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_flowerpot_glazed"}, nodes = { {match = {name = modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_flowerpot_glazed"}, replace = modname.. ":pottery_" ..material.. "_pot_glazed"} }, items = { {name = "nc_terrain:dirt_loose", count = 1, scatter = 1}, }, toolgroups = {crumbly = 2}, itemscatter = 1 }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ end -- ================================================================== -- nodecore.register_craft({ label = "break ceramic flowerpot apart", action = "pummel", indexkeys = {"group:flowerpot"}, nodes = {{match = {groups = {flowerpot = true}}, replace = "nc_tree:humus_loose"}}, items = {{name = modname .. ":chip", count = 8, scatter = 5}}, toolgroups = {cracky = 3, thumpy = 4}, itemscatter = 5 }) -- ================================================================== -- -- <>=====<> Material <>==========<> Description <>=====<> Texture <> -- register_flowerpot("clayware", "Clayware", ceramic) register_flowerpot("earthenware", "Earthenware", earthen) register_flowerpot("stoneware", "Stoneware", stonwar) register_flowerpot("porcelain", "Porcelain", porcela)